Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 175 The last straw

"Yesterday evening, a Tesla latest smart car drove into an overpass and suddenly accelerated and hit the guardrail, causing the vehicle to fall from the overpass. A driver in the car died on the spot. According to our reporter, the deceased was confirmed to be Gu Ge Corporate expatriates.”

"The cause of the accident is still under investigation, and it has not affected other passing vehicles and people."

Wednesday, July 28th.

Magic City.

Tras industrial area.

Ren Tianxiang read this news on his computer, which has topped the list of hot searches on major platforms. His expression could only be described as dull and dumbfounded. His rapidly dilated pupils explained the shock in his heart at this moment. He never expected it to happen. This kind of thing is really unacceptable.

Because the deceased mentioned in the news was Shen Yongyan.

Yesterday, Shen Yongyan's performance was unsatisfactory in persuading Niu Geng to agree to Truss joining the Wireless Charging Alliance, and the two of them had a big fight.

But this kind of thing is not that strange in the company. Sometimes it is possible to have disagreements and take action directly.

Ren Tianxiang naturally didn't take this to heart.

I thought about waiting for the next day to renegotiate the solution and try to resolve the matter completely.

But who would have thought that Shen Yongyan would drive the car until it fell off the viaduct on the way back, resulting in a car crash and death.

This has caused Truss to fall into a far more passive position than before.

It's just adding insult to injury.


"You bastard, you are still so uneasy after death!"

Ren Tianxiang sat in silence for a few seconds, then suddenly stood up and slapped his palms on the table, venting the pent-up anger in his heart without any reservation, even using swear words.

Tell the truth.

Although Shen Yongyan is still of some use now, if he dies unexpectedly, it won't be a big deal.

Maybe it would be possible to completely dispel Niu Geng's prejudice against Truss.

But why did Shen Yongyan die? He had to drive Tesla's latest smart car and got into a car accident. Isn't this a public statement to consumers that Tesla's new smart car is not good? The losses caused will be huge.

Especially now that this news has topped the list of hot searches on major platforms, it has been spread rapidly, and the vehicle responsible for the accident has been towed away by the authorities for inspection.

Even if you want to block it, you can't.

In addition to surprise and anger, the more complicated feeling in Ren Tianxiang's heart at this time was regret. If he had known that such a day would come, when Shen Yongyan came over, he should not have been given a Tesla car as a means of transportation.

Suddenly, a rapid knock on the door came from outside.

"Come in."

Secretary Li pushed the door open, walked quickly to the desk, and said: "Mr. Ren, someone on the Internet has spread the fact that Consultant Shen was in a car accident because he turned on the autonomous driving mode. Now a large number of consumers are coming to the door collectively. Come and ask us, Tesla, to return the car to them, and the offline dealers can’t stop them at all.”

"These people are so abominable!"

After hearing these words, Ren Tianxiang hummed in his mouth, and at the same time, he immediately started brainstorming in his mind, thinking about ways to solve the current problem.

In fact, so far, there is no confirmation that the car was functioning autonomously when the accident occurred.

Some users took the opportunity to expand public opinion, just to achieve the purpose of withdrawing their cars.

After all, the new energy car I purchased for nearly a million dollars didn’t even have access to a wireless charging station. The more I thought about it, the more I was losing money. Naturally, I wanted to return the car and buy a more affordable Xiaoxing car, or maybe Look for new vehicles from other Wireless Charging Alliance members.

Shen Yongyan's car accident just provided them with a good excuse.

The unmanned autonomous driving function in the new smart cars sold by Tesla has huge safety risks, and consumers naturally have the right to ask for the return of the car.

Ren Tianxiang knows this very well.

At the same time, Ren Tianxiang also understands that Tesla can completely ignore these requirements, but if it does, the result will be a complete loss of the trust of domestic consumers.

The market share it owned will also disappear, and the Tesla brand will disappear from the domestic industry.

Such a result is obviously not what Ren Tianxiang wants to see.

So he quickly made a decision and told Secretary Li: "Immediately issue a network-wide statement to clarify matters about autonomous driving, and also notify all dealers and stores to stabilize consumers first no matter what."

"It's Mr. Ren, I'll do it right away."

At this time, Secretary Li didn't understand the crisis that Truss was facing, so naturally he didn't dare to hesitate, nodded in response and quickly turned around and exited the office.

The entire process from reporting to executing orders took less than two minutes.

Ren Tianxiang was left alone in the office again. He was like a deflated rubber ball. His body completely collapsed on the chair. There was no expression on his face. For a long time, he could only sigh: "Oh, it seems like this Tesla is really going to lose the entire domestic market!”

Truss acted very quickly. Within an hour after the news was broadcast, he responded to the matter through his official account.

The statement pointed out that judging from the car's background driving data, the car never turned on the autonomous driving mode from beginning to end, placing all responsibility on the driver's improper operation.

At the end of the statement, he specifically stated that although Truss did not have any responsibility, he would still provide some compensation to the families of the deceased for humanitarian reasons.

Once this statement was issued, it quickly caused an uproar on the Internet.

Not only is it easily on the trending searches on various platforms, it also happens to be ranked just behind the news reports.


Netizens basically did not believe Truss’s sincere and remorseless statement. They even found out the traffic flow on the viaduct during the time of the incident to analyze and compare it, proving that the accident was not caused by man-made factors. The control is due to the central control system itself.

In addition, someone finally confirmed that there was a special relationship between the deceased and Truss through the identity of the Guge dispatched personnel mentioned in the news reports.

There was a lot of discussion online for a while.

"Truss is good at everything except PR speed."

"When Tesla launched this smart car, I felt it was unreliable. The key was that it was priced so expensive. Now it seems that my original choice was not wrong."

"If you don't have Xingyuan Technology's technology, don't engage in autonomous driving. Something will happen now!"

"The most ironic thing is that in addition to being a person sent by Guge to interface with Truss, the deceased also participated in the development of Alpha artificial intelligence. I am afraid that he himself did not expect that something would happen to the central control system he designed. Bar."

"Judging from the traffic flow on the viaduct during the time of the incident disclosed online, it is impossible for even a novice driver to rush out of the guardrail. It is obvious that the car suddenly lost control and the owner lost control of the car."

"Isn't it Xiaoxing's first-generation smart car? Why do you have to spend that wasted money to buy a Tesla?"

"I have seen this kind of thing. Who would dare to use Tesla's automatic driving function in the future? It is simply a rapid death device."

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the heavy criticism of Tesla on the Internet, many people have doubts about the technology of autonomous driving. Even Xiaoxing Automobile has been involved and has been involved in the whirlpool of public opinion. middle.

The two groups were quarreling over this.

"Facts have proven that autonomous driving is still risky. Who can guarantee whether it will have problems one day? If this happened on the highway, it would definitely be a death sentence."

"I also agree that it's safer to drive the car yourself."

"What happened to Tesla is obviously because their driverless technology is not good enough, and it does not conflict with the one developed by Xingyuan Technology. Anyway, I use the driverless autonomous driving function of Xiaoxing Automobile every day when I go to work. It is simply a lot of fun." .”

"It's safe to drive by yourself. I'm afraid you've forgotten the word roadkill."

"If all cars in the future use driverless driving and artificial intelligence controls driving routes, I believe the probability of traffic accidents will be greatly reduced."

at the same time.

Niu Geng, who was far away in Jingzhou City, was in a calm state and was not affected by the information on the Internet at all.

Xingling took control of the Tesla new energy vehicle driven by Shen Yongyan. No matter how he checked, it was impossible to get the clues he wanted. In the end, it could only be characterized as a problem with the central control system, causing the car to lose control and break through the guardrail and fall. viaduct.

In other words, this hat is definitely worn by Truss.

Originally, after Niu Geng learned that Shen Yongyan was the person behind the attack at the hotel near the Fruit Headquarters, he simply wanted revenge and let him disappear from the world without anyone noticing.

Unexpectedly, the other party drove a new smart car from Tesla, which was destined to become Tesla's nemesis.

Before this incident happened, it would take some time for members of the Wireless Charging Alliance to launch new wireless charging cars. Even if Tesla was unable to succeed, it could still persist in the domestic market for a while.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

but now……

It is no exaggeration to say that Truss is already in a desperate situation.

As for the discussion on the Internet about the hidden dangers of autonomous driving technology, Niu Geng has already had a way to deal with it.

After seeing the statement issued by Truss, he immediately called Qin Xiaoman to arrange the next tasks for him.

"Mr. Niu, are you looking for me?"

Qin Xiaoman walked straight to the desk and asked proactively as usual, although she had basically guessed the reason why the boss called her over.

Speaking of which, Qin Xiaoman also experienced the incident at the hotel near the Fruit Headquarters. However, because she knew less information, she would not have thought that this incident would be related to the employees of Tesla's partner Gouge, so I didn’t feel much about Shen Yongyan’s unexpected death.

Naturally, I won’t ask too much.

Mainly, we don’t know how many people die in traffic accidents every day in the world. If everyone paid attention, the workload would be too much.

Niu Geng didn't hesitate when he saw Qin Xiaoman, and immediately said: "You are aware of the discussions on unmanned autonomous driving technology on the Internet. What do you think?"

Facing the question raised by his boss, Qin Xiaoman thought for a moment and expressed his inner thoughts.

"I believe that our driverless autonomous driving technology is very mature, and it is definitely not comparable to Tesla and others. The key is to make everyone feel confident about us and Xiaoxing Automobile's driverless autonomous driving technology."

Niu Geng nodded: "Yes, you are right."

"Issuing a company statement telling users that the unmanned autonomous driving function in Xiaoxing cars is very mature and will never go out of control."

"In addition, a special fund will be established. For any Xiaoxing cars that have traffic accidents due to driverless autonomous driving technology, Xingyuan Technology will compensate users to ensure that users' interests are not lost."

After hearing what Niu Geng said, Qin Xiaoman immediately responded: "It's Mr. Niu, I'll go take care of this right away."

With that said, he exited the office.


Like Truss, Xingyuan Technology's statement quickly hit the hot search lists on various platforms after it was released, but the results were completely different.

Netizens who were originally worried about the autonomous driving function felt like they had received reassurance after seeing this response from Xingyuan Technology, and expressed their willingness to believe in Xingyuan Technology on the spot.

Even many Tesla owners are ready to completely give up their Tesla new energy vehicles and invest in Xiaoxing Motors instead.

The reason why everyone's opinions can change so quickly is that in addition to the good reputation Xingyuan Technology has accumulated since its establishment, many official media accounts such as Huaxin News Agency have forwarded the statement issued by Xingyuan Technology. It is obviously the above It intends to support Xiaoxing Automobile and promote the development of the new energy automobile industry.

This situation was not expected by Niu Geng.

But it is precisely this performance that makes many domestic companies smell fishy and want to enter new energy vehicle-related industries.

Even Huawei announced that it will develop new energy vehicle spare parts and provide services for domestic new energy vehicle brands. The entire industry presents a lively atmosphere in which a hundred flowers bloom.

Except for Tesla, all new energy sector fund stocks have risen sharply.

It can be expected that with the increasing support for new energy vehicles and the gradual reduction of users buying gasoline vehicles, the environment in major cities will definitely improve significantly in the future, and the number of traffic accidents will definitely drop off a cliff. fell.

Fast forward to August.

While Xiaoxing cars are still being snapped up by consumers and members of the Wireless Charging Alliance are accelerating the launch process of new wireless charging cars, Niu Geng’s entire focus is on the light curtain.

Because the new fund settlement cycle has arrived again.

Although during this cycle, Xingyuan Technology acquired Bojun Automobile and deployed wireless charging stations across the country, which cost a lot of company funds, relying on the order from Xingyuan Microbial Sewage Treatment Plant and the income from Xingyao and Xinghuo Studios, There is still some left, so it won't be impossible to convert personal funds.

What's more, from the launch of Xiaoxing's first-generation smart car to now, nearly 200,000 units have been sold. Even if the profit is not that high, it is still a considerable number.

Sunday, August 8th.

That night.

In the luxurious presidential suite on the highest floor of the central office building of Longfor High-tech Park, Niu Geng sat in the study and skillfully adjusted the light curtain.

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