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"Boom, boom……"

When the giantess walked in front of Ye Tian, the ground was shaking. In addition to her weight, the armor and the giant axe on her body were also very heavy.

The giant axe and armor gave her a great sense of security, so she basically wore them except for taking a bath and sleeping.

"Phoebe, squat down, let me give you strength too!"

Ye Tian smiled and asked the giantess to squat down. She was too tall, and Ye Tian couldn't touch her forehead at all.

"Thank you, Master……"

Phoebe was very happy and slowly squatted in front of Ye Tian, allowing him to see a bottomless ditch.


Ye Tian placed his palm on the giantess's forehead, increasing her speed attribute from eighty to one hundred, bringing her attribute to the level of a human.

"So powerful... Thank you, Master……"

When the giantess stood up, she thanked Ye Tian with great joy, and then as she ran, a gust of wind swept up

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the loyalty of the female giant has reached 100, congratulations to the host for obtaining five points of own attributes."

Finally, after Ye Tian improved the attributes of the female giant, she became loyal to him, which made him extremely satisfied.

At present, he still has 760 free attribute points.

So he asked Diana, Angela, Hera, Daisy, Dina, Marco, Marina, Susan, Helen, and Leda, ten female slaves, to come to him.

Ye Tian planned to improve their physical fitness again, because Ye Tian would start to work on the large-scale development of commerce and agriculture next, and Ye Tian could not do everything by himself.

At that time, he would only issue instructions and let these female slaves who were already loyal to him complete them for him.

The huge benefits are enough to make people jealous. and mad, and these female slaves who complete the task for him will be exposed to the eyes of poisonous snakes or tigers and will be in danger.

Therefore, they must become strong.

Try to imagine what it would feel like if someone planned to kidnap or assassinate them, but found that they encountered a female monster with human limits.

Ye Tian spent thirty points to improve Susan's attributes first, so that her attributes reached an average of 80. Because she was not yet an adult, it was enough to improve to 80. When she grew up, at least her comprehensive attributes could break through the 90 mark.

What's more, Susan was still young, and Ye Tian did not plan to assign her a task alone so early.

"Thank you, Master. I feel so strong.……"

Susan clenched her fists and felt full of strength.

Ye Tian just smiled, and then spent a total of four points to raise the attributes of Helen and Leda to 100, reaching the limit of human beings.

"Thank you, great host!! I!!"


The two women felt the surging power, which made them move and kneel down directly.

"Helen, Leda, within one month, you must make Diana and the others have strong fighting power.

After one month, you must return to the secluded place of your Spartan tribe!

Then, I want you to become the queen of your Spartan tribe!

Make your tribe absolutely loyal to you, and then lead your tribe to live well, and at the same time train more and stronger warriors.

Don't think about looking for trouble with Rome, and don't let others discover your existence!

Then, you wait for my orders at any time!

From now on, you Spartans are my underground power!

Can you do it?"

Ye Tian said to Hela and Leda in a deep voice.

He wanted to conquer Sparta, a race that lived on fighting. But now he didn't have the time and energy to conquer them, so he could only let Helen and Leda do it.

Although Spartan warriors were dominated by men, and men were also the masters of the house, there had never been a Spartan queen.

But that was in the past. Now he has improved the physical attributes of Helen and Leda to the limit of human beings. After they return to the Spartan gathering place, they will crush Sparta with their overwhelming combat power. They should be able to change strongly and become the queen of Sparta.

As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows. In addition to operating in Rome, Ye Tian has the opportunity, and he will naturally not miss the opportunity to operate his own power outside, and this power is still Sparta.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one. If there is really a change in the future, he only needs to give an order and he will have strong support.

········Request flowers····

He had nothing to worry about for his die-hard Helen and Leda.

"Master, we can definitely complete the task!!"

Helen and Leda answered without hesitation.

It might be difficult to become the queen, but with the powerful strength given by Ye Tian, they are also confident that they can complete this task. Besides, most of the people in Sparta are women.

"Very good, I will grant you the title of War God's woman, you are my woman, you will definitely be protected by me! Your existence will not be desecrated by mortals!!"

Ye Tian said lightly, the Spartans believed in the God of War, he didn't mind acting as a charlatan

"Thank you, my God of War!".................

As if they had gained a status, the two women were very excited.

"I remember that you Sparta should have temples and priests?"

Ye Tian asked

"Yes, Master!"

Helen replied respectfully

"Your status and rights will be above the priests and all the elders. If they don't obey, or dare to obstruct or resist you, kill them! Sparta only needs warriors, not those termites!"

Ye Tian sneered

"Yes! Master!"

Helen and Leda did not refute

"After becoming the queen of Sparta, you will form three legions, one for young men, another for women composed of all beauties, and another for teenagers, and then train them according to the training methods of special forces! The restoration of Sparta's glory may depend on these three legions!"

After thinking for a while, Ye Tian continued to issue orders.

Helen and Leda naturally would not refute Ye Tian's orders.

Next, Ye Tian continued to improve Diana's physical fitness. Except for Diana's average attribute of 80, the average attributes of the remaining six women were 70, so Ye Tian spent a total of 390 points of his own attributes to raise the attributes of all women to 90 points.

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