Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 875: Sacrificial dance

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In the belly of the ancestor of the mutant monster, Liu Liuhai opened the second tip.

The line of words floating out of the kit made Liu Liuhai sluggish for a while, and the monk like Zhang Er was puzzled.

Unknown so.

Liu Wuhai flicked a chestnut on Liu Liuhai's head, set off a cloud of mushrooms, and shouted in a low voice: "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and do what the ancestor said!"

When speaking, you must hold your head in your hands and recite the formula.

Liu Liuhai stopped him and said anxiously: "Wait a minute, how do I feel that this formula given by the ancestor is a bit strange."

"It's Huangquan again, reincarnation, and reincarnation... Could it be that the ancestors meant that we should be reincarnated and reborn as a unicorn beast?!"

Liu Wuhai said, "What's the matter with reincarnation? Again, the ancestors have been by our side."

"But the question is, are we reincarnated, or are we still descendants of our ancestors?!"

"Liu Hai, you think too much, the ancestor must have calculated all this, let's just do it, maybe you don't believe the ancestor?!"

"Nonsense! I am the ancestor's favorite cub, how can I not believe in the ancestor."

The two were talking.

There was only a rumbling tremor.

Liu Wuhai peeked from the hole just now and exclaimed: "It's not good, they are going to lift the ancestor of the mutant monster and throw it into the sacred furnace. This is about to start cooking!"

"If we continue to grind, we will be boiled."

Liu Liuhai's expression changed, and he said, "Then quickly do what the ancestor said."


The two squatted down, put their heads in their hands, huddled together, and muttered in unison...

"The ancestors are alive in the sky, I am a cute little tadpole, swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming across Huangquan Road, swimming to the Reincarnation Gate, and reincarnated as a unicorn..."

I read the formula three times in a row.

By the third time, strange rays of light began to appear on the two of them.

Visible to the naked eye, their figures became blurred and hazy.

At the same time, it rapidly becomes smaller.

In the end, it became a free state, fused with the flesh and blood of the ancestor of the mutant monster...

outside world.

The branches and leaves of the towering sacred willow are rippling in the void, and on each willow leaf, there is a universe.

Under the sacred willow, the square is full of people.

The void was also full of people, all of them big bosses and masters.

In the outer area of ​​the square, the old village head, Heizi and others squeezed in, led the big wild bull monster Yang Shouan, and tiptoed looking into the middle of the field.


As the bell rang nine, the senior leaders of the Jinlin tribe began to play.

When the Jinlin tribe worshipping on crutches appeared, the ground was empty, and everyone's complexion changed, and they hurriedly got up to show respect and welcome.

This great sacrifice is the second master of the Jinlin tribe, second only to the Taishang sacrifice who sleeps under the land of the willow.

Taishang can't make sacrifices, he is the leader of the Jinlin tribe!

His years of existence are much longer than those of everyone present. It is rumored that he was born by the tail of the end of the ancient times, and he has lived for millions of years.

His physical body is infinitely powerful and talented. When he opens the heaven gate, he is the star-level heaven gate, not the same as those who have been promoted from the low-level heavenly gates.

His cultivation is infinitely approaching the king-level heaven gate.

"My old man, when I was born, this sacred willow was only 100,000 feet tall, but now it's not much taller. It's really a long time!"

The high priest of the Jinlin tribe said, his voice hoarse, but it spread clearly throughout the sky and the ground.

He sighed, quite pretending to be suspicious.

Around, countless Jinlin tribe masters, as well as clansmen, folded their hands in front of their chests and shouted in unison: "The heaven and the earth are immortal, the high priest is immortal, the willows are immortal, and the high priest is immortal!"

The magnificent voice, the vast sound wave, echoed between the heaven and the earth.

There is a silver-white air current floating in the void, like smoke and mist, it is the form of the golden scale tribe's air transport, which shocked countless people.

On the void seat, the visitors from the other nine king-level tribes also stared in awe.

The Jinlin tribe ranks in the top five in terms of comprehensive strength among the ten king-level tribes, which is naturally good.

After the high priest said a word of emotion, he turned to his side and slightly nodded to the visitors from all directions to express his gratitude.

Then, he began to preside over the sacrifice ceremony.

Waving the willow crutch in his hand, the ancient syllables of wow, wow, and the sacrificial dance were danced with round legs.

"Wow, wow, Alagadah, Hami Sasobrada, a little bit..."

This voice, with a peculiar rhythm and mighty, made the branches and leaves of the sacred willow all over the sky, beginning to tremble, sprinkling the golden sacred liquid like a meteor.

Divine liquid spilled across Jinlin City.

Someone was fortunate enough to get a drop, their bodies glowed, and their strength improved greatly.

The old village chief, Heizi and others yelled anxiously, watching the golden divine liquid falling in the sky like raindrops. Fortunately, each of them received a drop. The sky shook in an instant, and their strength improved a lot.

There was a drop on Yang Shouan's bull's head, but Heizi snatched it away and gave Yang Shouan a triumphant and revengeful smile.

Yang Shouan glanced at him coldly, and recorded another account for the sunspot.

At that time, calculate the ledger together.

on the square.

Under the sacred willow, the old sacrificial priest danced a sacrificial dance.

Behind him, there began to appear hundreds of **** and wild female races, all of whom were the sexiest and beautiful women, dancing the sacrificial dance with the old priest.

This is a beautiful scene.

Because of these female races, everyone has scales.

The length of the scales is only at the two points of the front chest and the hidden triangle of the lower body.

It happened to cover the three most shy places of women.

Scales that grow like this are too rare.

The Jinlin tribe also took great pains to gather these hundred female tribes.

In the square, everyone saw this scene and shouted in excitement.

The scarlet light in Heizi's eyes flickered, and he vowed: "When I become stronger, I must grab all these women and give them to my master at that time."

The old village chief thought it was Heizi who wanted to enjoy it by himself, but he didn't expect that the master he was going to offer to him could not help but envy and said with emotion: "Your master, you have accepted a good disciple!"

After a stick of incense.

The sacrificial dance is over, the female tribes who danced retreat, and the sacrificial ceremony continues.

The high priest led the other sacrifices of the Jinlin tribe, as well as a group of high-level officials, kowtow to the willow, burn incense and pray, and asked the willow to bless the Jinlin tribe to prosper forever and become prosperous.

After a tedious set of sacrifice procedures finally came to the fore.

The high priest retired behind the scenes, sat in the empty seat, and the high-level officials of the other nine king-level tribes spoke to each other.

In the square, the Royal Dragon Envoy who captured the ancestor of the mutant monster came out, holding a huge stone knife in his hand, shouted, cut out with a single knife, and slashed the head of the ancestor of the mutant monster to the ground.


The ancestor of the mutant blame screamed, and the blood shot on the trunk of the willow, which was absorbed by the willow.

Around, countless people cheered and shouted.

"Go to the furnace, boil big medicine!"

The dragon envoy roared, and several masters of the Jinlin tribe raised the huge body of the ancestor of the mutant monster and threw it into the furnace.

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