Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 619: Serving the family, winning glory for the ancestors, fighting for the little ancestors

"That's right, the little ancestor is the daughter of the old ancestor, and the old ancestor must have taken good care of her. If she can't keep up with her cultivation, then it's abnormal.

Yang Shouan thought in his heart, very envious of Liu Xin.

But Liu Meimei, Liu Erdan, Liu Xiaotao, Liu Qianxue, Liu Ahua, Kang Yuan, Duan Longhao, and other tribesmen were very shocked. They looked at Yang Shouan deeply, and there was a vague sense of awe in their eyes.

These people are better than them, and even have two dominance.

However, these five people were all killed by Yang Shouan in a **** battle, which shows that Yang Shouan is powerful and terrifying.

The strong are always in awe.

Yang Shouan noticed the changes in the eyes of everyone, and hurriedly said: "All the brothers and sisters of the clansmen are the most valued cubs of the ancestors. They have extraordinary talents. Your cultivation level will definitely break through and become stronger soon."

This sentence is very wonderful, not only praised the ancestors, but also praised everyone.

Everyone couldn't help but their chests were slightly raised, their eyes were confident, and the look in Yang Shouan's eyes became more friendly.

Liu Wuhai saw this scene in his eyes and nodded slightly.

"This Yang Shouan has grown a lot. It seems that with the advice of the patriarch, he can entrust important tasks and enter the family's core management."

He pondered in his heart.

Yang Shouan led the people and continued on the road, telling them the dangers and environment on this island along the way.

"During the day, you can come out to find opportunities and treasures, but at night, it is best not to come out, because many evil things and evil monsters will come out to hunt, which is very dangerous."

"On this island, in addition to the members of our Liu family, there are also the Baidi tribe, the white bone tribe, the Qingluan tribe, and the pagoda tribe."

"In addition, the black smoke of death has disappeared recently, but I have noticed that there is the smell of black smoke of death in some hidden places, and they may be hiding."

"Here, the biggest enemy is not evil things and evil monsters, but people, so be very careful."


Yang Shouan spoke very carefully, informed everyone of his own survival experience, and once again won a wave of goodwill.

"Hey, what is the mark on the ground over there? I feel the strong Buddha energy?"

Liu Wuhai asked suddenly, staring ten miles away, the ground was exuding marks of golden yellow hair.

Everyone stared at it and couldn't help being surprised.

Sure enough, the mark was very big, and there was no end in sight, going deep into the island.

Yang Shouan smiled in awe and explained: "That is the imprint of Buddhism and supernatural power left by the ancestors!"

"It's best not to get close. The Buddhist mark is very strange and powerful. Some people are careless and even become a monk and converted to Buddhism."

"A ferocious wolf in the prophetic realm has also been converted into a Buddhist hair care Wolverine!"

When Yang Shouan finished speaking, everyone was shocked and shocked.

"I should have guessed that it was left by the ancestors, hey!" Liu Wuhai sighed.

Everyone nodded, and their eyes were filled with awe.

They asked about the deeds of the old ancestors on the island. Yang Shouan was good at telling stories, and the people were dazzled and trembling with excitement and blood.

Liu Xin couldn't help but her eyes were bright, her face full of pride.

In his spare time, Yang Shouan sought opportunities to ask Liu Xin how his wife Li Shushu is now in Heavenly Emperor City and whether it is doing well.

Liu Xin is a woman who values ​​feelings. After hearing Yang Shouan's question, she couldn't help expressing her deep approval to Yang Shouan.

"Now, many people have become indifferent and cold-blooded at the end of their cultivation. They regard sentient beings as ants. They have forgotten their original intentions, even that they are alone, and that they have forgotten their wives and children. I am very disgusted with such people."

"Yang Shouan, it is good for you to have this heart. I will recommend you to my father if I have the opportunity."

With these words, the touched Yang Shouan staggered, and slammed his head against a huge boulder like a lying cow in front, and the stone he touched exploded with a bang.


Liu Erdan's character is the most outrageous. He laughed on the spot, and the others also leaned forward and backward.

Yang Shouan got up, touched his forehead, and said with a smirk: "When I first heard that my little ancestor recommended it, it was like a dream..."

Yang Shouan, who can be black and warm, sweet and silly, has performed all kinds of life by himself, and his path to the strong began this way.

Liu Tao and Liu Wuhai were waiting outside the canyon gathering place.

Beside them, there are two lines of tribesmen standing three miles away. There are three thousand people. They have wreaths in their hands, big red flowers on their chests, and their faces are full of enthusiasm. Smile.

Standing in the void, Liu Tao said loudly: "When the little ancestor comes, you will shout and twist, let the little ancestor feel our enthusiasm."

"Yes, patriarch!"

More than 3,000 people from the ethnic group responded loudly.

Around, the ancestor Ouyang, the ancestor of the bull demon, and others, with the patrol team, continued to scatter the feces of murderous objects on the ground.

These feces have a strong evil spirit and are a symbol of the site, which can prevent other evil things from approaching, ensuring the safety of the ceremony to welcome the ancestors.

Liu Liuhai sighed: "Fortunately, Yang Shouan was sent this time. If it weren't for this, the little ancestor would suddenly come, and seeing us such a loose and loose appearance will definitely leave a bad impression."

"Wu Hai, this guy must be deliberate, deliberately concealing the news of the little ancestor's clan law, huh!"

Liu Tao nodded, "Yes, Yang Shouan did a good job this time, and Wu Hai must have been careful about it."

The two were talking, and a group of people appeared in front of them.

Liu Tao glanced at it, and immediately found that it was a group of young ancestors.

He and Liu Liuhai are both masters in the prophetic realm, but at this moment, they ran across the ground to show sincerity and respect.

"Welcome the arrival of the patriarchal clan of the little ancestor! The little ancestor is auspicious!"

Liu Tao and Liu Liuhai knelt to salute and shouted.

Liu Meimei and Liu Erdan next to Liu Xin stepped forward to help Liu Tao and Liu Liuhai, but Liu Xin reached out and blocked the two of them. She walked up personally and helped Liu Taohe up. Liu Liuhai.

"The patriarch and the sixth elder please hurry up, I can't afford to be your gift!"

Liu Xin said sincerely, her beautiful eyes staring into the eyes of Liu Tao and Liu Liuhai.

"You are older than me. In my heart, you are like elders. Although my seniority is higher than you, I still want to learn from you. You worked hard for the family and made outstanding contributions. It belongs to my father. Right arm!"

"If you see me in the future, don't kneel and salute again."

After Liu Xin finished speaking, Liu Tao and Liu Liuhai's moved eyes were flushed with tears streaming down their faces.

Liu Tao said with tears: "Little ancestor, you have really grown up. If the ancestor sees you, he will definitely be very happy."

Liu Liuhai wiped a tear and choked up: "Little ancestor, you definitely look like an ancestor!"

"Quick, please come in quickly, we will take care of you, and the feast is ready."

The two gathered around Liu Xin and headed to the canyon gathering place.

The gathering place of the gorge collapsed before, and Liu Tao used his great mana to recondense the terrain of the gorge, and set up a grand formation to reach the sky and the earth, deliberately turning this place into the territory of the Liu family.

He has a long-term vision and has already dealt with it decades ago.

Liu Xin glanced around with curiosity.

Just then.

Suddenly, a red carpet came from the depths of the canyon, clattering like a long red dragon, and fell directly in front of Liu Xin's footsteps.

Immediately after.

On both sides of the gorge, two dense rows of people appeared, holding wreaths in their hands and small red flowers on their chests, shouting in unison.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome, welcome welcome, warm welcome..."

The sound shook the gorge, reverberating for a long time The surging voices shocked the birds and birds flying around, some fierce creatures roared, and the sound shook the sky, shocked the patrolling Ouyang Patriarch and others, hurriedly threw out another A mound of feces.

Liu Xin heard the cheers of the crowd, stepped on the red carpet, and walked forward with a gentle and sweet smile on his face.

At this moment, she had a feeling of being a star on earth, very proud and very comfortable.

She raised her hand and waved around: "Thanks, everyone!"

The clansmen had a preview for a long time, and heard the sound at this moment, they immediately shouted in unison: "Serve the family, win glory for the ancestors, win the face for the little ancestors!"

When Liu Xin heard it, she couldn't help but smile like a flower.

Liu Tao and Liu Liuhai looked at each other, and they both saw the joy in each other's eyes.

"It seems that the little ancestor, like the old ancestor, loves this set!"

"Yeah, after all, they are father and daughter!"

"How did you lick the ancestor before, but now the ancestor is in retreat and can't lick it, let's use all these moves on the little ancestor! Lick her well."

The two secretly communicate.

They thought they were prophetic and no one noticed.

But this time.

Liu Xin, who was walking in the front, suddenly turned her head, her long eyelashes flashed, her beautiful eyes blinked and burst into laughter: "Patriarch, sixth elder, don't play sugar-coated cannonballs! Otherwise, I will tell my father to beat you up!"

Liu Tao and Liu Liuhai stiffened on the spot, their smiles frozen.

"What is the realm of the cultivation base of the little ancestor?!"

"She can actually intercept our transmission..."

Next to him, Liu Wuhai smashed a big smoking pot, swallowing clouds and mist, with a gloating smile on his face, feeling extremely beautiful.

"I am still strong after years of retreat!"

"You two are planted, the ancestor is mine, hehehe..."

ps: ask for monthly pass, big guys

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