
Chapter 150: Mingzhi Chapter 150: Mingzhi

Chapter 150 Mingzhi

Chapter 25

Gotham, a rare and beautiful day.

Diana held the just-released weekly cartoon newspaper in front of the newspaper office, holding it in her arms.

Although this weight is nothing to Diana, the high stack of newspapers is still full of a certain visual impact.

Several days have passed since the riot in the Grave Mafia.

After that, Peter and Diana commandeered Grave’s printing shop, plus a group of free manpower and material resources.

For convenience, Peter also upgraded the factory equipment by hand. The tools are all products of technology that surpass the current era.

The workers in the factory have little education and have no idea about these new equipment. They just think it is easier to use and more convenient.

And the factory still belongs to the Grave family in name. Peter just plays for a while and then leaves, so there is no use for these industries.

This means that it will take at least a certain amount of time for outsiders to discover clues.

As for what happens next, what does it have to do with Peter?

Because it is the first issue, the number of newspapers printed is not large, and it does not require too much.

Currently, a thick newspaper that is as tall as one person is enough.

After that, Diana quickly recruited a group of children ranging from eight to thirteen or fourteen years old.

This was another task that Peter gave her that day.

After the newspaper office, the newspaper master, and the printing house were all done, all that was left was the sales channel.

In the current era, the sales channels for newspapers, in addition to fixed vendors, are these newsboys.

That day, when Diana heard about Peter’s mission, she happily agreed without any hesitation.

Newsboys in this era were often children born into poverty. At a young age, they had to go out to work to support their families.

Diana quickly visited nearby neighborhoods and spread the job requirements, and soon recruited a group of children of the right age.

Diana asked the newsboys to line up to receive newspapers and distribute newspapers of different sizes according to age.

“Children, the next step is up to you. For every copy sold, you will get an extra copy.”

Unlike those who As an unscrupulous businessman who exploits the cheap labor of these children, the amount given by Diana is several times that of other newspapers.

In Gotham, a newsboy might only earn a measly 50 cents a week, and there was no way Diana could do that kind of thing.

This made the children very excited, and they repeatedly promised: “We will definitely sell out the newspaper, sister Diana.”

Diana looked at their energetic and hopeful looks, and her heart almost melted, and encouraged:

“Okay , you have to work hard! Sell our Marvel Weekly!”

Well… that’s right, Peter directly named the new newspaper “Marvel Weekly”, and even the newspaper’s signboard was changed to Marvel 2 Character.

Any similarity is purely intentional.

Since the newsboys wanted to sell newspapers, they naturally couldn’t know anything about the contents of the newspapers, so they immediately opened them and took a look.

With just one glance, they were attracted by the cool shots and painting techniques in the newspaper that were far ahead of the current era and were created by painters accumulated and innovatively for nearly a century.

Children these days have never seen this. The clumsy little comic strips in newspapers now are a complete dimensionality reduction attack.

Even the rare typesetting with comics as the main body and written news as the supplement was not investigated.

And the reactions of these children are also reflected in various adults to a certain extent.

At first, they despised the fact that the newspaper was not doing its job properly. There was not much news but only pictures. They all regretted that they had spent the wrong money.

But then it smelled so good, I was shocked, amazed, and impatient.

The story of “Iron Man” was refreshing to them. Whether it was the pictures, the rhythm of the story, or the painting style, it deeply shocked the ignorant bumpkins of this era.

“Tony Stark? A super rich man in the 21st century, this life is really enviable.” ”

Mark1 is so handsome! He actually built a suit of armor in a cave with a pile of scrap metal.” ”

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)

It turns out that the comic strip Can you still draw like this? This author is really a genius!”

“Damn, I want to see the next issue now, hurry, hurry, hurry!”

Many people recognized this small newspaper called Marvel for the first time.


Even without the blessing of any historical trends, the first issue of Marvel Weekly was undoubtedly a hit, with a favorable rating of close to 100%.

At this time, the atmosphere inside the Marvel News Agency was completely different from the fiery atmosphere outside.

Diana had her knees together, sitting upright, and looking at Black Superman with an obedient expression.

I didn’t know, I thought she was a boudoir lady who came from somewhere.

This scene was so interesting that even Peter couldn’t help but look askance and asked with interest:

“What happened to our Amazon Duel Champion?”

Diana defeated everyone in the first place and won the title. Island’s qualifications to conquer Ares.

Diana was not annoyed when faced with Peter’s teasing. She just said gratefully:

“Thank you for agreeing to let me increase the wages for the children.”

Regarding the increase in wages, Diana had naturally discussed it with Peter. After all, this was This kind of thing can be said to be harming oneself and benefiting others.

Regarding this matter, Peter just shook his head and said: “You know, for people like us, money is nothing. And you are the one who made this decision.”

Although Peter would not be particularly embarrassed. , exploiting those children, but only giving them a salary similar to that outside.

Although he sees some things, he doesn’t care, otherwise he wouldn’t be an ancestor.

“I know, but I still want to thank you.” Diana said,

“After all, you are the one who earned this money.”

Peter seemed to have discovered something, and looked at Diana in surprise: “Look Come on, you seem to have a new idea.”

Diana nodded and said:

“Over this period of time, I have discovered that relying on my own strength is limited.

However, with the power of money, it seems that It can help more people.”

Perhaps it was due to differences in era, location, stance, and thinking. Even though they were both kind-hearted, Diana and Gwen gave completely different answers when faced with this question.

Gwen chose to start from the side, and as Spider-Woman, she set an example and was on the front line to help others.

Probably, this is a kind of cute stupidity that even though you know that there is probably an endless road ahead, you still work hard and keep moving forward.

After Diana saw enough evil and evil with Peter, she chose another path.

Use the resources of human society itself to help mankind itself.

In the long run, it’s hard to say which of these two props is better or worse, but history has changed.

In the normal world, Diana would probably give up on this idea because she was disappointed again and again with human beings.

Of course, Diana was only at the stage where she had just gained some direction at this time, and it would take a long time for her to think and summarize.

Fortunately, her life was long enough for her to gradually figure out the problem over time.

outside world.

The newspaper was successfully sold out on the first day, and the situation was very smooth. New orders from the printing factory were also proceeding in an orderly manner, and things were immediately on the right track.

Although due to quantity reasons, even if the newspaper has a very good reputation, it can only be called a niche for the time being.

Of course, this problem will be solved with the start of printing plants and the printing of newspapers one after another.

Peter did not continue to update Tony’s comics, but adhered to the weekly rule of updating once a week.

He was not idle the rest of the time.

In addition to teaching Diana how to make coffee and setting up a house in Gotham, she also travels around the world to rack up points.

In this era where the speed of information dissemination is relatively lagging, even if Bateman goes everywhere to fight for justice, he will not suddenly become a household name in a short time.

But this is enough, the spread of fame remains like this, various legends are spread everywhere, and the story is the best.

Everything seems to be back to a familiar rhythm.

I would like to add a very stupid point. I made a mistake when I checked the information before. The five major families have been reduced to the four major families.

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