Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 845: Time stone tools were born

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After subduing the five monsters, Yang Shouan was in a good mood, and Liu Dongdong couldn't help but give Yang Shouan a thumbs up.

Yang Shouan laughed, the laughter was naturally "moo-moo-moo" a series of bull sounds.


His flesh shook, and a purple-gold scale on the bull's head flew out, one person tall, and fell in front of Liu Dongdong.

Liu Dongdong picked it up in confusion, and was surprised to find that this scale weighed ten thousand catties.

His fingers surged, but he didn't even leave a mark.

The power of the purple-gold scales exceeded Liu Dongdong's imagination.

At this moment.

Yang Shouan’s voice came from the purple-gold scales to Liu Dongdong’s mind...

"Dongdong, this is the hardest scale on my body, enough to resist attacks that do not exceed my strength!"

"Take it away, you may need it in the future, and with these scales, we can communicate easily!"

Yang Shouan said, "It's a pity that I don't have the ever-changing magical powers of my ancestors, otherwise it would be better if the scales could change shape at will."

Liu Dongdong was already very surprised, and said: "It doesn't matter, it's practical!"

Yang Shouan spouted a mouthful of blood and dripped it onto the scales to help Liu Dongdong refining, making the scales the size of a palm for him to carry.

"Go, break the barrier, let's go to the Silver Territory!" Yang Shouan said.

Liu Dongdong wondered: "What will you do in Silver Domain?!"

Yang Shouan's voice passed from the purple-gold scales into Liu Dongdong's mind, saying: "Go to the Silver Region to fight for the time stone tools."

"Stone tools for years?!"

"That's right! That's a treasure, even more advanced than the magic artifact of the law, and it involves the great secrets of this world, I want to fight it over, and then give it to the ancestors!"

Yang Shouan replied, suddenly remembering that he had killed the Big Gray Wolf Monster, so do other monsters know the secret of this world?

He turned his head to ask Black Wolf, and Black Wolf nodded, indicating that he also knew.

When it was promoted to the Overlord Level Wolf Monster, the bloodline memory began to wake up, and it also knew about the Transcendent Gate.

The monsters in this world basically know the existence of the stone tools.

Because they will also compete for the time stone tools, first they can advance the physical heaven gate, and second, they can open the transcendental gate and enter the legendary new world.

After listening to Yang Shouan's words, Liu Dongdong's heart moved, but he thought that the task assigned by the ancestor had not yet been completed, and he was a little tangled.

Yang Shouan pondered for a moment, and said: "The time stone tools were born just a few days ago. We took the time stone tools first, and then according to the map given by our ancestors, we went to get the flesh and blood of the monster in the crypt."

"Moreover, I think the patriarch and the elders, they will definitely do the task first, so we can completely divide our troops."

"Think about it, there are so many patriarchs and elders who are doing one task, but the two of us present a big gift to the ancestor alone. Is the ancestor's reward more?!"

When Liu Dongdong heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he gave a thumbs up and said, "Uncle An is still clever!"

Immediately, Liu Dongdong used his ancestor's magical hair to break through the restriction barrier again, and Yang Shouan quickly slid in. Behind him, the black wolf, the white enchantress spider spirit, the tiger, the alien monster and the Hulk rushed over.

On the hill.

Liu Liuhai had long been hiding and lurking, and seeing Liu Dongdong, the big wild bull monster, and several monsters coming together, couldn't help being surprised and surprised.

At this time, Yang Shouan raised his hoof and said to Liu Dongdong: "Dongdong, come on, come on my back, I will take you away, fast!"

"The taste of riding a bull is very refreshing!"

Liu Dongdong hurriedly declined, saying: "Uncle Shou'an, don't be kidding, if you want to ride you, only the ancestors are qualified, I dare not!"

Yang Shouan said that he was also his elder, and his cultivation strength was stronger than himself, how could he ride on him.

Yang Shouan said: "According to age, you are right to call my uncle, but in fact, I still call your father a foster father. In this way, I am your brother!"

"Ah..." Liu Dongdong was speechless for a while.

In any case, he couldn't say that Yang Shouan, the commander of the Shadow Army.

In the end, Liu Dongdong was curled up by Yang Shouan's cow's tail and brought to his cow's back.

Liu Dongdong rode a big bull, behind him, the five monsters including Black Wolf followed, and they went to the depths of the mountain range.

The age stone tools were born in the deepest part of the mountains.

"Dongdong, I ask you, why are so many people, only you find that I have become a big bison?" On the way, Yang Shouan asked the doubt in his heart.

On the cow's back, Liu Dongdong smiled, and said: "I didn't notice, I just saw the big bison's eyes have a problem, not like a pure monster, so I have this doubt."

"To be honest, I still learned this ability from my father. When my father went to Tianzhou, he learned from the old sword monster, saying that he was watching his words and colors..."

"The old clan gave birth to a good son!" Yang Shouan sighed.

Liu Dongdong was silent.

After a while, he said: "Uncle Shou'an, can you help me intercede with my ancestors, relieve my dad of punishment, and let him return to the realm of longevity?!"

Yang Shouan groaned: "I have also considered this matter. After we have done our services this time, we can take the opportunity to intercede with our ancestors."

"But remember, avoid other elders and ask ancestors privately!"

Liu Dongdong was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly.

Yang Shouan didn't speak anymore, but the light in the **** moon's eyes became extremely deep.

He didn't feel it before, but when he encountered trouble this time, he realized how big the gap between the patriarch Liu Liuhai and the patriarch Liu Tao was.

Liu Tao's wise, careful-minded, calculating, and capable of observing words and colors are far beyond Liu Liuhai's.

If Liu Tao was there, he would definitely be in the valley at the bottom of the abyss, and would immediately recognize him as a big wild bull monster, and then send the ancestor's **** pill to let himself break through. There will never be so many changes afterwards, letting myself almost miss the divine pill refined by my ancestors!

Thinking of this, Yang Shouan was afraid for a while.

Therefore, in his heart, he also hopes that Liu Tao can return and take the position again.

Otherwise, one day he would be killed by Liu Liuhai, even if it was unintentional.

this moment.

Yang Shouan didn't even know that in his heart, Liu Liuhai was already defined as a "pig teammate".

On the back of the cow.

Liu Dongdong naturally didn't know that his request for his father would make Yang Shouan think so much and so deeply.

His face was full of joy, and he felt that with Yang Shouan's help, his father Liu Tao's return was just around the corner.

Suddenly, Liu Dongdong remembered that he had sneaked out on this trip, and hurriedly looked at the sound transmission jade talisman, and found that Liu Xiaoxiao, Liu Yangyang, Liu Dahai and other people had sent him a lot of messages, asking him about his safety.

With warmth in his heart, he sent a message:

"Thank you for your concern, everything went well for me, and with the blessing of my ancestors, I have found Yang Shouan. He is indeed a big bison. We are going to do something now. You don’t have to wait for us. We will find you when we go back. of."


On the hill.

Liu Liuhai didn't show up, he sighed after looking at the jade charm sent by Liu Dongdong.

Because he was ashamed, he had no face to see Yang Shouan.

When Liu Dongdong, a junior, first suggested that Yang Shouan might have taken the big wild bull monster, he did not seriously consider it and denied it based on experience.

Empiricism kills people.


Yang Shou'an has indeed become a big wild bull monster, this is simply a real face slap!

Liu Liuhai felt a burning pain on his face.

After sighing, he got up and returned. After a short while, he came to the mountain where Liu Dahai and the others were hiding, and joined everyone.

Liu Dahai and others had just received Liu Dongdong's jade charm, and they were discussing fiercely. Everyone looked shocked.

Seeing Liu Liuhai's return, everyone hurriedly asked whether this matter was true.

Because Yang Shouan has become a big wild bull monster, it is incredible, how terrifying the strength of the big wild bull monster, they have witnessed it with their own eyes, and they are definitely one of the best among the monsters.

In response to everyone's gaze, Liu Liuhai nodded and sighed: "This time, it was really careless! Yang Shouan really took the big wild bull monster and became a big wild bull!"

"Moreover, its power at the moment is simply terrifying. Remember the gray scale wolf monster, the white scale tiger monster, and the Hulk monster in the ancient forest area? These monsters were all destroyed by Yang Shouan, and he still Conquered five terrible monsters to follow..."

Liu Liuhai described what he saw to everyone, and everyone was stunned.

After a long while, Liu Dahai said solemnly: "Everyone, we are the descendants of our ancestors. We used to be much stronger than Yang Shou'an. Now, his strength has come from behind, far surpassing me.

"If we don't work hard or work hard, even if our ancestors don't say anything, we won't have the face to meet the ancestors!"

When the words fell, everyone's expression changed slightly, and there was a moment of silence.

At this moment.

Liu Wuhai spoke and said earnestly: "In this world, the flesh and blood of monsters is the great medicine for our cultivation base. I think that after we have completed the tasks assigned by our ancestors, we can send someone to send things back to our ancestors. , The rest continue to practice here."

"At the very least, we have to break through to the longevity genius!"

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded.

Liu Dahai added: "But this matter should not be too rushed. When the longevity world breaks through to the longevity sky, you will be attacked by monsters. I don't know if you break through this world or will be attacked."

"Besides, beware of Liu Changsheng!"

"Although Murong Xiaoshi said that Liu Changsheng had fallen a million years ago, in case Liu Changsheng has not fallen, the rule of one family and one longevity, Liu Changsheng can't help his ancestors, he may not be able to clean us!"

Everyone couldn't help but change their expressions, thinking that Liu Dahai's concerns were very reasonable.

Liu Liuhai made a decision: "Well, let's complete the tasks set by the ancestors first, and then I will go back to the world of longevity, and after reporting to the ancestors for instructions, see how the ancestors arrange, how?!"

"it is good!"


"No problem, just listen to the patriarch!"

Everyone agreed to set off immediately and return to the Golden Realm.

With the previous sneak experience, everyone went smoothly this time, walking day and night, avoiding the night when monsters were the most frequent, using the ancestor's magical hair to hide the body and breath, and sneak in the day.

Ten days later.

According to the map given by the ancestor, the group came to a huge canyon and found the deep crypt.

"Yes, the map of the ancestors shows that this is here!" Liu Dahai looked around the terrain, very sure.

Liu Wuhai rubbed his hands in excitement, and said: "It seems that the monster is sleeping in this crypt. According to the ancestor's mission requirements, we only need to get a drop of its blood, a piece of meat, a scale, or even it. We have all completed the task for the gold that we pulled!"

Liu Liuhai said: "That said, but are you really embarrassed to take a tuft of gold back to the ancestor?!"

Liu Wuhai was immediately embarrassed and stared at Liu Liuhai.

Liu Liuhai said earnestly: "Under the premise of ensuring our safety, we will try our best to get the flesh or scales of the monster!"

"Okay! Go!"

"Yangyang took Murong Xiaoshi and stayed outside, and the others followed me into the crypt!"

As soon as it fell, everyone moved quickly.

at the same time.

Whether it is the Golden Domain, the Silver Domain, the Bronze Domain, or other more advanced domains, the deepest mountains begin to shake, the earth splits, and the mountains collapse.

Then, in each domain, there were three white streams of light soaring into the sky, exuding endless sharp aura, and at the same time there is a strong Taoist rhyme, the magnificent Taoist sound rises and spreads across the vast land...

Years of stone is born!

The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of 300,000 years has finally manifested.

this moment.

Countless monsters suddenly raised their heads, or awakened from the cave, or stopped fighting, or put down the food in their mouth... Everything about the stone tools in their inherited memory became extremely clear, as if activated. of.

In an instant, the eyes of all monsters were full of blood, full of greed and tyranny, and the killing intent was permeated.

Deep in the crypt that Liu Liuhai and the others went to, a huge black scaly monster, who had been sleeping for many years, almost grew together with the rocks in the ground.

But at this moment, it suddenly opened its eyes, and its scarlet eyes were like a blood-colored lake, glowing with vicissitudes of life and excitement, and the crypts reflected in it turned blood-red...

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