Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 820: Tianmen level

  The ancestors special action team was established, and the ancestors set off to the hometown of the Qinglin monster to find the ancestor of the mutant monster.

   "The mountains are high and the roads are far away. The ancestors wish you a smooth journey and a safe return."

   Liu Fan whispered softly.

  The children and grandchildren are the hearts and minds of the old ancestors. If you lose one, the old ancestors will feel distressed.

   In the hall, calmed down, Liu Fan crossed his knees, while practising ancient monks' body-building magic skills, while delving into the heavenly gates of the body, hoping to see more of the mysteries of the body.

   "Cultivation, you can't relax, if you don't make progress, you just regress!"

   Liu Fan understood that he was the mountain of the Liu family, the heaven of the Liu family, the root of the descendants, and the **** in the eyes of countless Liu family members.

   I must never fall, let alone slack off, I must be invincible forever.


   And this time.

   Under the ancient sacred mountain, Daxia Kingdom, in a palace.

  Many figures in white coats were shuttled around. Beside them, there were many glass jars that exuded the divine light of restraint. There were colorful liquid medicines in them, soaking monsters after another.

   These monsters are exactly the same as the Qinglin monsters, all covered with scales.

  They are soaked in the liquid medicine and are in a dormant state.

   is filled with tubes of various instruments, and outputs dense data to the control room, inspection room, and analysis room.

  On individual tables, there are monster scales, minions, flesh and blood, etc.

   is obvious.

  Here is a secret research room.

  'S full name is "Daxiamenmon Monster Research Room".

   Outsiders don’t know that in the ancient capital of the Kingdom of God, there are armored warriors walking outside, but there are shadows of modern science inside, and they are very advanced.

   This is just the tip of the iceberg of the Great Xia Kingdom.

   This behemoth has stood in the world of longevity for countless years. It is proficient in countless magical secrets and exercises. At the same time, it learns the knowledge of the heavens and the world, and integrates with itself, develops and grows.

   At this moment, in the Tianmen research room, there is a boil and cheers.

   On the high platform, an old man with a white beard exclaimed excitedly: "As the highest commander of the Tianmen Research Laboratory, I announced that the Tianmen Research Laboratory's different time-space project has succeeded!"

Below   , hundreds of white coats shouted excitedly.

   Because as early as countless years ago, Daxia Divine Kingdom discovered the shadow of the scale monster.

   They analyzed that there will be a special "fresh breath" on the body of the newly promoted Changshengtian, which will attract scale monsters from different time and space to come and hunt.

   The appearance of these scaly monsters guided the direction for the Daxia Divine Kingdom ancestor-level masters whose cultivation base and strength had fallen into a bottleneck. Daxia Divine Kingdom’s oldest Tianji old man calculated and reached a conclusion.

   thinks that these monsters may hide the big secret of the "Unspeakable Realm".

   And their "hometown" may have important treasures, which is the source of "immortality".


   Great Xia Kingdom will allow the cultivated masters to break through to the longevity day every once in a while, and then use these longevity days as bait to arrange traps and hunt scale monsters.

   time to today.

   I don't know how many monsters Daxia Kingdom has hunted, and the research room is densely populated.

   They have become the research objects of the Great Xia Kingdom. Countless masters who practice medicine, life, time and space, and formation are sent here to engage in secret research.

   This is a research that runs through millions of years. It has gone through several epochs. Among them, some people died of old age, and the children and grandchildren continued to study. Generations, generations of strong, went forward and succeeded, and dedicated their lives to this project.

   At this moment, the research room of the Great Xia Kingdom finally has results.

   They discovered the correct way to open the door of different time and space.

   Everyone cheered, excited, and burst into tears.

At this moment.

   There was a guard outside reporting loudly: "Master Shenxiang is here!"

  In an instant, the research room became quiet, and everyone looked awed, and even before they could wipe their tears, they knelt on the ground.

"Da da da……"

   Footsteps sounded from the door, and a group of people came, one by one was extremely majestic, dressed in noble and gorgeous clothes, all the high-levels of the Great Xia Kingdom.

   The leader was an old man in Tsing Yi who was walking on crutches.

  He is full of spirit, ruddy complexion, a majestic atmosphere as he walks, and his deep eyes exude a majestic light, no one dares to look at him.

  He is the divine appearance of the Great Xia Kingdom, and the mortal kingdom is called the Prime Minister.

   In the Great Xia Kingdom, his position is lofty, and his power is overwhelming, which is comparable to the Great Xuntian Supervisor.

  On weekdays, the old **** is calm and unhurried, and the sky does not panic. Even if the Daxia Patrol angel is beheaded and Daxia's holy artifacts are lost, his mood does not change at all.

   But at this moment, he was excited and anxious, and his arm holding the crutch was shaking.

   "I heard the method to open the door of different time and space, and found it?!"

   The old god's words are concise, direct inquiries, and extremely fast.

   On the high platform, the top commander of the research room immediately trot over and replied respectfully: "If you return to God's words, the way to open the door of different time and space has indeed been found."

   said, tears fell.

   The old gods heard the words, laughed, tears in his old eyes, shaking hands up, and shouted: "God bless Daxia, God bless my emperor, Daxia is immortal, and my emperor is immortal!"

   On the ground, a group of white coats, as well as a group of senior officials of the Great Xia Kingdom who followed the old gods, all knelt and shouted excitedly: "God bless Daxia, God bless my emperor, Daxia is immortal, and my emperor is immortal!"

   The excitement in the heart of the old **** is beyond words.

   He only remembers that his father, his grandfather, and his eighteenth generation of ancestors all participated in this project to study the secrets of the Tianmen monster.

   The efforts of generations are finally witnessed by him today.

   This is a great happy event.

   "Where are the research results, let the old man take a look!" The old **** said eagerly.

   The highest commander of the research room said with an empty hand: "My lord, please come here!"

   Immediately, he took the old **** image to a huge enclosed room covering an area of ​​1,000 square meters, where the four walls were full of bricks of the law and artifact level, densely covered with prohibitions and large arrays.

   Under the wall, there are various strange instruments and mysterious formations.

   Combine science with the big formation to form a new power system, this is a kind of Daxia civilization!

   Between the instrument and the formation is a door frame ten meters tall.

   This door frame, the whole body is white and silver, and the power of time and space is diffused to form a door curtain.

  If Liu Fan were here, he would definitely feel incredible, because the silver door frame was exactly the same as the golden heaven gate of the Qinglin monster.

   is just a different color, and it is not as majestic as the Golden Gate.

   Supreme Commander Xie Qian, pointing to the silver door frame and said: "My Lord, this is the result of our research, that is, the gate of different time and space!"

   "We studied the secrets and structures of their heavenly gates from countless monsters, extracted their blood, and blended their muscles and bones to refine this silver-level gate of different time and space."

   "Silver-class door to different time and space?!" The old **** was surprised and thoughtful, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

   Supreme Commander Xie Qian smiled slightly, nodded and said: "My lord should have thought of it."

"Some of these monsters’ heaven gates are bronze, some are silver and white. These are the same as our heaven gates, and there are also bronze and silver heaven gates. Even you and a few adults are still golden heaven gates, and the emperor is a platinum heaven gate. ."

   "Our heavenly gate has a high and low difference, and the monster's heavenly gate also has a high and low difference."

   "Our research proves that behind different heavenly gates, they lead to different time and space."

   The old man nodded, his eyes deepened.

   Xie Qian and others just opened the physical heaven gate, but it was not enough to enter the heaven gate, so they learned this secret through research.

   But, for the old look.

   This secret, he and some high-level officials of the Kingdom of Great Xia knew about it, and they even sent masters into their respective Tianmen to explore.

   However, as if sinking into the sea, all the people dispatched to enter the gate of heaven were mysteriously missing, their whereabouts are unknown, and their lives are still unknown.

  The earliest group of people were from the time of the old **** emperor. A large number of the most outstanding masters of the Great Xia Kingdom were sent to the old **** emperor's heavenly gate in different time and space.

   Those people are truly peerless Tianjiao, and there are a group of people from the Domination Realm, the Prophet Realm, the Taixu Realm to the Longevity Realm.

   However, they never went back and disappeared completely.

   Today, Daxia Shen Guo has not received any news.

   And the **** emperor of this generation, as well as the high-level people of the Great Xia Kingdom, secretly tried to send the masters or dead men they cultivated into their heavenly gates.

   But whether it was the bronze heaven gate, the silver heaven gate, or the golden heaven gate and the platinum heaven gate, all the masters or dead men sent in were like stones sinking into the ocean, without the slightest response.

   Therefore, the different time and space behind Tianmen has become a taboo in their mouths, and the conversation has changed.

At this moment.

   Supreme Commander Xie Qian continued: "After our research, there is a space-time passage between the different time and space behind the Tianmen and our longevity world. The flow of time in it is inconsistent, and it is full of terrifying space-time power."

Speaking of this, Xie Qian's expression became serious and solemn, and said: "We can ignore the general power of time and space, and we can even cross the long river of time and space. However, the power of time and space in the space-time passage behind this heavenly gate , More terrifying."

   "For example, a monk who has lived for 100,000 years enters the space-time passage behind this heavenly Maybe in less than a day, he will get old quickly, and even Shouyuan will dry up and die!"

   The old God's face changed color when he heard the words, and the faces of a group of senior officials of the Great Xia Kingdom behind him also changed slightly.

   A middle-aged man beside the old god's face spoke, his voice was like a sword out of its sheath, and his eyes were wary.

   "Bronze-level Tianmen, Silver-level Tianmen, Gold-level Tianmen, Platinum-level Tianmen, and their time and space channels, how many lifespan is the minimum required to survive safely?!"

   He asked a lot of people.

Xie Qian recognized this middle-aged man as the famous warlord of the Great Xia Kingdom. His expression was respectful and replied: "The time and space passage of the bronze-level Tianmen requires one hundred thousand years of life, silver. It will take 200,000 years for the space-time passage of the Tianmen Gate!"

   "As for the Golden Gate and the Platinum Gate, they are very advanced."

   "I used space-time matrices and indefinite integrals, combined with functional equations to derivate the limits of the two heavenly gates, and reached a general conclusion..."

  Warlord frowned. He only knew whether the knife in his hand was fast or how fast he could understand these things. He couldn't help but snorted coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, just tell me the result!"

   Xie Qian trembled with fright.

   I'm used to pretending to pretend to be in front of a female researcher on weekdays. I accidentally pretended to pretend to be just now, and almost caused a lot of trouble.

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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