Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 849: Contention

  Remote stories, heavy memories, as the old village chief told him, Heizi couldn't help being shocked.

   After a long time, he sighed and said, "The ancestor Liu Changsheng, there is so much boldness!"

   This kind of secret, the old priest of the Blackscale tribe where he belongs does not know.

The old village chief said with emotion: "Speaking of which, these people we were born in the great wilderness are all descendants of our ancestor Liu Changsheng. However, some people have embarked on crooked ways and used Shenliu as a totem to cultivate. Forget the last wish of our ancestors."

   At this point, his expression was particularly angry, and there was a fierce gleam in his eyes.

   Heizi glanced at the old village chief, guessing that the decline of the Qinglin tribe was probably related to those totem forces.

   The old village chief quickly calmed his emotions, looked at Heizi, and asked, "I have said everything that can be said. Then, tell me, how do you seize the time stone tools?"

   Kuroko whispered: "The time stone tools are unearthed in every domain. The more advanced the domain, the stronger the time stone tools. With the strength of our two tribes, the best choice for success is the golden domain!"

   "Of the three age-old stone tools unearthed from the Golden Realm, snatching one is not a big problem!"

   "But this matter requires the power of Shen Liu."

   "Senior said just now that these divine willows are transformed by the souls of the human Liu Changsheng, then they can merge, allowing the divine willows of the Black Scale Tribe and Qinglin Tribe to fuse, and then it will be easy to seize the time stone tools."

   He slowly narrated his plan, and the old village chief's brows throbbed.

   "Although the sacred willow was transformed by the soul of the ancestor Liu Changsheng, it has long since become a separate individual and cannot be integrated." The old village chief denied, feeling a little disappointed in Heizi's plan.

   Kuroko smiled strangely, and said: "The sacrifice to seniors and juniors here happens to be a secret method that allows two divine willows to merge for a short time!"

   talked, his lips moved slightly and the sound was heard.

   The old village chief listened carefully, and his expression was shocked after a while, his face was full of incredible colors, and his muddy eyes were full of wonder.

   Obviously, this secret method shocked him.

Heizi sighed: "This secret method is one of the few secret methods my master taught me back then. Hey! It's a pity that I spent too little time with the master, otherwise, I can learn more secret methods and ability."

   The old village head was surprised.

   Could it be that the masters of Heizi and Maruko are really hidden masters? !

   Otherwise, how can a low-level cultivator create a technique that allows Heizi and others to practice Daotianmen, and also create such a secret technique.

Thinking like this in his mind, the old village chief also became kind to Heizi, and got up and licked a cup of tea for Heizi himself, and then said with admiration: "Heizi, if you have a chance in the future, can you recommend you to me? Master, someone who can train you to be such a master must be the power that shocks the past and shines today. I don’t know what level the Tianmen has reached, I yearn for it!"

   Heizi laughed happily when he heard the old village chief say this.

   He likes to hear others praise his master.

   then said: "Of course no problem, my master is indeed a master who shocks the past and the present!"

   "Although Maruko and the others all think that the master's cultivation level is not high, I don't think so. Master must have hidden the cultivation level back then, otherwise how would they teach me such wonderful methods and magical skills!"

   The old village chief nodded in approval when he heard this. At the same time, he felt ashamed that he had said that Heizi's master was not a master in front of Maruko during the day.

   "Well, since Heizi, you have such a wonderful technique, let's act quickly!"

   said the old village chief, "but be aware that in the golden realm, there is a sleeping monster ancestor who has lived for an unknown number of years. This monster has swallowed countless masters of the wilderness. Every time the stone tools are born, it will wake up."

   Hearing the words, Kuroko also looked terrified.

   He also heard a little about the secrets of the ancestor of the sleeping monster in the Golden Realm.

   "We only seized a handful of time stone tools, and the actions were secretive, and the problem was not big." Heizi muttered, he was not greedy.

   And a handful of time stone tools, they all have secret methods to share their divine power, upgrade the heavenly gates of all eligible people in the two tribes.

the next day.

   Qinglin tribe and Heilin tribe all started to take action, each selected ten masters, led by Maruko and Qingyuan, and set off first.

   And Heizi, the old village head of the Qinglin tribe, and the three sacrificials of the Heilin tribe, according to Heizi's secret method, let the divine willows of the two tribes merge together briefly.

  The fusion of the willows releases the dazzling sacred flower, circulating the mysterious mighty power, and turns into a three-foot sacred willow, floating in the void.

   "We only have three days, and within three days we must get a time stone tool, otherwise the secret method will fail and the two divine willows will return to their positions."

   Kuroko said.

   Then, he and the old village chief took the merged sacred willow and followed the ball.

   The sacrifices of the Heilin tribe are old, the lifespan is dry, the blood is exhausted, and it is not convenient to move, so he stays at the Heilin tribe.

   Heizi and the old village chief quickly caught up with the team of Maruko and Qingyuan, passed through the primitive ancient forest, broke the forbidden formation of the golden domain, and entered the golden domain.

   And this time.

   The mountains in the golden realm shook, the earth cracked, and the sacred mountain collapsed.

   Millions of miles of mountains and rivers and the earth split like a spider web, and the cracks burst out with dazzling divine light, permeated with the aura of law, and the slightest aura of sharpness shot out from the cracks of the earth.

   Years and Moon Stone Tools, born soon.

   And in the mountains and rivers, there are also figures of people and monsters, which move vertically and horizontally between the mountains, at extremely fast speeds, like light and electricity.

   As time went by, more figures appeared, all from the tribe masters from the Great Wilderness.

   But there are more monsters than human shadows. They saw human shadows and besieged and killed. Some people were not strong enough and were immediately eaten, and some were extremely powerful, slaughtering large groups of monsters.

   This is a rare scene.

  In this monster's world, no people can be seen on weekdays, but now, they are very well-known, they are also fighting with each other, and the large mountain ranges they are fighting are sinking.

   is available in a few days.

   "Boom" with a loud noise.

The mountains exploded, the earth sank, three streams of light soared into the sky, bringing an endless and terrifying edge, the gods were as bright as three comets rushing from the ground into the void, exuding the breath of the vicissitudes of time, and the rich Tao rhyme and the echo .

   They shuttled in the void, circling back and forth, and then quickly flew out in three directions.

   "The time stone tools are born!"

   Someone yelled excitedly.

  In a short time, a number of huge formations suddenly rose up in the mountains, blocking the void, trying to intercept three years of stone tools.

  At the same time, several figures rose into the sky, and dense monsters leaped into the air to compete for the time and stone tools.


   The sharp energy of the Moon Stone Tool flashed, and all the great formations were defeated by a single blow, and all the figures and monsters that rushed into the void were also taken by the sharp energy, all screamed and turned into a rain of blood, and fell immediately.

   The sharp air strangles everything, and there is no chance for the body to reorganize and the soul to escape.

  Behind the rocks in the distance, the old village chief whispered: "The stone tools have just been the edge is exposed, no one can poke its edge. It will take three days before you can grab it.

   "In these three days, we need to keep up with a handful of time stone tools, and we can fight for the time."

   Heizi and the others nodded. The old village chief is worthy of being an old antique and knows a lot, otherwise they would have made a move just now, and I am afraid they will suffer a catastrophe now.

   The old village chief's eyes were faint, glowing with blue light, and he was using his eyes to spy on the stone tools that were traveling through the void.

   Soon, he identified a handful of age stone tools flying westward, and his eyes were bleeding. Obviously, age stone tools were not so easy to snoop.

   "I can't see it clearly, but the age-old stone tool that flew westward is a stone axe, which suits us best!" said the old village chief.

   Years of stone tools, there are tools for daily use, weapons and the like, weapons and other age stone tools are relatively powerful.

   Immediately, a group of people chased to the west, and in the sky to the west, the time stone tool was rapidly shuttled.

   Around, there were also many people and monsters chasing to the west.

at the same time.

   In the cracks of the canyon, the ancestor of the mutant monster, awakened, swallowed Liu Liuhai, Liu Dahai, Liu Wuhai and Liu Xiaoxiao into his stomach, then soared into the sky and flew into the void.

   Looking at the direction it flies, it is surprisingly west.

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