Ancient Rome: From Slave Owner to Supreme Emperor

Chapter Thirteen Spartan Warrior Slaves

Ye Tian has estimated that a talent in Rome during this period weighed 30 kilograms.

Two towers of Liante gold are equivalent to sixty kilograms of gold coins, one hundred and twenty catties, which is equivalent to one thousand two hundred taels of ancient gold. For Ye Tian, ​​it is really a huge wealth.

You can buy a large manor, or you can buy a large number of slaves.

Slaves are very expensive, especially powerful and robust slave warriors and beautiful and sexy female slaves.

"The sir is too worried, no need to count, thank you for your hard work, and also thank Mrs. Olelia for me, thank you for her reward..."

Ye Tian was very happy, almost shining with the golden light of gold coins in his eyes, and said to the middle-aged guard with a smile, and then grabbed a large amount of gold coins, put it in his hand, and said: "Seeing you have a share , I'm grateful for everyone. These gold coins are your hard work. Looking back, I invite my brothers to drink and drink together..."

With that said, Ye Tian grabbed another hand. Anyway, he is now rich and powerful, and it is necessary to have a good relationship with these officers.

"Your Excellency Satan is really too polite, but your Excellency has said so, we are not polite, thank you for your generosity, I will find you a drink later when I have time..."

A trace of joy flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged chief, and his favor with Ye Tian skyrocketed in an instant.

Although the slave owner is rich, but who is not to die, today he ran into such a generous slave owner, and there was a trace of desire to make friends in his heart.

But he was not polite. He took as much as Ye Tian gave him. The soldiers behind him showed excitement in their eyes.

"By the way, Lord Satan, the slaves behind us are all powerful warriors from Sparta. Although brave, they are rebellious and difficult to tame. They are almost the most expensive slaves. If you are interested, you can They train to become gladiators. However, you must be careful. Although these slaves have been tamed on the surface, no one knows what they are thinking. If you open their handcuffs, don't approach them..."

After receiving the benefits of Ye Tian, ​​the middle-aged senior officer was particularly concerned about Ye Tian, ​​and even some mothers-in-laws told Ye Tian.

"Thank you sir for the reminder!"

Ye Tian smiled and said, it really really took people's hands and mouths, if he didn't give him some hard work, it is estimated that he would not be too lazy to remind Ye Tian of this.

"You're welcome. By the way, my name is William Nick. I will invite you to drink another day. We are going back to our lives..."

After chatting for a few words, William Nick handed Ye Tian the key.

"By the way, tomorrow Master Krasu of the Brutus family intends to hold an Colosseum in the family. Master Caesar intends to invite Lord Satan to watch it together. I wonder if you have time?"

When preparing to leave, William Nick asked Ye Tian.

"You go back and tell little Caesar, I am honored!"

Ye Tian smiled, such a grand beast feast, he would naturally not miss it.

"Okay, I'll go back to my life!"

William Nick let out a sigh of relief, and then left.

Crassou from Brutus?

Ye Tian fell into contemplation slightly.

Crassus is the Roman Big Three with Caesar and Pompey in the future, and the alliance of the Big Three is led by him.

In the three-headed alliance, Pompeo's military merits are unparalleled, Caesar's wisdom is obvious to all, and Crasu's wealth is unmatched!

Krasu is known for his agility and new thinking.

Roman society regarded businessmen as lowly people. The nobles were ashamed of dealings with businessmen. In order to get rich, Crassou actually followed the behavior of businessmen to engage in slave trade, mineral management, and speculative real estate transactions in order to get rich. Thus, he quickly accumulated huge wealth that is rare among the nobles, and became the first nobleman to make his fortune through his own management, neither relying on corruption or bribery, nor squeezing the people by being an official. This made him among the nobles. The stigma has also won the appreciation of a considerable part of the grassroots people.

The scum among the nobility, the great man in the eyes of the poor, is talking about Crasu.

What's more, Krasu's method to win over others is also extremely good. In a few years, the tyrant Sura will soon come to power, and he will soon be reused by Sura.

In history, if it hadn't been for Krasu's eagerness for quick success and instant profit, and death on the battlefield, perhaps there was really nothing about Caesar.

Soon, Ye Tian set his sights on the ten Spartan slave warriors, and found that their attributes were really high, all reaching eighty, and they were still in poor food and clothing.

However, for Ye Tian's loyalty, it is a bit horrible, and it is directly negative!

Of course, their hatred was not against Ye Tian, ​​but against the Romans, against Roman slave owners.

The strength of the Spartans is unquestionable. When Spartans were children, they were instilled in the views of the noble Spartans and the lowliness of the Hilo. Instructors often insulted and whipped Hilo people in front of children, and even took them to participate in "Kripti" activities to directly slaughter Hilo people. When the boy is 12 years old, he joins the junior team. Their lives are more severe. They are not allowed to wear shoes, and they only wear a coat in winter and summer and sleep on straw.

Spartans usually have very little food, but the adults encourage them to steal food outside. If someone finds out, he will be beaten hard when he comes back, because he is not good at stealing. Legend has it that there was a young man who stole a fox and hid him in front of his chest. The fox bit him in his clothes. In order not to be found, he remained silent until he was bitten to death by the fox.

After turning 20, Spartan young men formally became soldiers. Married at the age of 30, but he still participates in military training every day. Retired at the age of 60, but still a reserve soldier.

Spartan girls still stay at home at the age of 7, but instead of weaving and doing housework all day, they are engaged in physical exercise, learning to run, race walking, discus throwing, and fighting.

The Spartans believed that only a strong mother could give birth to a strong warrior. Spartan women are brave and strong. They are not afraid to see their sons injured or killed on the battlefield. When a Spartan mother sent her son to the battlefield, instead of wishing him a safe return, she gave him a shield and said: "Either take it or lie on it."

It is conceivable that this is such a strong and powerful race, their body exudes the characteristics of beasts everywhere. *

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