Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 872: The reincarnation body of the longevity world

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The ancestor of the sword was hazy and about to disperse.

He warned earnestly, spoke earnestly, tried his best to derive, and found a way for the Qinglin tribe to rise.

On the performance field.

The old village chief and others had already red eyes, grabbed the ground with their heads, and couldn't cry.

"Ancestor Dao——!"

They were hoarse, their throats choked, as if stuck in a fishbone.

Especially the old village head, regret and self-blame in his heart.

In order to refine the peerless great medicine divine liquid, awaken the last foundation of the Qinglin tribe, and revive the mark of the sword ancestor, but I don't want to not only fail to refine the big wild bull monster, but to damage the mark of the sword ancestor, now it is about to disappear completely.

This is the last mark of the Dao Ancestor in this world, and it is also the last heritage of the Qinglin tribe, but it disappeared because of a wrong decision.

The price is not small.

And all this...

"I blame this big bison!!!" The old village chief glared at Yang Shouan, his eyes full of killing intent and hatred.

Yang Shouan's eyes were indifferent and looked at the old village chief.

He had seen too many eyes like the old village chief.

In the prison of the Shadow Army, the prisoners who were tortured by him had this look at first.

But later, it all turned into despair, pleading, and fear.

"Give me time, and I will make this old guy regret for catching me!"

Flames were burning in Yang Shouan's blood-red eyes.

At this moment.

Ancestor Dao glanced at Yang Shou'an and snorted coldly, "This big wild bull monster is not a good stubble. To ensure that there is no accident on the way to the Jinlin tribe, the ancestor has to seal you up!"

"It can't hurt you, but it doesn't hinder the seal."

Ancestor Dao waved his hand, and the three stone knives behind him flew out, suddenly turning into a word "刕" in the void.

The word "刕" glows and is made up of three stone knives. It circulates the knife ancestor's knife law and knife intent. It spins in the void, suddenly falls, turning into a stream of light, and it is printed on Yang Shouan's brow.


The word "刕" glowed, and Yang Shouan's huge figure quickly shrank, from 999 meters to three meters.

Such a size is trivial.

Moreover, Yang Shouan's Tianmen was also sealed, and the power of Tianmen disappeared.

At this moment, all he has left is physical strength.

This kind of power, in the hands of the old village chief, a star-level late master, can't turn over any big waves, and it can be easily controlled.

The old village chief laughed, and everyone else laughed, but everyone's smiles were very cold.

Yang Shouan didn't care, even inexplicable expectations.

Because he heard the words of the Dao Ancestor, the two totem saints of the Jinlin tribe who were about to be born, turned out to be Wuhai and Liuhai.

"Wu Hai and Liu Hai, with such names, there are only Liu Wu Hai and Liu Liu Hai in the world."

Yang Shouan groaned, this was beyond his expectation.

"The patriarch and the five elders, why are they totem saints?!"

"Could it be that they were reincarnated?!"

"What happened to them during this time? Does the ancestor know?"

Many doubts floated in Yang Shouan's heart.

At this moment.

In the void, Ancestor Dao looked at the old village chief and Qing Yuan, and said: "You two, come with me. I have something to explain to you."

After that, with a wave of his hand, a divine light rolled up the old village chief and Qingyuan, and disappeared without a trace.

In the ancient tower of the Qinglin tribe.

Three people appeared.

The old village chief and Qing Yuan stood bent, curious, not knowing why Dao Zu brought them over.

Dao Ancestor waved his hand and placed a shielding restriction in the ancient pagoda. Then he said: "This ancestor's imprint is about to dissipate, so there are some things that need to be explained to you."

This is an explanation.

The old village chief and Qing Yuan were in grief, and bowed in unison and choked up: "Please give orders from Daozu."

Ancestor Dao said: "The first thing is about that big bison monster."

"Behind the big wild bull monster, the strongest person is extremely difficult. Even in the Primordial Era, I have never seen such a terrifying creature. I have not yet played against it. Just deduction made me suffer a backlash."

Dao Zu's complexion became solemn.

"Therefore, we must leave as soon as possible, take the Big Bison as a gift and send it to the Jinlin tribe."

"The Big Bison is a hot potato!"

The old village chief and Qing Yuan nodded seriously.

Dao Ancestor continued: "The second thing is about my ancestor myself."

"Back then, I and the other nine people, who also called Renzu's top ten masters, were named the top ten gods and generals. Following the Ancestor Liu Changsheng, we fought against the world of prisons and wanted to gain true freedom and seek eternal life.

"As a result, a traitor appeared in the middle. The ancestor Liu Changsheng died in battle, but he was dying to the extreme. Using great magic power to condense the imprints of the souls of the few of us, and sent them into the heavens and worlds for reincarnation."

"The ancestors are dying to the extreme. I once said that after a million years, we will all come back in turn."

Speaking of this, Dao Ancestor looked at Qingyuan and said: "My ancestor has deduced that my reincarnation body is located in that longevity world."

"So, I intend to send you to the longevity world to awaken my reincarnation body."

"At that time, I will return."

Dao Zu finished these words.

The old village chief and Qing Yuan were stunned, their faces shocked.

Then, the two excited faces flushed and their whole bodies trembled.

"Ancestor Dao, you mean, you will return...?"

Ancestor Dao nodded, a touch of reverence and nostalgia appeared in his eyes, and said: "Ancestor Liu Changsheng, there is grandeur!"

As he said, the light flickered in the palm of his hand, and he condensed a "刕" character sign, pulled Qing Yuan's hand, and printed it on the palm of Qing Yuan's palm.

"Remember, my reincarnation in this life is called Daoerta."

"When you meet him, the imprint of the Heavenly Sword in the palm of your hand will be hot. By then, you will give him the imprint of the Heavenly Sword, and he will wake up and remember all the past."

"Even though the world of longevity seems calm, there are some old monsters who have opened the heavenly gates, so you can't be careless."

"Especially, the ancestor deduced that the terrible creature behind the big wild bull monster is also in the longevity world, so you must be careful and be careful."

Ancestor Dao gave a serious explanation, especially when he said the last sentence, his face was extremely serious and his eyes were solemn.

Qing Yuan was shocked and swallowed his saliva, feeling the difficulty of this trip, but his face was firm.

"Don't worry, Dao ancestor, children and grandchildren must complete the task and wake up your reincarnation body!"

Ancestor Dao smiled, patted Qingyuan on the shoulder, and sighed suddenly: "I just don't know, the best friend of the ancestor back then, the monk, whether Lu Samsara has awakened..."

Qingyuan was puzzled: "Monk?!..."

Dao Ancestor waved his hand, without explaining, he was about to dissipate, unable to deduce the whereabouts of the monk.

He immediately retracted his mind and pointed Qing Yuan to the problems in his current practice.

He also taught Qingyuan countless magical powers and secret techniques to make it easy for Qingyuan to act.

Then, Ancestor Dao's fingers cut through the void, positioned the longevity world according to the approximate location of his reincarnation body, and opened the gate of time and space.


Dao Zu said.

Qing Yuan knelt on the ground, smashed his head to Ancestor Dao, then turned around and stepped into the passage of time and space, disappearing.

After doing all this, Dao Ancestor's figure became more blurred, and he was about to dissipate completely.

The old village chief saw this, his eyes were red, and his heart was sad.

The ancestor Dao passed on many of the lost techniques, magical powers and secret methods of the Qinglin tribe to the old village chief, and then looked at the young willow in the old willow stump of the thunder-struck wood at the entrance of the village. look forward to.

"Well, just use this last strength to help you grow, and I hope you can return soon."

"At that time, I will follow you and fight the cage again!"

As he spoke, Ancestor Dao turned into a stream of light, flew out of the ancient pagoda, and sank into the tender willow of the old willow tree stump struck by lightning at the entrance of the village.


The tender willow sprouts grow as if they are taking a big tonic, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, they become a towering willow tree that is lush and lush, flowing with mysterious light, and exuding a breath of vast laws.

The old village chief ran out of the ancient pagoda and saw this scene.

He was surprised, happy and sad, thumped and fell on his knees, looking at the towering willow tree, howling and sorrowing.

"Gongshou Dao Ancestor——!"

On the martial arts field.

The other tribesmen of the Qinglin tribe also knelt and cried, kowtow to the towering willow tree.

Heizi, Marukzi, and a group of members of the Heilin tribe were shocked when they saw the willow tree of the Qinglin tribe suddenly grow into a towering wood.

But seeing the sad and crying expressions of the old village chief and others, he suddenly understood that it was the sword ancestor of the Qinglin tribe who "sacrificed" himself.

"Senior, go all the way!"

Heizi knelt on the ground, kowtow, and his heart was somewhat blocked.

The ancestor Dao gave him the "Thirteen Swords of the Heavenly Sword". Such a great kindness, too late to repay, the ancestor Dao has been completely annihilated.

"Senior, let me follow you and **** this big bison to the Jinlin tribe!"

Heizi turned around, helped the old village chief, and said sincerely.

First, in order to repay the sword ancestor, secondly, he also wanted to go to the bustling Wilderness Center to see and see, and thirdly, the old sacrificial sacred fell, he must find a way out for the Black Scale Tribe.

The old village chief nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together!"


The old village chief took Heizi and other members of the Heijin tribe and transported the old sacrificial body back to the Heijin tribe, and buried him under the willow tree of the Heijin tribe.

"The old ancestors are alive in the sky, bless the old sacrificial offerings goodbye in the next life, and bless our Heilin tribe to rise up early and prosper."

Heizi and Wanzi, as well as a group of people from the Heilin tribe, kowtowed while looking at the willow tree.

The old sacrificial rites have fallen, and the Heilin tribe cannot be left alone for a day. Maruko, Gangzi and Douzi, shouting for the people of the Heizi tribe, together support Heizi and become the new sacrifice of the Heilin tribe.

"The old sacrifice treats me like a father. My Heizi swears that as long as I live, I will lead the Blackscale tribe to rise to the wilderness. If I break this oath, I am willing to be punished by the ancestors of the Blackscale tribe, the Dao heart will burst, and the soul will be destroyed!"

Under the willow of the Blackscale tribe, Heizi swore a big oath to all the people of the Blackscale tribe.

"Boom Rumble"

Thunder suddenly exploded in the void, and the lightning ran across the sky.

Everyone was shocked.

The old village chief of the Qinglin tribe saw the vision in the void, looked at Heizi, and muttered to himself: "The oath should be heaven, this son, you deserve to be a little guy who can't see through the life of the sword ancestor. I hope he can really lead the black scale tribe to rise!"

The next day, early in the morning, the dew on the tip of the grass hadn't dried yet.

The old village chief has already set off.

He only brought a dozen young Zhuang people from the Qinglin and Heizi.

Yang Shouan was put away by him with supernatural powers.

"Walking in the direction of the rising sun, we can reach the center of the great wilderness." The old village chief said.

Heizi's eyes glowed brightly, looking at the red sun rising from the top of the mountain in the east, he said to himself excitedly: "The prosperous Great Wilderness tribe, I'm here..."

ps: Thank you for your concern. I asked for leave yesterday. Many people left messages, and book friends added me to QQ to give me suggestions for restoring my body, including practicing some health maintenance techniques. I was very moved.

Maybe this is the fan, and it is true love.

The author only has to work hard to update and write the following plot to return everyone, thank you for your support, and love you.

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