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"You all can have a taste too!"

Ye Tian said generously. It was just some peppers. Ye Tian didn't mind them tasting the fruits of his harvest.

It would be too sad if they couldn't taste the fruits after taking good care of them.

If some slave owners found out that their slaves had stolen fruits, they would at least whip them until their skin was torn and flesh was exposed, not to mention beating them to death.

Of course, with the loyalty of these slaves to Ye Tian, they would never steal.

Ye Tian didn't care about other slave owners, but he still hoped that his own slaves would have a better life. If they were exploited too much, Ye Tian would feel guilty.

Moreover, if they were well fed and had a sense of accomplishment, they would work harder.

"Sir...we dare not……"

Hearing what Ye Tian said, the slaves were terrified, thinking that Ye Tian would be angry when he saw their expressions.

"What I said is true. You can try a few. Your master is kind. These are the results of your careful care, so I allow you to enjoy the fruits of victory and know what they taste like!"

Ye Tian smiled, a warm smile appeared on his face, and then he picked a handful of them himself, put them in their hands, and said:"Take them and eat them!"

"Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master.……"

Black Lagoon and the other serfs were so moved that tears welled up in their eyes.

"Eat it!"

Ye Tian said gently


In front of Ye Tian, Hei Xia put the pepper to the corner of his mouth with tears in his eyes and started to bite it. Seeing this, others also started to eat it.


The spicy taste spread in their mouths, stimulating their taste buds, making them open their mouths, exhale the spicy air, and breathe in deeply. However, the next moment, a stimulating feeling made them feel particularly refreshed.

People who can eat chili peppers will feel more and more addicted to it, and sometimes they can't stop eating it at all.

"Ha ha……"

Looking at their expressions, Ye Tian couldn't help but burst into laughter, making the slaves feel a little embarrassed.

"How does it feel?"

Ye Tian asked

"Very spicy……"

Hei Xia exhaled a spicy breath and said to Ye Tian

"Is it fun?"


"Is it enjoyable?"


"Is it tasty?"


"One more!"

"Thank you great master……"

"Spicy is right! If it weren't spicy, your master wouldn't grow them!"

Ye Tian smiled and said,"After you finish eating the peppers in your hands, you start picking the red peppers and put them in the basket! But listen to me first."

"You have been with me for a long time, and I have always seen your diligence. It won't be long before a large number of slaves arrive. At that time, the slaves will be divided into 24 groups, and you will lead and guide them to work. I will evaluate you every month, and the group that does the best will have extra meals or other rewards. In other words, you have been promoted! Congratulations!……"

Ye Tian smiled and continued

"Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master.……"

Ye Tian's words were good news to them. A feeling of happiness surged into their hearts. They immediately knelt on the ground, almost crying.

"Loyalty, as long as you are loyal to me, your life will get better and better! Think about it, it is your greatest luck to meet a master like me. It is also my fate to meet you. I will try my best to take care of you! But if one day I encounter danger or am assassinated, I really don’t know which cruel master you will fall into.……"

Ye Tian shook his head, feeling somewhat melancholy.

"No!! Master, you will not be in danger! Even if we die, we will not let you be in danger. You are the most merciful master, and you will live a long life.……"

Black Lagoon said hurriedly, but a strong wave rose in his heart. Yes, if they fell into the hands of other slave owners again, they would be living a life worse than death again. At that moment, he had a particularly strong feeling that even if he died, he could not let his master die.

"Yes, even if we die, we will not let the master die!! The master is the greatest master……"

The other slaves also spoke to Ye Tian one after another, feeling extremely anxious. At this moment, they all knew that without Ye Tian as their master, everything would go back to the way it was before.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host, the loyalty of the twenty-four serfs has reached 100. Congratulations to the master, for a total of 120 free attribute points."

The voice of the system sounded in Ye Tian's mind, which made Ye Tian feel relieved and very proud.

These serfs finally didn't let him waste his expression, desperately fooling and performing, and he was about to burst out with life and death emotional drama.

These slaves finally didn't let him down. They finally realized the greatness and importance of their slave owner, which they could not lose. At that moment, they were completely loyal and then stereotyped.

".I feel your loyalty, I am very happy, so I will give you extra food tonight, with meat and broth, but you have to finish your work first!"

Ye Tian laughed, very easy to get, then turned and left, letting the serfs appreciate his tall figure.

The training ground for the Spartan warrior slaves has been basically completed with the efforts of more than a hundred people, and it is huge.

When Ye Tian arrived, they were still busy. When they saw Ye Tian, they all put down their work and saluted Ye Tian.

("Batak, gather everyone and stand still!"

Ye Tian ordered the Spartan warriors who were the largest, tallest, most powerful, and the first batch of warrior slaves.

One hundred and thirty-one Spartan warriors can now start to form their own legion!

Form the strongest ace slave legion!


��Tucker shouted in a deep voice

"Hoo ha!!"

""Huha!" the Spartans shouted, and then stood in a square formation as quickly as possible.

As expected of a race that only knows how to fight, discipline and action have long become their instincts. Even years of slavery cannot wear away or deprive them of these instincts.

"Master, all 131 Spartans are assembled. Please give us your instructions. We will be invincible! Faint!"

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