Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 833: Gulin War

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The big wild bull monster that Yang Shouan turned into a roar, the sound rolled.

He charged and flicked the horns, and a female wolf monster had already screamed, and the corpse flew down in the air, hitting the escaped Liu Liuhai and others.

Seeing that fierce female wolf monster was killed so easily, everyone turned pale with fright.

This big bison is really fierce!

They changed directions and continued to flee.

Behind him, there was the sound of violent fighting, the croaking of cows, and howling of wolves. Everyone trembled, and the pace was faster.

And at this moment.

In the depths of the ancient forest on the right, a figure more than 700 meters tall appeared silently, casting a large shadow, only evil spirits lingering, and scarlet eyes flashing with cold light.

It's the gray wolf monster here.

But weirdly there was no sound, and it merged with the dark ancient forest.

Seeing the she-wolf monsters being killed one by one, they were indifferent, but the killing intent in their eyes became colder.

It stared at the big wild bull monster and clearly felt that this big wild bull monster was much stronger than it was ten thousand years ago. Not only was its figure taller, but its scales turned red.

If it weren't for the familiar breath, it thought it had mistaken the bull!

Just when the big wild bull monster trampled on the last female wolf monster with a hoof, the gray wolf monster moved.


It rushed up and burst out at an extremely fast speed, making the void unable to withstand this explosive force and explode.

With a terrifying suffocation, its fangs and sharp teeth bit down, and its two front paws fell like a scimitar blade.

Yang Shouan felt the suffocation above his head, it stood upright, flicked its horns, and kicked out its two front hooves.



The big gray wolf monster's fangs bit on the big wild bull monster's neck, and all of a sudden, the fragments of the big wild bull monster's sturdy scales bitten into the flesh.

And its sharp claws also pierced the big wild bull monster's abdomen, bringing out two blood holes.

The big wild bull monster's horns also pressed against the gray wolf monster's back, and the two front hooves pressed on the opponent's back waist.


My old waist!

The gray wolf monster grinned in pain, but bit fiercely, without letting go, in a posture of biting the big wild bull monster's neck.

It understands that this big wild bull monster looks big, but in fact it is a joke. As long as it sees blood, it will flee in fright.

At that time, I will enjoy the fun of chasing and killing again.

However, the gray wolf monster was doomed to make a mistake.

What it doesn't know is that this bull is no longer the other bull!

The big wild bull monster may persuade, but Yang Shouan will not!

He is a person of Yang Ruth. Compared to Ruthless, he has never been afraid of anyone. Of course, he will not be afraid of a wolf today!

His front hooves struck fiercely, thousands of times in an instant.

His hooves are not ordinary hooves. They are sharp and sharp, and they are harder than Shentie.

At this moment, with his majestic strength, he kicked the gray wolf in the back, kicking the gray scales of the opponent, and finally, a hoof broke the flesh and kicked his intestines.


The gray wolf screamed, flung away, grinning in the distance, and let out a ferocious low roar.

The wound between its waist and abdomen quickly healed, and scales grew again.

On the opposite side, Yang Shouan's cattle neck wound healed quickly, and other wounds on his body soon became scarred and new scales grew.

This is how powerful and terrifying the monsters in this world are. They are tyrannical bodies, have long-lasting vitality, and have rapid healing capabilities. If they cannot be culled quickly, they will fall into a protracted tug of war.

The gray wolf's attack failed. It realized the power of this big wild bull monster, and also felt that the opponent seemed very fierce. Suddenly, it stood up solemnly, hovered in the distance, and prepared for the next round of attack.

Yang Shouan slammed his feet on the ground, screamed, and rushed forward.

The gray wolf monster moved sideways, only to see the flickering of the void gray shadow streamer, but no wolf shadow, but the big wild bull monster was already full of damage, and countless scales flew off.

Yang Shouan hit the gray wolf, and the two giants bombarded, the ground shook, the fragments of the ancient forest fluttered, the wind was angry, and the rolled dead leaves rotated.


The sound of the cow shook Gu Lin.


The howling of wolves spread everywhere.

This battle was extremely tragic. The evil spirits raged throughout the ancient forest area, even spreading beyond the ancient forest, making countless other hunting monsters perceive it.

Some monsters are trembling to escape, but there are also fierce monsters lurking in, waiting for an opportunity to hide in the distance, blood-red eyes with a fierce light.

Whether it's the Big Gray Wolf Monster or the Big Buffalo Monster, their flesh and blood are a great tonic for these monsters, and you can make a big gain by eating one.

And Liu Liuhai and the others who fled in the Gulin area were frightened by the battle behind them. However, outside, there were also dark shadows flickering, evil spirits were blowing, and sometimes scarlet eyes flickered like cold stars, obviously staring at everyone.

They couldn't help but frightened, it was other monsters coming.

"Hurry up, hide! Hide for a while!"

Liu Dahai said.

Immediately, everyone found a stump that fell to the ground. The stump was hundreds of meters in size, but it was uncommon in this ancient forest.

There was a small gap in the stump. Several people hurriedly got in, arranged the formation with the magical hair of the ancestors, and hid them.

Coincidentally, the cave where the few people were located happened to be the place where the treasured geomantic land was before, and there was a new grave in the treasured geomantic land.

That was the tomb they had set up for Yang Shou before.

But I didn't want to go around and went back here.

At this time.

There was a faint sound of footsteps.

It was the monsters from the outside world that came. They noticed Liu Liuhai and the others just now, searching here at this moment.

Liu Liuhai and others were nervous and did not dare to move at all.



There was a loud noise, and a huge black shadow fell from the sky.

It was the big bison that fell down, covered in black blood like a stream gurgling.

Yang Shouan gasped, the Big Gray Wolf Monster was really strong, and his speed was extremely fast, his attacking and fighting skills were more adept, like the master of assassins, and the king of fighting.

He fell completely below.

Moreover, he is 500 meters in size, and Big Gray Wolf is 700 meters. Perhaps in the longevity world, the size does not necessarily represent the strength of strength, but in this world, the difference in size represents the difference in strength.

The bigger, the stronger!

Yang Shouan tried to use magical powers and secret arts, but what was very strange was that magical powers and secret arts could not be used. Every time he used it, a vast force of great power would fall in the void, forcibly dissipating his magical powers and secret arts.

It seems that as long as it is a monster, in this world, it can only fight primitively.

Moreover, since becoming a monster, the divine mind cannot leave the body, and the talk between monsters is by roaring.

The roar has different rhythms and fluctuations, representing different meanings.


Big Gray Wolf chased up again, carrying a large gray shadow, and culled in the air.

Yang Shouan raised his hind legs and kicked hard.

This is a nirvana in the memory of the big wild bull monster, a big move at the bottom of the box. It is so powerful that it can crush a sacred mountain with one hoof.

At this moment, Yang Shouan suddenly launched this move, and the gray wolf was startled, and his body shifted sideways in the void. Yang Shouan's ox hoof brushed its body scales and brought sparks.

The Gray Wolf jumped out and fell into the withered tree in the distance.


It saw the monsters lurking around, an angry wolf howl, and the moment it pounced on the big wild bull monster, it moved sideways in the void, passing by the monsters.

In an instant, flesh and blood splashed, and the corpse exploded. In an instant, no one knew how many monsters were killed by it.

The strength of the gray wolf is evident.

The other monsters lurking in the dark were frightened and fled for their lives, and there was a rustling sound in the ancient forest.

Yang Shouan took advantage of the situation to launch an attack, and the horns pressed against the gray wolf's leather thighs, and it blossomed.


The Gray Wolf screamed.

This place hurts so much!

It turned around, its fangs fell, and with a fierce pounce, it threw down the big bison monster, biting wildly.

Yang Shouan kicked four hoofs wildly, and the gray wolf monster quickly turned over in the void, biting from another direction, his mouth saw blood, his claws swung like a sharp blade.

At this moment, the power and brutality of Big Big Wolf was undoubtedly revealed.

And Yang Shouan's tenacity and desperation also showed.

In the distance, in the gap of the tree hole, Liu Liuhai and others saw this scene of the battle, all of them turned pale and sweated on their backs.

Such primitive fighting and fighting are beyond their imagination.

The fierceness of the Big Bison and Big Gray Wolf also made everyone tremble.

But at this moment.

The gray wolf monster and the big wild bull monster fought and bite, and while rolling, they rushed to Yang Shouan's grave.

The big wild bull monster turned into by Yang Shouan saw the tombstone.

The big characters "Tomb of Yang Shouan, descendant of the Liu family" are clearly visible.

Yang Shouan was a little sluggish for a moment, what does this mean? !

Seeing Yang Shouan in a daze, the gray wolf monster looked at the fighter plane and bit down on Yang Shouan's back hoof.

The fangs and sharp teeth were sharper than the swords of the gods, and only a "click" was heard, and Yang Shouan's hind leg was directly bitten off.


Yang Shou'an screamed in pain, and the horns slammed open the grave.

In the tomb, the box containing the Shendan was also lifted by the surging force, and the seal was broken.


The ten-color magic pill in the box is clearly visible, and at the same time, a ten-color fascination rises to the sky.

This world is dark and gloomy.

But at this moment, this ten-color beauty, like a comet in the night sky, is extremely bright and dazzling.

At the same time, the strong medicinal fragrance spread out, permeating all directions.

And the mighty voices of the great road came from the ten-color **** pill, as if there was an ancient existence in the **** pill chanting, rippling roads and roads between heaven and earth.




Around the ancient forest area, countless monsters were roaring, their voices one after another, and they were obviously all startled by the vision in the ancient forest.

Among them, there was an even more majestic and terrifying roar.

Obviously, the appearance of the ten-color **** pill attracted the big guys.

In the ancient forest.

Before the broken grave.

Yang Shouan was taken aback. How could such a **** pill be buried in his grave? !

Who is so frantic, burying such a **** pill here? !

He stared, his pupils shrank.

Because on the box, there is a line of words-"A gift from the ancestor to Yang Shouan"

"This is... this is the **** pill that my ancestors brought me?!"

Suddenly, Yang Shou'an was dull, his eyes were red, and his heart was moved beyond words, and he couldn't help crying.

The sky is big and the ancestor is the biggest.

Good father, good mother, best ancestor!

Yang Shouan, want to cry!

But at this time, the gray wolf monster twitched its nose, and it noticed the smell of medicine in the air, and at the same time saw the skyrocketing divine blossom erupting on the ten-color **** pill, and the deafening roar.

Grey wolf is crazy.

Such a **** pill, such a vision, it has never seen it in a lifetime.

As for the fragrant Danxiang, after only one scent, it felt the blood boil all over his body, and his platinum heavenly gate was reverberating.

This is incredible!

After tens of thousands of years, it completely opened its physical body platinum heaven gate, the heaven gate did not move anymore, to this day, the physical body heaven gate moved again, and it suspected that it had heard it wrong.

"This **** pill, mine!"

The gray wolf monster pounced on the Shen Dan.

But Yang Shouan moved faster, swallowing his tongue in one bite.


The gray wolf monster was howling with and rushed to the big wild bull monster. With its fangs and sharp teeth, it bit down at Yang Shouan's throat, apparently, it was about to bite through the throat to take the **** pill!

And in the distance.

In the gap between the stumps, Liu Liuhai and the others, who were hiding in the crevices, changed their expressions greatly.

"Oops! The **** pill buried in Yang Shouan's spirit of heaven was actually eaten by the big wild bull monster that Gou said!"

"Grass! Six seas are all good things you did! The **** pill refined by the ancestors is so wasted!"

"Yang Shouan is alive in the sky and will not forgive you, nor will the ancestors forgive you!"


Everyone was talking, and in the distant ancient forest, the big wild bull monster that Yang Shouan had transformed suddenly exploded with a terrifying aura...

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