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"Master... The Julius family has brought a lot of slaves, you go and receive them!"

Not long after Philip left, Angela found Ye Tian, her eyes flashing with joy, happy for Ye Tian.

She has always been by Ye Tian's side, of course she knows that Ye Tian is very interested in the Spartan slave warriors.

"Finally here, go and help me call all those Spartan warriors up and let them go to greet their companions!!"

Ye Tian was also a little excited, he stood up and said to Angela

""Yes, sir!"

Angela turned around immediately.

""The Spartan warriors are finally going to exceed 100."

Ye Tian murmured softly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Admittedly, these Spartan warriors may not be the most elite guards of the Spartan Kingdom, but their combat effectiveness is definitely much stronger than that of ordinary warriors. If more than 100 Spartan warriors are gathered together to form a battle formation, it will be even more terrifying.

Moreover, Ye Tian is confident that���

It is obvious that during this period, the thirty Spartan warriors ate meat every meal, and then carried out more intensive training. Their strength and physical fitness were slowly growing, becoming stronger and stronger. Eating meat every meal is a life that they could not have achieved even in their own homes.

Some are too luxurious! Too luxurious!

In addition to the imprint of Ye Tian's slaves, they actually live a life like aristocrats.

For the Spartan warriors, Ye Tian is of course willing to invest and spend. After all, Sparta is the slave warrior that Ye Tian is most optimistic about. Ye

Tian plans to build them into super warriors who can fight ten or one hundred at a time, as his future trump card slave corps.

The population of Sparta was not large. In its heyday, there were only tens of thousands of people. Now that Sparta has declined, Ye Tian feels that it would be a lucky thing if he could collect a thousand real Spartan warriors.

It is estimated that raising a thousand Spartan private soldiers is much more powerful than raising ten thousand soldiers.

Of course, with Ye Tian's current prestige, raising a thousand private soldiers would probably be considered treason.

The soldiers that nobles usually raise are still at most one or two hundred.

If there is no restriction, each noble will have his own soldiers, and the entire Roman Republic will be in chaos.

Moreover, the private soldiers raised by the nobles cannot be truly armed, but serve as guards, or guard slaves in manors and mines.


Ye Tian waited outside the court for a short while before thirty Spartan slave warriors came to him in a neat formation and saluted respectfully.

""Come on, come with me to meet your fellow countrymen, they are all Spartans!"

Ye Tian said lightly, making them smile.

They are living well, and they also hope that their companions are living well.

There is no doubt that their people are basically worry-free after being taken care of by Ye Tian. With a slightly excited mood, they followed Ye Tian with firm steps.

Outside the door, a large group of people had gathered, about 200 people. Half of them were guards from the four major families, and half were Spartan slave warriors.

The hands and feet of the slave warriors were all locked, and there was a cold light in their eyes, but when they saw the Spartan warriors behind Ye Tian, their pupils shrank slightly, and then became cold, with a hint of disdain.

"Dear Lord Satan, we have sent you slaves on the orders of our master! Our master said that these slaves were purchased from other families at high prices. There are a total of twenty-one……"

One of the middle-aged men saluted Ye Tian first, then explained

"Thank Marius for me. I am very grateful for their gift!"

Ye Tian replied with a smile on his face.

"Dear Lord Satan, we are from the Qinna family and we have also sent you slaves! Similarly, these slaves were purchased by our master from other families at a high price. There are a total of twenty-five……"

The middle-aged man from the Qinna family also came forward to introduce.

Then came the O'Reilly family, who actually sent thirty-five slaves. According to the leader of the guards, Andrew O'Reilly contacted most of the nobles to buy thirty-five slaves.

Aurelia also invested money and sent twenty Spartan slaves to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was so excited that he expressed his gratitude again and again.

Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-five, thirty-five, this time Ye Tian harvested a total of one hundred and one Spartan slave warriors, plus the ones he already had, a total of one hundred and thirty-one Spartan warriors.

After he helped Victor deal with Cthulhu, he could harvest another twenty.

It won't be long before he will have one hundred and fifty-one powerful Spartan warriors.

It is estimated that almost all the Spartan slaves in Rome have been plundered by him.

One hundred and fifty Spartan warriors, although not many, can also form a small battle group.

However, the power erupted by this small battle group is definitely no less than that of an ordinary legion.

"Thank you, Lord Satan. We are going back to report.……"

Ye Tian was very generous and gave each of them a small bag of silver coins as their reward, which made all the guards 367 smile from ear to ear, and finally said goodbye to Ye Tian respectfully.


After all the guards left, Ye Tian shouted




The thirty Spartan warriors behind Ye Tian roared passionately. The boiling scene moved the one hundred and one Spartan slaves deeply. Their cold eyes flashed with something glittering.



What a long-lost sound!

This is the glory of the past!

They thought that such glory would disappear in history and be forgotten by the world.

However, here, they seemed to feel the call of a sacred mission.

They looked at the young man in front of them, who was extremely calm but sunny, and their cold eyes began to soften.

In Ye Tian's eyes, their loyalty soared collectively and soared directly to 20.

Ye Tian smiled. He knew what the Spartan warriors wanted.

This is a race with a strong sense of collective honor and national belonging, and they attach great importance to the glory of Sparta.

After all, they were once the kings of land warfare and the gods of war on the battlefield.


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