Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 851: Yang Shouan VS Heizi (4,800 words

     the ancestor of the mutant monster, because he accidentally ate an unnamed fruit and failed to digest it, the unnamed fruit absorbed its blood and became a tumor in its body, causing its strength to decline day by day.

   Now, facing two star-level heavenly gate masters, it couldn't fight against it, and it began to fall behind.

   I think back then, it was like cutting vegetables to kill the masters of the star-level heavenly gate!

  The strength is so regressive!


   It was furious and suffocated. It was full of blood, like a heavy rain, falling on the wasteland, melting thousands of miles of wilderness.

   In the void, the two masters of the Yellow Phosphorus Tribe and the White Scales Tribe were extremely excited.

   "Brother Gusu, let's join hands, kill the ancestor of this mutant monster, and fight for time and stone tools!"

   "Brother Baihe, good!"

   The two communicated and reached a consensus.

   The time stone tools have to be handed over to the tribe, but the mutant monsters can be killed, they will be famous!

   You need to know that not only many great masters who have been famous for many years have lost their lives in the mouth of this evil creature.

   After countless masters were injured by the ancestor of the mutant monster, the remains were unable to regenerate from flesh and blood, and suffered a lifelong disability, and their strength was greatly reduced, which was extremely miserable.

   Now, if they can kill the ancestor of this mutant monster, the two of them are afraid they will get the title of "Great Wilderness Two Heroes".

   I'm excited to think about it!

   "Boom boom boom"

   The two performed various magical abilities, killing the sky with constant explosions, leaving huge wounds on the ancestor of the mutant monster, too late to heal.

   The ancestor of the mutant monster raised his head and roared, the wind of law howled, and the rain of order poured in.

   This is the supernatural power of calling the wind and calling the rain, but it involves the law and order, and it is not the same as the calling of the wind calling the rain in ordinary monks.

   for an instant.

   The sky has all become a vast ocean of law and order, and the two masters of the star-level heavenly gates also encountered big troubles, roaring and constantly attacking.

   This magical power of the ancestor of the mutant monster is extremely powerful, but its breath is greatly reduced after it is cast.

   visible to the naked eye, its black scales have become much dimmed.

   On the hill in the distance.

   The old village chief's eyes were filled with doubts.

   "Could it be that the ancestor of this mutant monster is really defeated and its strength is greatly reduced?!"

   Kuroko licked his lips, looked up at the time stone pot floating in the void of the battlefield, and whispered: "Let’s take action, now is the best opportunity to seize the time stone pot!"

   The old village chief hesitated for a moment, and said, "Wait, wait, the old man always thinks this is strange!"

   "The ancestor of the mutant monster has a fierce reputation and Megatron, and it will never be so vulnerable!"

   And this time.

  Around the mountain range, several figures suddenly rose into the sky and killed them.

   They are full of strong Celestial Power, and they are all masters of the Star Class Celestial Gate.

   Obviously, they have been lurking here for a long time. Until this moment, they found signs that the ancestor of the mutant monster had greatly reduced in strength, and immediately made a decisive move.

   Their goals are all time stone tools in the void.


The ancestor of the mutant monster roared, swallowing the sky with a big mouth, and the void was annihilated into a black hole. One person screamed and retreated. Yue was still bitten off and ran away with the upper half of his body in horror.

   was injured by the ancestor of the mutant monster, the disabled body would not be able to regenerate from flesh and blood, and he was disabled from then on.

   This is something that countless masters in the great wilderness know.

   And the two masters of the Bailin Tribe and the Yellow Phosphorus Tribe saw that someone wanted to profit from the fisherman, they suddenly came back furiously and attacked each other.

   The ancestor of the mutant monster screamed frantically, attacked everyone, and once again used the supernatural power of calling the wind and calling the rain, and at the same time breathed out the fire of hell, burning the world.

   The masters panic and dodge.

   At this moment, the ancestor of the mutant monster swallowed the time stone tool in the void, the stone pot, and then broke through the void with a bang, and quickly fleeed.

   "Where to go!"

   "Leave the time stone tools!"

   "That murderous thing, there is another age-old stone tool in its body!"

  The masters roared, and the last sentence was the old village chief's roar suddenly, the voice rang from all directions, and there was no way to tell where he was.

   In the void, a group of star-level heavenly gate masters were surprised, their eyes glowing like electricity, they scanned the square, but they didn't find the old village chief.

   Seeing that the ancestor of the mutant monster had flown away, they did not dare to delay, and hurried after it.

   The two masters of the White Scale Tribe and the Yellow Phosphorus Tribe were the fastest to chase after them, because they knew that the ancestor of the mutant monster was greatly reduced in strength. Now they have launched such a big move, and now they are empty and empty.

   "Chasing! Brother Gusu!"

   "Go! Brother Baihe!"

   The two supervised each other and rushed side by side. Their eyes were full of shrewd light, for fear that each other would stabb a knife in the back. Obviously they were not fuel-efficient lamps.

The ancestor of the mutant monster fled in the void and noticed a large number of chasing enemies behind him, and its eyes were full of anger and anxiety.

   I think back then, it was the group of star-level masters it chased and killed with nowhere to go, but now, when Feng Shui turns, it has nowhere to escape.

   It used the magic of escape from the heavenly gate, but the enemies behind it were not weak, and it quickly chased up with the magical power of speed.

   On the ground, there are still many Dahuang masters in hot pursuit.

  The old village chief, Heizi, Maruko, and Qingyuan, with the masters of the two tribes, mixed in the crowd and followed after them.

   "If the ancestor of the mutant monster is really beheaded, then as long as we can **** some of its flesh and blood and take it back to the tribe, it will be enough to make a pot of peerless medicine!"

   The old village chief said, Heizi and others heard the words, their eyes were bright, and they couldn't help licking their lips.

   Qinglin tribe has mastered ancient prescriptions, and can make a rare great medicine divine liquid. They are all very excited.

   "By the way, when you see monsters with blood-returning ancestors, you can catch some, which can be used as auxiliary materials for refining magical medicine!"

   Kuroko and others nodded.

Around   , in addition to the people chasing in the wilderness, there are also many overlord monsters chasing, a figure of more than 700 meters, the ground shakes during the run, and the mountain collapses.

   These big guys are extremely fierce, full of evil spirits, forming a hurricane whistling while running.

   Maruko, Aohara, and other masters in the two tribes cooperated with each other, using all kinds of magical powers and treasures together, and grabbed a overlord monster whose bloodline began to return to the ancestor. It was a scorpion monster.

   Kuroko acted alone, with the powerful strength that shocked Maruko Aohara and others, he defeated an overlord Mustang monster with most of his bloodline back in a few strokes.

   The old village chief saw it and said with emotion: "Heizi's strength, even if he goes to the big tribe in the central area of ​​the great wilderness, he is also a genius master second to none!"

   "In this golden realm, apart from the ancestor of the mutant monster, there are no monsters that Sunspot can't defeat."

   Hearing this, Heizi didn't feel humble, but smiled proudly and confidently.

   Indeed, looking across the entire Golden Realm, except for the ancestor of the mutant monster, he really has no fear of all monsters.

at this time.

   In the mountains ahead, there was a big explosion.

   Everyone stared at it and found that it was a group of masters surrounding the ancestor of the mutant monster.

   The ancestor of the mutant monster rushed wildly, breaking the restriction barrier and fleeing to another domain.

   "That's Silver Domain!"

   "Huh! How about escaping to the Silver Territory?! Chasing!"

   A group of masters in the great wilderness, hula la chased them, passing through the big hole in the forbidden barrier that the ancestor of the mutant monster broke through.

   In the abdominal space of the ancestor of the mutant monster.

   a moment ago.

   Liu Liuhai is crawling on the meat wall in the abdomen space of the mutant monster, slashing the "fat" in their eyes with a knife, wanting to take it back to honor the ancestors and feed them.

   But that piece of "fat" was too big and very tough, and Liu Liuhai couldn't cut it off for a while.

   Liu Dahai, Liu Wuhai, and Liu Xiaoxiao looked up at Liu Liuhai anxiously and nervously.

   The flesh and blood of the ancestor of the mutant monster, cast like a black **** iron liquid, is still glowing red, and only the sharpness of the stone dagger can be cut.

at this time.

   There was a "boom" over their heads.

   Then, a white light fell, enclosing a stone pot inside, and fell on the belly space of the ancestor of the mutant monster.

   "Another time stone tools?!"

   Several people were stunned. Liu Liuhai, who was cutting the "fat" on the meat wall, stopped in surprise.

   However, this stone pot, like the stone axe next to it, was packed with the divine power of the ancestor of the mutant monster, and they couldn't take it away.

   "Don't worry, don't alarm the ancestor of the mutant monster. After we have cut our feet, when we go, try to collect it with the ancestor's divine hair!" Liu Dahai proposed, and everyone nodded.

   Liu Liuhai cut again, but it was a long time before he cut a big cut across the palm.

   Liu Wuhai said anxiously: "Liu Hai, your hand speed is too slow, let Xiao Xiao cut it!"

   Liu Dahai echoed: "In the future, everything related to hand speed will be handled by Xiao Xiao!"

Liu Liuhai was embarrassed for a while, jumped down, put the stone dagger in Liu Xiaoxiao's hand, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Little, come on, Ollie! Use your fastest hand speed to cut us. Get this fat!"

   Liu Xiaoxiao nodded excitedly, climbed up the wall of flesh, swung the knife and cut it down. It looked like a knife, but it had already cut a billion knives, and the blades became a piece of light.

   And that group of "fat" began to loosen up, and it seemed that it would be cut off soon.

   "The small hand speed is really hard to cover!"

   Liu Dahai, Liu Wuhai, and Liu Liuhai all beamed with excitement.


   The ancestor of the mutant monster fled frantically, covered in blood, scarred from swords, and his scales rolled over.

   It has nowhere to escape, only to escape into the Silver Territory.

   But what can be done, the chasing enemy behind him continued to catch up.


   Its eyes were sorrowful, its head raised its head and roared, its voice was like a dragon, and its heart was extremely sad.

   "Are you going to fall here today?!"

   "My own Heavenly Gate level has evolved to the late Star Yao stage. As long as it goes further, it will be the King-level Heavenly Gate!"

   "Although there are old rumors that there are stronger heaven gates on the strongest king-level heaven gates, but I don't believe it, if I do encounter them, I must swallow him!"

   "But now, I seem to have no chance, the end of the Syndicate!..."

   The ancestor of the mutant monster groaned in grief, and his voice echoed across the mountains in the Silver Territory, vast and mighty.


   Jianmang was cut across the sky.


   The light of the sword shocked the world, tearing the sky apart.


   All kinds of heavenly gate magic arts dazzled the sky, drowning the huge body of the ancestor of the mutant monster.

   The enemy is chasing and killing him, and he is not an ordinary enemy, but a star-level great master.

   These people are basically covered with scales instead of partial scales. In the eyes of monsters, they are "Eternal Life Monster!"

   The ancestor of the mutant monster roared and fought desperately.

  Various magical powers operate, frantically fighting, causing the earth to burst, the mountains to explode, and there are mushroom clouds everywhere.

  The horrible aura permeated, the Silver Domain shook, and countless monsters shivered.

   But at this moment, a white stream of light rushed from the depths of the Silver Territory, filled with the breath of time stone tools, and it was a newly unearthed time stone tool.

   "It is the age stone tool that was born in Silver Territory!!"

   Someone yelled in surprise.

   Although the age stone tools here are of low level, they can be taken back to the younger generation to use, but they are the supreme treasure.

   Immediately, several diamond-level heavenly gate masters rushed up.

   However, none of the Star-level masters took action. Their goal was the ancestor of the mutant monster, and the two more advanced age stone tools that the ancestor of the mutant monster had just swallowed.

far away.

   The old village chief and others came, and saw the time stone tools flying in the Silver Territory, and couldn't help being surprised.

   Heizi licked his lips and said, "This time-lapse stone tool is just right to be used for the balls!"

   "Brother Heizi, you are so kind!"

   Maruko said shyly in surprise and excitement, her eyes full of spring water, wishing to kiss Heizi.

Next to   , Aohara peeked at the balls, especially staring at the black scales on the balls' neck, swallowing wildly.

   He has a unique hobby. He doesn't like white skin or tender skin. He only likes the black scales on the neck of the ball.

   He feels that this is the most **** and charming place on Maruko. If given the opportunity, he is willing to lick it for ten thousand years!

At this moment.

   Kuroko has already rushed out.

   The old village chief did not speak, because he felt that as long as the star-level masters on the scene did not intervene, Heizi's seizure of the Silver Territory, the age-old stone tool, would be caught by hand.

at the same time.

   deep in the mountains.

   Yang Shouan is here.

   To be precise, he was chasing that old stone tool.

   A total of three time stone tools were born in the Silver Territory, and he had already obtained the other two, only the last one is left, and he is bound to obtain it.

   "Black wolf, Huzi, Bai Yaoji, go, block the time stone tools in front of me!"

   Yang Shouan Niu called out and ordered the subdued overlord brother to act.

   Immediately, the black wolf monster, tiger monster, and spider monster all rushed out.

   The remaining Hulk monsters and alien monsters followed Yang Shou'an step by step.

  They sometimes roared threateningly at the Silver Territory monsters wandering in the distance. Seeing those monsters urinating in fright, they were immediately very happy and seemed to have recovered their dignity as a boss.

  Behind them, a group of Daxia Commando followed quietly.

   "Captain, only the last treasure is left, do we still have a chance?!"

   "Yes, that big golden bison is too domineering!"

   The team members said to the half-step Long Habitat's captain Zhan Ru mad, looking ugly.

   In the past few days, they risked their deaths to chase the age-old stone tools. They didn't even touch the hair, but they damaged many people.

   Now, there are only seven people left.

   Captain Zhan Ru gritted his teeth frantically, "Don't give up until the last moment. Although we haven't got the treasure, haven't we harvested a lot of monster corpses along the way?!"

   "With the corpses of these monsters, after we devour and refine, we may be able to advance to the longevity heaven, longevity heaven, isn't it sweet?!"

  As soon as the words fell, the seven surviving people were shocked, with joy on their faces, and they replied in unison: "Fragrant! The longevity sky is so fragrant, I dream of becoming a longevity sky!"

   "Okay! Then listen to the captain, let's continue to follow and pick up the leak!" Zhan Ru Kuang said.

   Everyone nodded and continued to sneak.

  On Yang Shouan's cow's back, Liu Dongdong's figure is too small. If you don't take a closer look, you won't be able to find anyone on the cow's back.

  At this moment, Liu Dongdong was on Yang Shouan's 999-meter-high body, looking at the earth, and clearly saw the sneaky group of people behind.

   "These are the people we saw when we first came to Silver Territory that day!" Liu Dongdong said, curious that there are other humans in Silver Territory.

   "I feel their breath, they are outsiders just like us, not natives of this world!" Yang Shouan said without looking back.

   Liu Dongdong said: "I turned around and arrested them and asked where they were. This is also information. We report to the ancestors, who will definitely be interested."

Yang Shouan smiled upon hearing this, and said: "Dongdong, I found that you have the potential to be a shadow guard. Why don't I turn around and apply to the patriarch and deploy you to my shadow army? A town caretaker will do it!"

   Liu Dongdong heard it, and was about to speak, but Yang Shouan suddenly stopped and said, "There are enemies, and they are strong!"

   And this time.

   The Black Wolf Monster, Huzi, and Bai Yaoji, who were in charge of encircling the time stone tools, fled back screaming all the way.

   "Boss, help!"

   "Someone wants to kill us!"

   "It's the longevity It's going to catch us to make medicine! Boss help!"

   The three monsters ran for help.

   Yang Shouan was furious. He sensed the aura of a powerful enemy, but the so-called powerful enemy was by no means the guy chasing the Black Wolf Monster, but the masters of a group of terrifying auras farther away.


   "Who would dare to chase and kill my little brother, looking for death!"

Yang Shouan roared and shouted, the ox hoof flowed with divine light, crushed a big mountain, and the earth cracked. He jumped up, spanning three thousand miles, shining red golden divine light, and fell to the black wolf. Guai waited in front of the three monsters.

   At this time, the figure of Heizi appeared in front of Yang Shou'an.

  In a moment, Kuroko was stunned.

   "Hold the grass! What kind of cow is this?! So big!!!"

   Kuroko was shocked and swearing.

   But instantly, he laughed excitedly...

   "Hahaha, a very strong bloodline aura, sure bloodline has returned to the ancestors, if you take you back, you will definitely be able to refine the peerless great medicine divine liquid!"

  Ps: I went to the hospital for the ECG in the morning, and only started to update in the afternoon, and I wrote a big chapter.

   To resume the update tomorrow.

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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