Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 222 Holding a Press Conference

"Professor Nomura, it's great that you are willing to come!"

In a conference room in Dongjing, Jiro Asada, then cabinet minister, personally greeted Nomura Yu, without any regard for his identity.

After arriving in front of Nomura Yu, he stretched out his hands and greeted him warmly.

Facing such a scene, Nomura Yu was very moved. He didn't expect that Asada Jiro would take him so seriously.

Even Kazuma Iwano couldn't do this.

"Chief Asada is serious. Since the people need me, no matter what kind of trouble it is, I will arrive as soon as possible." Nomura Yu was very excited and quickly and categorically promised.

For a time, his image suddenly became much taller.

"Quick, please sit down first." Jiro Asada asked Nomura Yu to sit down on the chair next to him, and then his expression suddenly became serious: "Professor Nomura, to be honest, our situation is very serious at the moment, and we need to work out a response plan as soon as possible, otherwise I will You will become a sinner of the nation."

Yu Nomura's heart suddenly moved when he heard the voice: "Chief Asada, you said on the phone just now that the matter is related to nuclear wastewater. What is going on?"

"Don't worry, since I decided to let you come to help, I will naturally tell you all the news about the blockade."

Jiro Asada first signaled Nomura Yu not to be anxious, and then asked a strange question: "Professor Nomura, I think you should be aware of the news that Chief Iwano passed away from illness some time ago, right?"

"Chief Iwano died suddenly while working. Although I was still obsessed with research at that time, I also heard about this from my assistant." Nomura Yu nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly asked: "Is there any other secret in this matter?"

"You're right."

Jiro Asada confirmed Yu Nomura's guess, with a somewhat inexplicable look in his eyes: "In fact, Chief Iwano's real cause of death was cancer, and he suddenly had no time to receive treatment."


Hearing these two slightly unfamiliar words, Nomura Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something. A strange look flashed on his face, and he said in disbelief: "Is it because of the incompletely processed core?" Wastewater?”

"This is indeed the case. Just because this incident can easily arouse people's association and panic, the cabinet decided to publicize it as a sudden death after deliberation." Jiro Asada said with regret.

Seeing that his guess was completely correct, Nomura Yu couldn't feel happy at all, but felt even more confused.

Jiro Asada clearly said on the phone that Tokyo's situation was very serious due to the nuclear wastewater problem, but if it was just Iwano Kazuma's matter, it felt like it was a bit of a fuss.

Since there was something he couldn't figure out, Nomura Yu would not bury it in his heart. He asked directly: "Chief Asada, is the important thing you mentioned still related to the cause of death of Chief Iwano?"

Nomura Yu's words reached his ears, and Asada Jiro didn't intend to hide anything.

Then he told everything.

"The number of cancer patients admitted to Dongjing Cancer Center Youming Hospital has been increasing at an extremely fast rate recently, and these patients have a common characteristic. They all like to eat seafood and live in seaside residences. After analysis by the expert team, According to research, the reason why the cancer incidence rate has increased is probably because nuclear wastewater entering the sea caused certain seafood to mutate."


After hearing these words, Nomura Yu's whole body was shocked. He never expected that the matter was far more serious than he imagined.

Cancer has always been recognized by the world as a medical problem. Not only is it extremely difficult to cure, patients also have to bear a lot of pain. It is no exaggeration to say that cancer has been declared a death sentence.

When nuclear wastewater was discharged into the ocean, Nomura Yu had concerns about this, but he did not expect it to happen so quickly.

You must know that once it is determined that these cancer patients developed cancer because of eating contaminated seafood, it can be expected that this number will continue to rise in the future.

After all, as a country surrounded by the sea, the island country has relied on the sea for a long time to make a living, even the dominant whales in the ocean.

This alone is enough to imagine how many people will eat seafood.

Even if only a small percentage of people suffer from cancer, it will inevitably cause panic among the outside world.

Thinking of this, Nomura Yu could no longer suppress the anxiety in his heart, and quickly said: "Sir Asada, this is a major event that concerns the entire human race. I want to know how the superiors are going to deal with it?"

"After holding a meeting, we decided to hold a press conference tomorrow to announce the true situation of Dongjing Cancer Institute Youming Hospital."

Facing Nomura Yu's inquiry, Asada Jiro said his decision without any hesitation.

Although this decision sounds like Toking has taken on a lot of pressure and is willing to fulfill its responsibilities, in fact Jiro Asada has no choice but to do so.

The continuous increase in the number of cancer patients has overloaded the hospitals in Dongjing. As of today, it is unknown how many newly diagnosed patients have to go to hospitals in other cities for treatment.

But you must know that Dongjing Cancer Research Hospital is the most professional in treating cancer.

In such a situation that could get out of control at any time, it is simply unrealistic to block the news forever.

Rather than letting the situation develop in a bad direction in the end, it is better to make it public now, and maybe then we can apply for international assistance.

Also, Iwano Kazuma was so concealed about the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea, but it was eventually exposed, leaving the island completely passive.

In order to eliminate the international pressure, Iwano Kazuma could only drink the incompletely treated nuclear wastewater in person, and planted a seed for his own death.

To sum it up, I can only describe it in four words...

The gain outweighs the loss.

As the successor of Kazuma Iwano, Jiro Asada can be said to have profoundly summarized the lessons of his predecessor and ensured that he would not repeat the same mistakes and end up with the same end.

As for this decision, it is naturally what Nomura Yu wants to hear.

He spoke without any hesitation: "Chief Asada, the decision above is very correct, but in addition to making this matter public as soon as possible, we must also implement measures as soon as possible."


Jiro Asada was very interested when he heard the sound: "Let's talk about it first."

"We should immediately order a nationwide ban on seafood fishing, all whaling ships stop going to sea, and call on the public not to eat seafood products. We should conduct detailed testing of seawater and seafood products before proceeding. Otherwise, I am afraid that the number of patients will continue to increase."

"The items you mentioned are very useful. I will hold a meeting to discuss them later."

After listening to Nomura Yu's answer, Asada Jiro felt that his mind gradually became clearer and he became more confident in handling this matter.

It shows that he did not find the wrong person this time.

So he then assigned a task to Nomura Yu: "Professor Nomura, you will be solely responsible for the detection and research of seawater and marine life. No matter what, we must find a solution as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Chief Asada, this is my duty."

Being assigned such an important task again, Nomura Yu felt that he was full of passion and couldn't wait to go to the sea immediately.

But just as he stood up and prepared to leave, Jiro Asada's voice sounded in his ears again: "Professor Nomura, is there no way to solve the problem of nuclear wastewater in the ocean?"

"As far as I know, even the super microbial colonies developed by Xingyuan Technology in the world today cannot deal with nuclear pollution in the ocean. The only way to solve the problem is to wait for it to naturally degrade, but this time may last for decades. "Nomura Yu shook his head.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and exited the office.

To be honest, although Yu Nomura now has a good impression of Jiro Asada, other cabinet ministers still remain distant.

After all, if Kazuma Iwano and the others hadn't been unwilling to pay for the bacterial solution and secretly discharged nuclear wastewater into the sea, this mess would not have happened now.

Especially at this moment, it is still uncertain how far it will eventually spread.

If it really affects other surrounding countries, it is enough to imagine the pressure the island countries will face by then.

At the same time that Nomura Yu came out of the conference room, his assistant Kiyoko, who had been waiting outside, quickly came up to him and asked with concern on his face: "Professor Nomura, how is the discussion going? Is it going well?"


After hearing these words, Nomura Yu sighed first, and then ordered: "Go back and prepare first, and then go to sea with me."

Going to sea?

Kiyoko was stunned for a moment when she heard the sound, and then said happily: "I know Professor Nomura, I will prepare right away."

Apparently she still didn't know what was going on.

Saturday, November 26, 2022.


Jiro Asada attended the press conference to officially disclose to the world all the conditions of Tokei Cancer Institute Yumei Hospital, as well as the preliminary research results of the island country.

As soon as this news came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

People fell into panic.

Of course, the first people to feel the impact of this incident must be those engaged in seafood-related industries.

In particular, the island country also issued a nationwide ban on seafood.

Since Jiro Asada did not announce the situation at Tokei Cancer Research Hospital, someone had already exposed the relevant content on the domestic Internet, so the incident quickly spread in the country and aroused heated discussions among netizens.

"What was reported two days ago is indeed true. Human beings will eventually have to pay for what he did."

"It was obviously the island country's fault. Why should everyone pay for it? The island country must give an explanation to all mankind."

"The risk of getting cancer will be greatly increased if you eat contaminated seafood. If any of you dare to bet, from now on I will not eat seafood even if you kill me. I still know what is more important, the lust of the tongue or my life." "

"Is there no way to solve it?"

"There shouldn't be any problem with our own seafood, right? There's still such a long distance between them anyway?"

“Don’t take any chances.”

"Poverty saved me again, thank you for being poor."

"After this incident, I'm afraid the global seafood industry will suffer a major setback. I don't know if eating seafood will cause cancer. Anyway, if you don't eat seafood, some people will definitely go bankrupt and jump off the building."

In today's Internet era, the speed of information dissemination is the fastest, and it doesn't take long for everyone to know it.

Especially things related to life safety.

Almost on the second day after Jiro Asada held the press conference, seafood markets in domestic coastal cities basically showed an empty scene. It can be said that such a scene has never happened since the opening.

Let alone buying seafood, there are no customers at all.

Even though the prices of various types of seafood have dropped again and again.

Even if some young people are bolder and do not believe that domestic seafood products are also contaminated and want to take advantage of the cheap prices to feast on them, their parents will stop them.

After all, when the Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant leaked, there was a rush to buy salt in the country, not to mention that this time it was a real deal. Even if you believe in the quality of domestic seafood, you still can't get past that hurdle in your heart.

To this end, the authorities have also used various channels such as the news media to appeal to everyone to buy seafood products to ensure the normal operation of the market.

However, the effect is not ideal.

at the same time.

In Jingzhou Longhu High-tech Park, Niu Geng looked calm after watching the press conference held by Jiro Asada.

Of course, that's not to say that Niu Geng didn't care much about this matter. The main reason was that he had already obtained the information announced by Jiro Asada from Xing Ling.

Originally, Niu Geng was still thinking about whether to publish the information he had obtained last time, but he didn't expect Jiro Asada to be one step ahead of him and hold a press conference in advance.

This surprised Niu Geng.

In Niu Geng's impression, the people in the cabinet should be similar to Iwano Kazuma. Since even the cause of Iwano Kazuma's death was concealed, he probably had no intention of making it public, but this time he suddenly did the opposite. In short, it is indeed unexpected.

But now there is a new problem before Niu Geng.

That is, should Xingyuan Technology take action?

You must know that the Xingyuan Sewage Treatment Plant under Xingyuan Technology has developed a bacterial solution that can treat nuclear wastewater. It was only because Kazuma Iwano refused to buy it that the current trouble arose.

No matter whether Xingyuan Technology can change the situation, it should still have an attitude.

Besides, Niu Geng doesn’t want to see various domestic industries affected by this incident.

Just as Niu Geng was secretly pondering this matter, Xing Ling's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Master, do we need to contact the superiors to obtain detailed data on ocean water quality?"

Whether domestic seafood products are contaminated by nuclear wastewater will be clear through detailed testing of water quality. If Xingyuan Technology has this data, it can also make corresponding arrangements in the future to ensure that the company will not be affected by this matter. Influence.

Niu Geng naturally understood the meaning of Xing Ling's words, but he did not agree directly. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and murmured thoughtfully: "Wait a little longer. If my prediction is good, it should be there soon." Someone contact us.”

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