Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 922: 9 The secret of the stele (four thousand five hundred words, two

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There are surprises everywhere in life.

The old village chief didn't expect that the Wutian ancestor who spit out blood with the palm of his hand came from the Liu family of the longevity world.

"Liu Family of the Longevity Realm, isn't it a member of Teacher Tiandi?!"

"If I have a good relationship with him, I will go to Tiandi City in the future, and acquaintances will take care of it!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, old village chief, old village chief, the older you are, the more clever you are-old clever ghost!"

The old village chief was very excited, and gave himself a thumbs up backhand.

He didn't know that this Liu family was not the other Liu's family, and he was busy pretending to be compared when he returned to the tribe, and he still didn't understand clearly.

At this moment, he is already preconceived.

He took a step forward, took the hand of Wutian ancestor, walked down the void together, and walked into the stone tower of the Qinglin tribe to entertain guests.

"Qingsu, serve tea, serve good tea!"

The old village chief shouted, let Wutian sit down, and said with excitement and joy: "Brother Wutian, if you had said that you were a member of the Liu family in the longevity world, how could there be such a misunderstanding just now!"

Wutian clone is still a bit confused now.

What's wrong with the Liu family in the longevity world? Why did the old village chief suddenly become so affectionate?

At this time, the Chonglou ancestor and his party were brought into the stone tower by the Qinglin tribe.

The old village chief got up and gave the Chonglou ancestor a warm hug. The king's coercion caused the Chonglou ancestor to crack his body. The old village chief hurriedly displayed his supernatural power to help the Chonglou ancestor to "stitch" again.

The ancestor of Chonglou was flattered and looked at the old village chief in surprise, and then at the Wutian clone sitting in front.

"Don't stand, come, please sit down!" The old village chief greeted him, and the ancestor of Chonglou sat down.

Qingsu brought tea, and the old village head personally poured tea for Wutian clone and Chonglou ancestor.

"This is... a fellow Daoist Chonglou, yeah, look at how vigorous this beard is, and it's still pierced with hands. At the first sight, dude, you are a sweetheart. Come on, please have tea!"

For the first time, the ancestor of Chonglou was praised that his beard grew vigorously, he couldn't help but smile, a little fluttering, and he planned to grow his beard longer.

At the same time, seeing that the old village head seemed to be in a good mood, the ancestor of Chonglou immediately asked the old village head about his practice problems and the experience of being a king.

The royal way experience is so precious that the old village chief didn't want to say it, but he remembered that the other party was a member of the Liu family of the Longevity Realm, a member of the teacher of the Emperor of Heaven, so he immediately spoke.

The ancestors of Chonglou and Wutian clone listened carefully and gained a lot.

In the afternoon.

Qingsu prepared a family banquet, which was very hearty. It was all kinds of monster meat cooking or spare ribs. One bite would make people full of energy, like in a stove.

The old village chief dug out the good wine he buried in the ground 100,000 years ago and warmly entertained everyone.

After drinking and eating.

The old village chief said with a drink: "Brother Wutian, brother Chonglou, have you eaten well?"

"It's cool!"

"Is that refreshing?"

"It's cool too!"

"The two brothers, can you help me? I want to visit Teacher Tiandi privately and ask for some questions about cultivation!"

The old village chief said hopefully, a smiling face that I have seen through you.

"You are members of the Tiandi clan, you can definitely talk to the Tiandi teacher, don't refuse me! I will be angry."

Wutian avatar was dumbfounded when he heard the words, lightning flashed across his mind.

This old village chief seemed to confuse the ancient family Liu family with the Sanlitun Liu family.

The ancestor of Chonglou was already half drunk and didn't think about it. He immediately laughed and said, "Senior, you actually call Thief Liu Tiandi as a teacher?!?"

"The thief Liu Tiandi is extremely shameless. When our ancestor Liu Changsheng returns, he will be completely destroyed."

"Between heaven and earth, there can only be one Liu family, and that is our ancient family Liu family!"

The old village chief was dumbfounded.


"What are you talking about? You call Teacher Tiandi the ancestor Thief Liu?"

The ancestor of Chonglou nodded and said: "Yes, isn't the Liu family in Sanlitun the thief willow? They fought our ancient family Liu family who is orthodox. They fought for tens of thousands of years. I remember one time... "


The ancestor of the Chonglou opened the tuberculosis mode and talked freely.

The old village chief listened, his ears roared, as if being bombed by countless bombers in turn.

The spit star of the ancestor of the heavy building sprayed his face, but he did not wipe it.

Because he was stunned.

"These guys, not only are they not the members of Teacher Tiandi, but are the enemies of Teacher Tiandi?!"

"Fuck! Old village head, old village head, you are so clever for a while!"

The old village chief slapped his knees and wailed and opened his mouth wide.

The ancestor of Chonglou picked up a bowl of wine and poured it into the mouth of the old village chief.

"Come on, senior, why are you so excited, drink, hahaha, you have buried a hundred thousand years of wine, it's so fragrant!"

The old village chief was about to vomit blood, slapped the wine jar in the hands of the grandfather ancestor with a slap, and roared, "Fragrant shit!"

"A group of liars, deceive the feelings of the old man! Damn!"

As he spoke, he slapped it down with a palm, and the king's vitality erupted violently, covering the Chonglou ancestor, Liu Changshou and others beside him.

They were horrified.

The Wutian clone had already noticed that it was not good. Seeing the old village chief acted, he directly slammed the ten thousand Buddha seals to block the attack of the old village chief, then rolled up the Chonglou old ancestor and others and whizzed away. Rushed into the void.

"Where to escape?! Leave it to me!"

The old village chief roared and chased him up.


The night passed, when the sky was dark, the old village head came back, his face was blue, obviously he did not catch him.

Qingsu and a group of people from the Qinglin tribe greeted the old village chief at the entrance of the village tremblingly.

"Old village chief, it's my fault, I didn't make it clear." Qing Su apologized, looking guilty.

The old village chief waved his hand and sighed: "Hey, I was so excited and confused yesterday. It's none of your business."

While speaking, I suddenly found yellow leaves flying in the sky.

"Huh?! Why is our sacred willow withered?" the old village chief asked with a change of expression.

When he came back yesterday, the willow of the gods was poured by the tribal people of the Qinglin tribe with the refined great medicine **** liquid, and it temporarily turned green.

But this morning, it turned yellow again.

Qing Su said with a look of resentment upon hearing this, "It's the big bison!"

"Old village chief, you don't know. After you left, the big bison came again. In our sacred willow, the true spirit of our ancestor suddenly recovered and suppressed the big bison."

"Later, the group of little cousins...oh no, it was the group of swindlers who came, and the true spirit of the ancestors in the willow of the gods revived after a chaotic battle, and they exiled the gods with one move, and then the big wild The bull monster was exiled."

"Shen Liu has depleted the origin, so it has turned yellow."

The old village chief was stunned.

After I left, so many things happened in the tribe.

At the same time, he remembered the scene when Teacher Tiandi suddenly rescued the Big Bison in the long river of time and space when he was in class.

At that time, he was very puzzled, and the connection at this moment suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the big bison was banished like this."

"It seems that the big wild bull monster is really the emperor's bull. You have to be careful in the future." The old village chief was secretly worried.

He looked at the withered sacred willow, carefully perceiving it, and found that there was really a vague aura in the sacred willow sleeping.

"Is it the true spirit of the old ancestors?!" The old village chief was puzzled, a little expectant and excited.

Because there is nothing wrong with that exile magic technique, it is Liu Changsheng's signature magic technique.

"In the future, water the sacred willow a lot, and no one is allowed to approach the sacred willow." The old village chief warned, "If you find that group of crooks come again, please tell me as soon as possible."

Qing Su hesitated: "They said that they are our relatives, and they are all descendants of our ancestor Liu Changsheng..."

"Shit! These scammers are definitely putting gold on their faces, don't pay attention to them." The old village chief waved his hand and rebuked, educating Qingsu not to be so innocent.

"You are a tens of thousands of years old, let's have a snack!"

The old village chief cursed with hatred of iron and steel, and turned and hurried to retreat.

Just promoted to the king, he needs to consolidate his realm.

At the same time, we must also take a good look at geography.

What is the grudge between the ancient family Liu Family and Teacher Tiandi? My tribe enshrines a sacred willow, which is suspected to be conceived by the true spirit of the ancestor Liu Changsheng. Should I tell Teacher Tiandi? ......

The old village chief didn't even realize that his path had gone astray.


In the great wilderness, in an uninhabited mountain range.

The divine light flashed, and a group of figures landed, it was Wutian clone, Chonglou ancestor and others.

"Finally got rid of the old madman, if it weren't for the Wutian ancestors to block me, I just wanted to sacrifice our Universe Hall and kill the old guy."

Chonglou ancestor scolded angrily.

Liu Changshou and others hurriedly comforted the Chonglou ancestors.

Wutian avatar smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry about him anymore. The most urgent thing is to understand what the true spirit Liu Changsheng said in the Shenliu."

The ancestor of Chonglou became serious, and said: "Yes, that's right, the original saying is,'The day when the Nine Tablets return, what the hell'... I blame the **** big bison, the old man The ancestor fell asleep before he finished speaking."

Thinking of the Big Bison, the ancestor of Chonglou gritted his teeth with hatred.

"It's a pity that the big wild bull was hit by the ancestor's exile magic. It must have died in the mother's womb, otherwise I will detonate it."

He cursed for a while before continuing: "The return of the nine monuments to the sun, this sentence probably refers to the nine monuments."

"What kind of monument?" Wutian asked.

The ancestor of Chonglou lowered his head in thought.

Liu Changshou and others are also thinking.

Liu Changgui whispered: "Ancestor, is it the longevity monument?"

"The longevity monument is exactly nine yuan..."

Chonglou ancestors and others were shocked, their eyes glistened.

"Yes, it must be the Longevity Monument!"

The ancestor of Chonglou said, his eyes were like a lamp.

"Back then, before I fell asleep, I heard my grandfather talk about it."

"When the ancestor Liu Changsheng was proving the Dao to become the emperor's way, he understood the Nine Secrets, which are ‘soldiers, pros, battles, all, all, ranks, formations, in, and front.’"

"But somehow, the Nine Secrets technique was not passed down. Instead, the ancestors cast nine divine steles and inscribed the Nine Secrets technique separately."

Wutian clone heard the eyeballs falling to the ground, and said anxiously: "In that case, this Nine Secret Art must be extraordinary. Didn't you understand it from the Nine Tablets later?"

The ancestor of the Chonglou shook his head and said: "The Jiubei disappeared as the ancestor left. I also fell asleep in the ancestral land. I don't know what happened later."

Liu Changshou said: "Two ancestors, I slept late, and probably know a little bit. The longevity monument only appeared after the ancestor's disappearance 300,000 years."

"We in the Liu family have a monument of longevity, but there is no record of any magical powers and secrets, but it is more...more solid."

The ancestor of the Chonglou and Wutian avatar were very excited when they heard the words, and said in unison: "Which longevity monument is there?"

Liu Changshou's face was immediately embarrassed, and he was speechless.

The other elders and Qijie lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into the eyes of Wutian clone and Chonglou ancestor.

Everyone looked guilty and evasive.

"What's wrong, is there anything I can't say?" Wutian clone was angry, looked at Liu Changgui, and shouted: "Changguier, you say!"

Liu Changgui trembled and said, "Ancestor, I...I dare not say."

"Say it! Don't say slap you out, believe it or not?" Wutian rebuked and raised his hand.

Liu Changgui was frightened and said: "Old ancestors don't shoot, I said, the longevity stele of our Liu family was...used by the patriarch Liu Daohai in the pit to pad...stepping!"


Wutian clone and Chonglou ancestor were shocked, their eyes popped out of their sockets.

"Wori! The sacred stele made by the ancestors, you actually used it to step in the pit!!!"

"The patriarch Ryu Daohai, I want to shoot him to death!"

The ancestor of Chonglou and Wutian clone were full of anger, and shouted.

Liu Changgui said anxiously: "The patriarch of our Liu family, tens of thousands of years ago, fought against the Sanlitun thief Liu, was ambushed, and unfortunately fell."

The ancestor of Chonglou was startled when he heard the words.

He couldn't help sighing in his mindless body and mind, thinking of Liu Sihai, the fourth elder of his Liu family, who just hung up at the beginning.


Liu Changgui went on to explain: "We are all cultivators in the Liu family and don't go to the hut, but the patriarch Liu Daohai has a strange personality and occasionally experiences the feeling of mortal excretion, so the family specially built the hut."

"Ancestor, you don’t know that Liu Daohai’s cultivation base is high and his strength is strong. When he is excreting, a single fart can collapse the void, but he also loves farting. Therefore, for the sake of elegance, the patriarch put the useless monument Take it to the hut to step in."

"The sacred monument is not capable of sacred power, but after it is placed in the hut, it can prevent odor and sound insulation, which is very easy to use..."

Liu Changgui said, his brows bounced as he heard Wutian clone.

Liu Changshou saw that the Wutian ancestor was on the verge of breaking out, and hurriedly covered Liu Changgui's mouth, not letting him talk any more.

The ancestor of Chonglou calmed down his anger and said, "Fortunately, Liu Daohai is dead, otherwise I will kill him."

"In the future, don't mention this matter again, in case the thief Liu in Sanlitun knows about it will really become a laughingstock!"

"Now let's go back to the family quickly and dig out... the **** monument in the Mao Keng, and see if it is the **** monument made by the ancestors."

The Chonglou ancestor said, looking at Wutian clone, and said, "Wutian, what do you think?"

Wutian clone has opened a star-level heaven gate, and the strength is not weak with him. The ancestor of the heavy building did not dare to underestimate the Wutian clone, so he should also ask the opinion of the Wutian clone.

Although Wutian avatar itched the sacred monument in the Liu Family's pit, he even wanted to go to the deity's father to give a report and ask for credit.

Whether it is the true spirit of Liu Changsheng in the sacred willow of the Qinglin tribe, the Nine Secret Art and the Longevity Monument, it is a matter of great importance. The father of the deity must be interested, and he may be seriously injured.

Thinking of the rewards of the deity's father, the unnatural clone's excited eyes turned red, and the excited chicken turned purple.

So, he pondered: "You take them back first. I want to hunt some monster blood food for the people here, and collect some magical medicine."

"Also, you just said that your grandfather told you about the Longevity Monument and the Nine Secrets. Then, is your grandfather still sleeping in the ancestral land?"

The ancestor of Chonglou nodded and shook his head, and said: "I don't know, I need to dig in the ancestral land to find out."

Wutian clone's eyes flashed, and said: "Then you go back to the family first, and dig out your grandfather, won't you solve the mystery of the **** monument?!"

The ancestor of Chonglou brightened his eyes and said with a thumbs up: "Yes, the ancestor of Wutian is reasonable. If you don't understand, let's dig grandpa, hahaha..."

Immediately, Yang Tian said with emotion: "How lucky we are to have an ancestor in the Liu Family of our ancient family, it is the ancestor's blessing!"

Immediately, hold his fist and leave.

He can't wait to go to the ancestral land to dig grandpa...

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