Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 578: The new Wutian ancestor (four thousand words, two

Above the Heavenly Emperor City, Liu Fan touched his scalp and turned his head full of gods and demons, slammed into the sky, and hit the sky and the earth.

The gods and demons transformed by each of his gods have the strength of a half-step prophet. With their joint hands, the black smoke of death in the four fields is quickly swept away.

The swallowing **** and demon bowl was suspended in the void, and the mouth of the bowl became extremely large, covering the entire sky, swallowing endless black smoke, and billowing.

The world gradually became clearer, and the black smoke of death began to dissipate and recede.

"Go, come with me!"

Liu Fan said to Baidi, the two of them stepped out and came to a valley.

In the valley, five dead and smoky five ancestors are casting spells.

Liu Fan immediately shot the thunder, covering the five prophets with one big palm, and hitting the Wutian ancestor with the other hand.


He slapped the palm of Thunder, the chaotic **** thunder, but with one blow, the entire valley disappeared.

The fifth ancestor was injured, manifested in the distance and transformed into a human form.

They were shrouded in black robes, with a vicious and terrifying aura, black smoke billowing under the black robes, their scarlet eyes majestic and bloodthirsty, full of tyrannical murderous aura.

"Human, **** it!"

They rushed forward, and Liu Fan greeted him, with order and divine light in his palm, and he immediately confronted a few people for thousands of times to fight quickly.

Wutian Ancestor and four others besieged Liu Fan, and the remaining prophet fought with the Baidi.

The Baidi was originally worried about Liu Fan's safety, but he turned his head and found that the four dead and black smoke prophets were all downwind, and Liu Fan was crushed and beaten.

Moreover, Liu Fan's whole body was entwined with chaotic air, and the nine-color divine light burst, and the sky was shattered in one stroke, like a paper, bringing out terrifying chaotic lightning.

Baidi's eyes stared out.

"The Way of Chaos!"

"No wonder the emperor is so strong!"

"Madan, this eldest brother, I don't know if I lose, and I am not wronged!"

Baidi was shocked.

The Tao of Chaos is the most difficult way to cultivate, because it includes Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. It is extremely difficult to cultivate!

But once the cultivation is completed, the strength is unimaginable.

"Bloodhand has cultivated the Five Elements Dao and the Blood Fiend Dao, and the five elements have been united. Maybe only he is qualified to be the opponent of the Emperor!"

Baidi pondered, his eyes showed expectation, looking forward to the battle between Baidi and Bloodhand Tianzun.

Seeing Liu Fan's strength, Bai Di was no longer anxious, and let his heart down to fight the Death Prophet in front of him. The two were of equal strength, and no one could do anything about it.

Liu Fan's moves were ruthless, simple and rude, and all kinds of magical skills were readily available, and the death prophet roared again and again, but he kept retreating.

They realized that they were invincible and wanted to escape, but Liu Fan restrained them and continued to bombard.

Especially the Wutian ancestor, who became Liu Fan's key "object of care", his body was broken up several times, affected his origin, and was extremely injured.

"Human race, why keep staring at me to fight?!"

The ancestor Wutian roared angrily. At this moment, he was broken up and reorganized seven times, and the other three were only broken up once, which made him feel ashamed.

Liu Fan flashed and appeared beside him, slapped him from the forehead to the soles of his feet, broke up again, and then said: "Because you are the weakest, if you don't beat you, who should I beat?!"


The Wutian ancestor, who had just restructured his body, heard the words and spit out a burst of black blood on his back. The black blood turned into thick smoke in the void.

The other three ancestors heard it and couldn't help grinning.

"Wu Tian, ​​look, it's not that we usually despise you, indeed you are the weakest, now even the enemy is bullying you, quack!"


Liu Fan blasted out with a punch, smashing the mouth of the speaking Death Prophet, and then the orderly light on his fist burst, tearing half of his head.

He was seriously injured and fought back, and a puff of black smoke turned into a powerful arrow, which hit Liu Fan's heart.

Liu Fan felt cold in his body, and the black smoke of death had invaded his body.

Chaos flames burned on his body, burning everything and purifying the black smoke of death.


He culled again, and the four death prophets fought back.

They are very strong, able to cultivate to the realm of prophecy, there is no weak person, and they have great fortune and great perseverance. Even if they are pressed and beaten by Liu Fan, they are still not in a hurry, obviously there are other killer moves.

Liu Fan pressed forward every step of the way, and began to attack hard.

The five people hit the sky, rushed into the void, stirred the situation and changed its color, and the entire Taixu realm was filled with a mighty and terrifying atmosphere.

In the endless distance, the Heavenly Emperor City was suspended in the void, and countless people stood on the wall and stared. They could not see the situation of the war, but could only perceive the increasingly stronger shock wave.

On the earth, there were constant visions, lightning and thunder, violent wind roaring, and the sky was clear, but it instantly turned into night.

In the firmament of the dark night, there are several rays of light intertwined, sometimes flashing, tearing the void, and the aura of the law agitated.

It was a few figures at war.

Among them, there is Liu Fan.

The crowd was full of enthusiasm and nervousness. With their cultivation base and strength, they naturally couldn't see the specific situation of the war.

This battle.

It lasted three days and three nights.

When dawn comes on the third day.

In the sky, a scream was suddenly screamed.

The Wutian ancestor was severely injured by Liu Fan, smashed the origin and suffered serious injuries.

The other four prophets were shocked. They didn't care just now, and even ridiculed the Wutian ancestor, because the origin of the Wutian ancestor has not been dispersed, but the injury has spread.

In their form of existence, as long as the source exists, they will not die.

This is also their pride.

But at this moment, the origin of the Wutian ancestor was broken up, the Daoji was damaged, and it might fall into the realm of prophecy.

They began to be afraid, the fall of the prophetic realm, whether it was on the human race or the black smoke of death, was a great blow.

"Black smoke destroys the world!"

"The hand of death!"

"Fear of spirits!"

Several death prophets simultaneously used their original abilities, including the prophet who had fought with Baidi, also fled in an instant, appeared beside Liu Fan, and launched a powerful blow.

They joined forces to attack and destroy the void where Liu Fan was located. Several black holes collided and exploded again.

Liu Fan suffered a heavy blow and fully resisted.

Taking advantage of this gap, several death and black smoke prophets rolled up the seriously injured Wutian ancestor, escaped into nothingness, and quickly disappeared.

The void returned to calm.

Liu Fan fell out of nothingness, wounded on his body, and thick death black smoke oozing out of his body, and even black smoke lingered in his mouth, nose and ears.

Baidi was shocked.

Liu Fan waved his hand to indicate that it was OK.

He sat cross-legged in the void, with chaotic flames on his body, burning everything and burning all the black smoke of death.

Seeing this, Baidi was relieved.

"The most difficult thing to deal with with the black smoke of death is their all-pervasive infectivity. Once it invades the Daoji, we will be assimilated and controlled by them!"

Baidi said, his eyes serious.

"In the Taixu realm, there were originally seventeen prophets. Two of them had gone deep into the ancestral land of the black smoke of death to investigate the truth, but were infected and assimilated into the black smoke of death prophet and became our enemy."

"When we found out, it was too late!"

Liu Fan's heart moved.

I remembered the seven stars seen by the black smoke avatar of death on that broken continent, representing the seven ancestors of black smoke of death.


He saw five, so are the remaining two ancestors human prophets infected by assimilation? !

"The answer may be known soon!"

Liu Fan thought in his heart.

After this battle, he had a general understanding of the strength of the ancestors of the dead black smoke prophets, and each of them had the same combat power as the Baidi.

Only the Wutian ancestor is slightly weaker and seems to be a new prophet.

"Now, it depends on the clone!"

Liu Fan smiled.

He made all-out efforts to attack Wutian ancestors, just to create opportunities for his death black smoke clone.

Return to Tiandi City.

Baidi follows.

In the Celestial Emperor City, thousands of people were eagerly waiting. They saw the black smoke of death receding on the earth and the recovery of Qingming. They had already guessed. At this moment, seeing Liu Fan and Baidi return, they suddenly burst into heavenly cheers.

Especially the people who fled here after the Baidi City was destroyed, they felt the most real.

Because they were worried that Tiandi City would be breached like Baidi City, everyone was killed and wounded and fled again.

But now, the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Bai returned triumphantly, repelling the attack of the black smoke of death, they immediately burst into tears of joy, shouting loudly that the Emperor of Heaven is invincible and the Emperor of Bai is invincible.

At the same time, I began to respect Liu Fan, the Heavenly Emperor, in my heart.

Liu Fan and Baidi returned, announcing that all order was as usual, and the trial of the battlefield of the gods and demons continued.

Then, they all began to retreat and adjust their interest rate.


at the same time.

At the far end of the world, on the broken continent behind the crack in the void, seven stars in the void are floating.

At this moment.

There was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and the seven figures appeared, and the coercion of the prophetic realm filled his body.

The guard's death black smoke master saw it and hurriedly saluted.

"Wu Tian, ​​do you need us to help you heal?!" a prophet asked.

Wutian ancestor coldly snorted: "No need, I can treat this little injury by myself!"

After that, his figure flashed, flew into the void, and returned to his planet.

His planet is at the edge of the seven planets.

The four prophets snorted angrily when seeing Wutian Patriarch so stubborn.

"Wu Tian, ​​this guy just wants to face and suffer. Is the injury of the origin so easy to treat?!"

"Speaking of which, this time the prophet of the human race is really powerful. We didn't try our best to make a move. He seems to have reservations too!"

"Great enemy, this person is definitely our great enemy of death and black smoke, but we have never seen this person. When did Human Race appear such a strange prophetic power?"

"Notify our dark child and let him investigate..."

"By the way, Ancestor Wuya, your Ancestor Star is the closest to Wutian, so pay attention to him."

Several people talked for a while, and then flew back to their planet.

When Patriarch Wuya passed by the ancestor star of Patriarch Wuya, he shouted: "Wutian, are you okay?"

"Fuck off! Don't bother me, watch your ass!"

On the planet of Wutian ancestors, there was a roar.

The ancestor Wuya nodded, shouting so vigorously, and still thinking about his butt, it seemed that he should be fine.

So, he turned his head and returned to his ancestor star to retreat.

They were all injured during the war and needed to rest for a while.

The seven planets are like spoons, exactly like the Big Dipper.

The sky became quiet.

The Wutian ancestor returned to his ancestral star. It was a barren place, the earth was as black as ink, the void and death and black smoke were clouds, and there was no creature.

Not even a dead smoky creature.

This is the ancestor of Wutian ancestor.

He is a new prophet, and he doesn't believe anyone, even his subordinates, all of them are stationed on the smoky continent below.

The Wutian ancestor walked up to a huge mountain step by step, carefully perceiving all the restrictions and formation patterns, and found that there was no touch, and nodded slightly. Then he played a magic trick casually, opened the restriction of the cave, and walked in.

This cave is luxuriously furnished, like a palace garden, very exquisite, with pictures of beautiful women hanging on the walls, as well as various double-editing pictures.

It was completely different from the desolation and silence outside.

It can be seen that Wutian ancestors are cold on the outside, but they are actually very boring on the inside!

The Wutian ancestor sat down on the futon, and only then took a long breath of relief. He noticed that the origin of his injury was split, and he was suddenly angry and shy.

"Damn human race, you must be good-looking when this work is healed."

"There are also those four guys, everyone is the fifth ancestor, why so insult me?!"

Wutian ancestor cursed in a low voice.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a faint voice in the cave...

"Wu Tian, ​​do you want revenge? Do you want to be the boss of the fifth ancestor? Give you to me, give me..."

The ancestor Wutian was surprised that a rabbit jumped, bounced from the futon, and shouted: "Who?!"

He was horrified, but he didn't know that someone would lurk in.

But at this moment, his eyes were dark, and a figure appeared. The moment this figure appeared, the Wutian ancestor couldn't help being taken aback.

Because the person in front of him is exactly the same as him, no matter whether it is aura or original aura, there is no difference.


If it notices something bad, it will make a cry for help and let others come to save itself.

But as soon as I opened my mouth, I realized that my cave had been shielded and isolated, and there was no breath or sound coming out. The enemy's arrangement was too tight.

At this moment.

The enemy on the opposite side launched an attack, and he hurriedly responded to the enemy, and at the same time activated the huge array of killer moves in the cave.

However, the enemy on the opposite side was too strong and got into his body at once.


The Wutian ancestor trembled. He was severely injured and his strength was greatly damaged. He was instantly robbed, and the eyes under the black robe gradually lost its luster.

After a while, Wutian ancestor suddenly raised his head, his eyes lightened again, scarlet, but with an inexplicable smile.

"From then on, I am the ancestor of Wutian, hahaha..."

A faint voice came from under the black robe, and an evil atmosphere of darkness filled his body.

ps: ask for votes


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