Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 216 Let’s stop it! 【Second update】

After hearing what Zelda said, Morrison's expression finally softened a bit, and then he expressed his intention of coming.

He said unhurriedly: "Let the Destroyer project stop here."

Although there was only a brief sentence, the expressions of several people present changed in vain. They never expected that Morrison came not to provide help to Guge, but to completely separate the relationship.

Sanerda couldn't accept this result no matter what.

So he quickly asked: "Sir Morrison, so many resources have been invested in the Destroyer project, and now it is about to achieve mass production. How can we just stop it?"

"Even if some outside forces are dissatisfied, we can still conduct research in secret!"

And in order to make Morrison change his mind, Zelda finally said the suggestion that Bella just made, with a little anxiety in his tone.

"Sir Morrison, as long as you give me a period of time, I guarantee that the Destroyer will be ready for service." Grete, who was also in a panic, couldn't bear it at this time, and added when Zang Erda finished his words. .

You must know that Gretel has always been directly responsible for the Destroyer project. He still wants to wait for the success of this research to improve his status in the scientific community. He has also devoted a lot of effort to this. How can he be willing to do so at this time? Let go.

Morrison listened to the words of the two people, but his expression remained unmoved at all.

Still maintaining a cold expression.

After a while, he replied impatiently: "Do you know that many forces in the international community have made serious protests against you, and have even begun to submit applications to the United Nations Congress to send a working group to Guge to carry out investigation work? Even if your Destroyer project is kept secret, it will still be discovered."

"In the final analysis, it's not that you are too incompetent. You actually leaked such important information so easily. The commander-in-chief is very disappointed with this."

To be honest, Morrison gets angry when he mentions this matter now.

In order to cope with China's increasing military technology, the higher authorities considered developing a new type of weapon to maintain its deterrence in the international arena.

At that time, Google had made a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence and wanted to enter the field of intelligent robots. With similar concepts, the two parties hit it off, and it didn't take long for them to officially reach cooperation on the Destroyer project.

The intention is to develop a real war weapon.

To this end, the military also gave Guge a lot of support, including directly testing the actual performance of the Destroyer in the Jiasha area.

It is conceivable that without the help of the military, how could Guge alone dare to control the Destroyer to wreak havoc in Jiasha City.

But what was unexpected was that as the Destroyer was gradually maturing and would soon be mass-produced and put into service, a companion robot suddenly appeared.

The key point is that this companion robot promoted by Xingyuan Technology also killed one of the Destroyers instantly, even when it was surrounded.

This makes Back look down on the strength of the Destroyer. In addition, this incident has caused a lot of international pressure on the above. Even with the usual style of the United States, it will not take it to heart at all. After a comprehensive analysis It is still the most appropriate way to stop the Destroyer project.

After all, a war machine developed with such huge resources cannot defeat even a nanny robot, so what if it is equipped to the army.

Nine times out of ten, it's just like tasteless food.

What’s more, this project was initially suggested to Chief Byker by Morrison, who also served as the general liaison officer.

Now that there is such a chaotic situation, Morrison is naturally disgraced and feels ashamed of the cultivation of the commander-in-chief.

So how could it be possible to give Guge a good look?

Zang Erda seemed not to have thought that the situation had reached this serious state. After hearing these words, he realized that Morrison should really intend to give up the Destroyer project, so he had to persuade him again.

"Sir Morrison, regarding the leakage of information on the Destroyer project, we at Google have verified it and found no clues. In addition, I firmly believe that the Destroyer is of great value to the military."

"We also hope that Governor Morrison can explain the situation to the General Manager and continue to ensure the smooth implementation of the project."

If Morrison was just disappointed and disgusted with Guge just now, then after listening to Zander's words, his mood became even worse.

There was a coldness in the eyes that looked at Zang Erda.

Very dissatisfied: "Mr. Sang Erda, what are you talking about? According to you, I leaked the information?"

"Accident... This should be an accident!" Seeing that Morrison misunderstood what he meant, Zang Erda quickly explained.

Unfortunately, Morrison obviously had no intention of staying here any longer, and immediately stood up and walked outside.

However, when he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around to say the last sentence.

"The general manager will not waste resources on a product with outdated technology. You can figure it out yourself."

After saying that, the figure immediately disappeared from the sight of Zang Erda and others.

When the three of them were left in the office again, the atmosphere became even more oppressive, as if the air was frozen, and they could hear each other's heartbeats.

At this moment, Zang Erda could almost predict Guge's ending. He was like a defeated rooster, slumped on the chair with eyes blank.

I don’t know how long it would take for me to regain some strength and make the final decision.

"Issuing an announcement, starting from today, Guge will stop the research project of intelligent robots indefinitely, and will fund to make up for the damage caused to the Jiasha Zone."

That's right.

In the end, Zelda chose to scrap the Destroyer project.

Even if I still feel a little unwilling in my heart.

The main thing is that Morrison made it very clear just now. Without his biggest support, Gu Ge will definitely not have any good results if he persists.

If the investigation team really enters the company, it will be even more troublesome.

In the final analysis, the Destroyer's strength is too weak. If it can show strong combat effectiveness and defeat the companion robot of Star Source Technology, then maybe the situation will be completely different.

I am afraid that even if there is great pressure from the outside world, Byker will never choose to stop this project.

As Morrison said, no one will invest too many resources in a product with outdated technology.

Only Grete still refused to give up. After hearing the decision, he still insisted: "Boss, the companion robot from Star Source Technology that I got this time gave me a lot of inspiration. I am confident to transform and upgrade the Destroyer. Now We absolutely cannot..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zang Erda waving his hand.

"Okay, I'm very tired now. If you don't have anything else to do, go out first and just follow what I just said."

"It's the boss."

Bella nodded in response, cast a look at Gretel, and then exited the office.

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