Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 224: We are dying, let our ancestors save us

 It was originally a cucumber, but a humanized mouth, nose, and eyes suddenly appeared on it. It seemed that everyone was oozing.

   But this call at this moment shocked everyone and couldn't help but laugh.

   Liu Tao said in surprise: "The talking cucumber, this is really unprecedented!"

   Liu Liuhai and others also gathered around, curious, and reached out to touch the cucumber.

   Cucumber was furious, broke free from the hand of the Cangwu saint, jumped on the beam, and cursed: "Wu, that bipedal beast, if you want to touch this Gua Zun, you should chop off your dirty claws!"

   "Also, you group of bipedal beasts with low IQ, look at it, you have never seen such a handsome and beautiful cucumber, hahaha, a group of dumplings in the abandoned world, this melon is ashamed to be with you!"

   "If it's not for the cultivation base of the melon goddess has not been restored, otherwise, if you see me, you will all have to call the melon grandpa..."


  Cucumbers are endless, and they are very poisonous.

   For a moment, everyone in the hall was so angry that they breathed fire and made heavy breathing sounds.

   "I already thought about what to eat tonight!" Liu Erhai gritted his teeth.

   "What to eat?" Liu Wuhai asked.

   "Cold cucumber with garlic sauce, splash it with hot oil, and cut the cucumber into silk!" Liu Erhai said bitterly.

As soon as   's voice fell, there was a flash of blue light in front of him, and he felt a pain in his cheek, and he drew vigorously, knocking him upside down and flying out, and several teeth were lost.

   Everyone was horrified, Liu Erhai was the fifth extreme of the Ninth Extreme Realm, and he was hit by the cucumber all at once, and he couldn't even avoid it.

   Besides, they didn't see the shadow of cucumber clearly.

   After the cucumber hit Liu Erhai, he returned to the beam and laughed loudly: "The bipedal beast with a cheap mouth, dare to threaten this Gua Zun, isn't this looking for smoke?!"

   "Don't dare to talk nonsense, next time you just blow your mouth!"

   Liu Erhai was lifted up by everyone, his eyes full of anger.

   Liu Tianhe has a terrible headache and apologizes.

   The Cangwu saint was even more panicked, this cucumber is too troublesome.

   She hurriedly yelled: "Guazun, stop making trouble, come back quickly, I won't cut you off!"

   "Huh!" Cucumber snorted, and Cucumber shook his head, turning his head to ignore.

   "I beg you, Gua Zun, come back soon!"

   "How do you usually call me?"


   "That's right, why call me Gua Zun today? It hurts my Gu Zun's heart too much!" Cucumber lowered his head and made a sad look.

   Everyone looked strange and glanced at Liu Tianhe.

   What's the situation? !

   Ma Fangfang's eyes widened in surprise, and looked back at Liu Tianhe with a look of sympathy and pity in his eyes.

   Liu Tianhe blinked blankly, what do you see me doing? !

   What do you mean? !

  Also, Liu Hai's wife, what are your eyes? !

   Saint Cangwu continued to coax Cucumber, Cucumber just ignored her, and finally, she gently transmitted the voice: "When you come down, I will promise you that..."

   "Really?! Don't you lie to me?!" Cucumber was excited and seemed very excited.

   The Saint Cangwu blushed and nodded.

   Cucumber moves, and his eyes roll around.

  If Saint Cangwu is really willing, her cultivation level will definitely recover a lot, at least she won’t be bullied by these two-legged beasts, and there is no need to worry about being cut into cucumber shreds by them for cold dressing.

   "Then you can give it to me now! You have lied to me many times!" Cucumber cried, showing that you wanted to lie to me again.

   The Cangwu saint was taken aback: "Here?!"


   The Saint Cangwu shivered, her face flushed, and she turned her head and apologized to Liu Tao and the others: "Patriarch, brothers, can you avoid it?"

   Liu Tao and the others are unknown, but they nodded and walked out of the hall together. Liu Tianhe wanted to stay but was also driven out.

   Ma Fangfang walked at the end and closed the doors and windows of the hall, looking mysterious.

   "Fangfang, do you know something?!" Liu Liuhai asked curiously, and the others came over.

   Liu Tianhe was even more curious. He just noticed that Liu Hai's eyes were not right.

   Ma Fangfang blushed and glared at Liu Liuhai, and said, "I don't know!"

   Everyone left in disappointment. Liu Liuhai stared at her for a moment, and smiled: "You absolutely know that when I was recuperating at your house, I saw a lot of cucumbers in your house..."

   Ma Fangfang's face instantly turned red into a big apple.


   After half a pillar of incense.

   The door of the main hall opened.

   Everyone hurriedly walked over and saw Saint Cangwu walking out of the hall.

   Although she is smiling, her face is calm, her breath is as usual, she doesn't look much different from just now.

   But Liu Sanhai in the yoke realm felt that the body of Saint Cangwu was much weaker.

   He narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

   "There is absolutely a secret in the body of Saint Cangwu."

   "Otherwise, how could that strange cucumber be on her body and listen to her."

   Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Liu Sanhai's mind. He remembered something that Liu Tianhe had mentioned when he first went home.

   The Cangwu saint of Cangwu Holy Land, with extraordinary physique, is a rare ice phoenix body.

   "Could it be related to this?!......"

   Liu Sanhai pondered, Liu Liuhai’s wife, Ma Fangfang, was of extraordinary physique. As a result, after practicing Yuchan Gong, her martial arts progressed extremely fast, from a fifty-year-old aunt to a young and beautiful woman.

   Therefore, physical fitness is very important for cultivation.

   "The Cucumber claimed that the cultivation base has not been restored just now, is there some connection to this?!"

   Liu Sanhai nodded secretly, he had a feeling that he guessed it all.

   At this time, the cucumber in the hands of Saint Cangwu was very quiet, and it restored the appearance she had when she first took it out. It looked like a very ordinary cucumber.

   She handed the cucumber to Liu Tao and said, "This cucumber is very strange. The patriarch only needs to plant it, and within three days, he will be able to produce a precious medicine-grade cucumber!"

   Liu Tao was shocked.

   Others were also surprised when they heard this.

  With this cucumber, it is equivalent to a steady stream of treasure medicine.

   and it only takes three days!

   Liu Tao also realized, and hurriedly waved his hand: "This gift is too expensive, I can't ask for it!"

   and the Cangwu Saintess gave some concessions, and finally decided that this cucumber would be loaned to Liu Tao for use, and after planting a stubble, it would be returned to the Cangwu Saintess.

   "Cucumber has just benefited and is sleeping now. The patriarch should plant it immediately, so that it won't be noisy and noisy when it wakes up." Said the Cangwu Saintess, a blush flashed across her face.

   Although everyone was curious about the benefits of this cucumber, they went to the back garden with Liu Tao, found a wide vegetable field, dug a hole, and planted the cucumber.

   "Do you want to fertilize?!" Liu Erhai smiled evilly, and pointed to the dung next to him.

   Cangwu saint frowned disgustingly: "No need!"

  In this Liu family, everyone else is fine, but Liu Erhai is a little unacceptable.

  Because at the dinner table of the family banquet, she accidentally saw Liu Erhai actually making her fingernails.

   My God!

   How can someone be so wretched and unhygienic!

   She almost vomited.

   Thinking of this, she glanced at Liu Sanhai again and couldn't help but smile.

   Fortunately, Brother Sanhai has no bad habits!

   At this moment, Liu Liuhai let out an exclamation, and everyone looked at him and couldn't help but stay.

   I saw that the cucumbers had just been planted, and a cluster of seedlings had broken out of the soil. In the blink of an eye, cucumber vines had grown, and then, flowers had bloomed.

   "It's a talking cucumber, it's really amazing!"

   Liu Liuhai sighed.

   Everyone nodded, they were all surprised. At the same time, they were surprised to find that the surrounding vegetables, grass pond, and even a big willow tree in the yard had begun to wither and turn yellow.

   "The essence of heaven and earth, this cucumber is not easy!"

   Liu Tao sighed At this moment, there was a sudden ticking sound from his waist.

   is the sound transmission jade talisman ringing.

   Liu Tao took a look, his expression changed, "It's Liu Zhihui!"

   Liu Dahai's heart tightened, and the Giant Heavenly Ark had just landed on the island of the Yun Dynasty. Did something happen? !

   Everyone was nervous and kept quiet, watching Liu Tao connect the sound transmission jade talisman.

   In the sound transmission jade talisman, Liu Zhihui’s panicked voice came over...

   "Brother Tao, something is bad!"

   "Someone wants to grab the blood snake gun of the ancestor!..."

"who is it?!"

   "They came down from the Tianzhou Mothership, claiming to be people from the Feathering God Dynasty, saying that the Blood Snake Gun is a quasi-sacred weapon, we barbarians are not qualified to have it, they will take it away!

   "They are very strong, they have masters who transcend the shackles, and they dominate our bulldozer dynasty!"

   "We can't stop it anymore, please bring your ancestors to come!..."

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