Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 277: Secret

The dark clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky dissipated quickly, letting Liu Liuhai breathe a sigh of relief.

After the ancestor was placed, Liu Tong took Liu Tao and others to see the blood snake gun of the ancestor. When he left, Liu Wuhai automatically stayed and guarded the ancestor.

"The first branch, I don't worry!" Liu Wuhai spoke to Liu Tao and others.

Liu Tao nodded and ordered the eight coffin carriers to stay.

From now on, their food and accommodation will be on the first floor of the Golden Ancestor Tower, and they cannot leave the old ancestor for half a step.

On the way, Liu Tao pondered, the matter is now, and it is time to train a group of ancestral guards for the ancestors.

Otherwise, the safety of the ancestors is a big hidden danger when they are away from home. If the ancestors are lost, they will become sinners through the ages.

Liu Tong led Liu Tao, Liu Dahai and Liu Liuhai to the dynasty hall, and then activated a mechanism.

Then, the ground behind the throne of the main hall suddenly cracked, making a click, and a bracket made of profound iron slowly rose from the ground.

On the bracket, the blood snake gun of the ancestor was placed horizontally.

Liu Tao and the others stepped forward to check and looked at each other. This was indeed the blood snake gun of the ancestor, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, it was discovered that the evil spirit of the blood snake gun seemed to be heavier.

On the handle of the gun, there was blood flowing, as if flowing blood infiltrated people. At the tip of the gun, there was even more black air permeating, sometimes forming a snake shadow, making the body chill.

"The ancestor's blood snake gun seems to have evolved and become more terrifying!" Liu Tao said with squinting eyes, looking at Liu Tong, "it seems that you have killed a lot of people with the ancestor's blood snake gun!"

Liu Tong smiled bitterly and said: "Ten years ago, we brought back the blood snake gun. In order to understand and save the people, we did kill many people. Later, in the duel with the Yun Dynasty, the blood snake gun of the ancestors followed us frequently. On the battlefield."

"Recently, some people from Feiyu Star wanted to steal the Blood Snake Gun, but they were nailed to death by the Blood Snake Gun..."

Liu Tong explained that as he was talking, a snake-like long whip struck from outside the hall, entangled the blood snake gun, and wanted to take it away.

Liu Tao and the three were shocked.

Someone snatched the blood snake gun of the ancestor under their noses, which was not bad.

The three of them were about to take action, but Liu Tong smiled and blocked them.

"Believe in the ancestors, but also believe in the weapons of the ancestors!"

Just talking.

There was a buzzing sound of the blood snake gun, and the whole body was full of red light, and then suddenly broke through the void, pierced through the void, turned into a **** streamer, and pierced somewhere in the void outside.


There was a scream in the void, and then a person appeared from invisibility, with a blood snake gun stuck in his chest, and he was nailed to a distant wall.

The blood of the blood snake gun circulated throughout the body, and while breathing, he sucked the man into a corpse, leaving a whip with flashing aura.

Then, the blood snake gun suddenly broke through the air and left, and returned to the bracket in the hall.

Not far away, several guards who stood guard came over as usual, cleaned up the corpse, cleaned up the blood, and then handed the whip respectfully to Liu Tong.

They seem to be used to doing such things.

Liu Tong took the whip and said with a smile to Liu Tao and the others: "Have you seen it? Like what happened just now, even the Imperial Guard is calm."

Liu Dahai wondered: "The enemy is not a fool, he can't get the blood snake gun, and he rushes to die again and again?"

Liu Tong glanced back at the blood snake gun in the hall, and whispered with a bit of fear and horror: "You may not believe it, the ancestor's gun is a bit evil!"

Liu Tao and the others stunned, and hurriedly asked: "Tell me more!"

Liu Tong made a false gesture with one hand, enlightening Liu Tao, Liu Dahai and Liu Liuhai through the hallway of the hall, and came to an attic.

This attic is called Wangyue Tower, standing here, you can overlook most of the city.

A maid brought tea and food, ready to serve everyone.

Liu Tong waved his hand to let the maid retreat, and whispered: "This blood snake gun of the ancestor, I don't know when it developed a bad habit, that is, if you shoot, you must drink blood!"

"And as long as someone shows any greed for it, this person will be affected by it, thinking that the blood snake gun is his own destiny soldier, and then risking his death to obtain the blood snake gun, and in the end, all are nailed to death by the blood snake gun. ."

"Those people of Feiyuxing, I guess that's how they were affected by the blood snake gun!"

Having said this, he couldn't help sighing, a sad look flashed across his face, and said: "As you know, ten years ago, Zhihui and I brought back the blood snake gun of our ancestors. After we rescued the tribe, some of the family members The clansmen have eyes on the power of the red blood snake gun and want to steal the blood snake gun in the middle of the night and take it for themselves."

"As a result, the blood snake gun beheaded everyone, leaving no one behind! That is to say, since then, no one dared to pay attention to the blood snake gun casually, hey!"

When Liu Tong said this, he smiled bitterly, and said: "Sometimes I have some doubts whether the blood snake gun of the ancestor has become an evil weapon."

When Liu Tao, Liu Dahai and Liu Liuhai heard the words, they looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"The weapon of the ancestors is naturally extraordinary. It followed the ancestors to fight the world thousands of years ago. It is already extraordinary!"

"Then he was sent by an old ancestor's deceased, and he was conceived with blood for thousands of years. I think it was from that time that it fell in love with the smell of blood!"

Liu Tao sighed, "By the way, it not only kills people and **** blood, but it kills any creatures and **** blood!"

In his mind, he remembered the scene where the blood snake gun had absorbed half of the water monster's flesh and blood essence.

"In order to avoid the blood snake gun from recreating innocent killings, tomorrow morning, we will hold an ancestor worship ceremony, let all the people come to worship the ancestor, and then invite the blood snake gun into the ancestor tower and put it in the ancestor’s coffin. Go here! Let's put the friendly match until the afternoon."

Liu Tao pondered, "The ancestor can purify all evil weapons. If the blood snake gun becomes an evil weapon, the ancestor will naturally purify it."

"That's good!" Liu Tong said with a smile of joy, holding Liu Tao's hand excitedly: "It's great to have you here!"

Liu Tao shocked Wu Jin, took out his hand, and asked casually, "Have you found your lost daughter that year?"

When Liu Tong came to the main line, he mentioned that his daughter was about the same age as Liu Xiaoxiao, but was lost in the chaos of the war and her whereabouts are unknown.

Liu Tong's face darkened when he heard the words, and shook his head: "So far, my whereabouts are unknown. In the past few years, as long as I have time, I have been looking for her everywhere. For this reason, many family masters have been sent to help find her, and even issued a reward order. But there is still no news!"

"Don't give up, maybe one day in the future, she will suddenly appear in front of you!" Liu Tao comforted.

When Liu Tong heard this, his eyes blushed, and he grabbed Liu Tao's hand again. Liu Tao shrank his hand like lightning. Liu Tong grabbed a blank, rubbed his hands awkwardly, and continued: "It's just right to have you there!"

Liu Tao smiled reluctantly, and then asked some other things about the branch.

The four of them chatted, and Liu Zhihui came from behind, and prepared a sumptuous banquet to greet Liu Tao and the others.

While drunk, Liu Zhihui grabbed Liu Liuhai's hand and began to confide in how painful he had been in the past ten years, how much he missed his ancestors, and how difficult it was... As he spoke, he began to cry.

It seems to be really drunk!

Liu Liuhai asked him why he was crying. He began to talk about Liu Daowen and other old men. He talked about how they insulted the main line, how they didn’t respect their ancestors, and how they took the initiative to make peace with Fei Yuxing. .

After speaking, he sprinkled drunken madness again and screamed.

Liu Tao beckoned and asked the nearby guards to take the two down to rest.

The two staggered, but shouted: "I'm not drunk, I can still drink..."

The voice faded away, and when they turned the corner, the two suddenly stood up straight, their eyes were clear and bright, and waved to make the shocked guard retreat.

"Will these old guys like Liu Daowen be cleared by the main line?"

"Not necessarily, the main line is very particular about things, and will not just listen to us! But it will definitely investigate privately. Everyone knows the disrespect of Liu Daowen and others to the ancestors and the main line, and the main line can be found by checking it!"

"Hey hey, I'm really looking forward to it!" Liu Tong smiled, his eyes flickering, his face was shrewd, and the Liu Tong who talked with Liu Tao and others during the day was different.

"By the way, I have to take some time to visit the secret store. The money at home is not enough!" Liu Tong said suddenly.

Liu Zhihui nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know in my heart, there is still more money in the secret store!"

"I'm just hesitating, should I tell the main vein about the secret..."

"Don't! Wait and see! This is our side card's trump card, and also our secret!" Liu Tong's eyes flashed, shaking his head and vetoed.

Liu Zhihui nodded, and the two turned and walked into a room, closed the door, and then quietly discussed tomorrow's affairs again without turning on the light...

In the distance, in the attic.

Liu Dahai looked into the night, and there was a magical whirlpool in his eyes.

He was running his clairvoyance to observe Liu Tong and Liu Zhihui.

After a while, he withdrew his clairvoyance, smiled slightly, and said, "Although I didn't hear what they were talking about, neither of these two guys were drunk, obviously pretending to be drunk!"

Liu Tao squinted and smiled: "They just want to borrow our to get rid of some opponents!"

"However, I still have to investigate. If Liu Daowen and others really collude with Feiyu Star and are disrespectful to the ancestors, they will be dealt with according to the family rules!"

"Yes!" Liu Liuhai nodded.

Then suddenly he smiled and said: "I only discovered today that it seems that only the people of our main bloodline have increased in strength, and they seem to have no signs of blood rebirth. Don't the ancestors love them?!"

Liu Tao pondered: "It should be because they are branch lines. People who are not the blood of the ancestors will have no blood to return to their ancestors. When they are free, ask the cucumber, it must know!"

"Also, I've been busy recently, let's take the time to go to the third floor of the Tianzhou and take a look at Dongdong!" Liu Tao said suddenly, his expression dark.

Liu Dahai and Liu Liuhai looked at each other, nodded, and said, "Okay! Let's go tomorrow night!"

PS: I didn't write cool today. I will try to break out tomorrow, even if I am in the corridor, I must work hard.

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