More and more people gathered at the door of Sulla's family, surrounding them in a crowd, and more and more people came one after another.

Because, from some unknown time on, there was a rumor among the people that as long as they joined the fight against Sulla, when Sulla made compensation, all the participants would be compensated together.

It was profitable, and the enthusiasm of the civilians was even higher. Some people showed up with their entire family, because it was getting dark, and some people even brought their own mats.

The news spread so fast that if anyone wanted to find out the source of the news now, it would be impossible to find it.

"Open the door!"

"Damn it Sura, open the door for me!"

"Thugs, damn thug family, open the door for us, give an explanation to the dead, and give an explanation to all of us civilians!"

"Compensation! Compensation!"


The door of the Sulla family was tightly closed, and even a pile of heavy objects were used to prop up the door. They were afraid that the crazy and angry people would smash their door open, rush in, and kill them all.

"Have you heard that the Aurelie family, the Julius family, the Marius family, the Qinna family and the Werner family have already issued a statement!"

Amid the noisy voices, an excited voice came

"What statement? Are you going to expel us?"

"Come on, are they going to support Sura?"

Someone asked eagerly.

"No, it's not!

It's not what you think!

The five big families issued a statement almost at the same time, asking Sulla to plead guilty, to admit their mistakes, to apologize and to pay compensation!

At the same time, they also learned the truth of the matter.

Sulla first robbed Philip's mines, then killed people, and so on.

They must give Rome an explanation for a series of crimes.

Otherwise, the five big families will jointly propose to the Senate to try the Sulla family as public enemies of the Roman Republic, confiscate all their property, expel them from Rome, and exile them!!


The people who learned the truth were extremely excited and told everyone the good news loudly.

"Public enemy, public enemy, public enemy……"

"Public enemy, public enemy, public enemy……"


The people roared with excitement, and a sense of pride rose in their hearts. They believed that this was the fruit of their victory in the struggle. If they were a little worried before, now they were completely excited. After all, there were already five big families backing them up, supporting them, and standing for them.

This was also the result that Ye Tian wanted most. The five big families stood up to ease the resentment and contradictions of the common people against the nobles, and they unanimously spared no effort to confront the entire Sura family.

The five big families were also happy to do so. Under Ye Tian's strategy, the Sura family had completely offended the public anger.

It was their plan to stand up to support the people and step on their political enemies.

The Sura family was originally their political family. They were most happy to have the opportunity to step on him, not to mention that they could harvest a wave of reputation now.

Although the nobles were high above, they also needed the reputation of the people, because they wanted to hold any official position, and the Senate could not directly appoint them, but through elections.

In the election process, the people's choice votes were also very important.

As for the Werner family, they were even more active. Even if Ye Tian had not asked them to do so, they would definitely stand up and step on Sulla's head at this time.

They had not forgotten that Tarodo favored Crassus in the court some time ago, and behind Tarodo was Sulla.

The most important thing was that although they won the case against Crassus, the family's reputation would be more or less damaged, so standing up now and supporting the people would definitely restore their reputation.

"Good news, good news, many nobles and big families have issued statements one after another to support us!"

"Yes, that’s great. Rome is Holy Rome after all, and there are still righteous people among the corrupt nobles!"

"Haha... Fortunately, we listened to Lord Satan's advice and did not attack all the nobles. Otherwise, how could the big families support us?"

"Yes, although Lord Satan is not very famous and not as powerful as the big families, he really seems to care about us common people.!"

"Haha... who said it wasn't, I didn't know Lord Satan before, but now I remember him……"

"Have you seen him?"

"Yes, but he still answered my questions seriously, very nice!"

"It would be great if he could be our tribune!"

"What a pity, Lord Satan is a noble and cannot be a tribune!"


When the wall falls, everyone pushes it. More and more families issued statements or accused Sulla.

And Satan's reputation began to spread. More and more people believed that Lord Satan was a new noble who protected the interests of the common people.

At the Senate Elders' Meeting, there was still an endless debate at this moment.

"Andrew, don't go too far! Sulla is fighting bravely on the front line. You want to judge him as the public enemy of Rome. This is too much. Sulla didn't know anything about this matter. The stupid people didn't know. Don't you know it either?!"

Tarodo was so angry that he stood in his own camp and accused loudly.

"If you have the ability, go explain to those angry people! There is no use yelling at me here. If it weren't for Lord Satan to appease the angry people, I'm afraid the Senate would have been captured by now! Seizing the citizens' minerals and slaughtering dozens of civilians, there are such people among the nobles, and sooner or later they will kill us!"

���Drew said slowly:"Now is a very important time. All our forces are on the front line. Once these civilians riot, we will be replaced! Moreover, because of Sura, more than a thousand slaves successfully revolted. Who will be responsible for this matter!"

"Do we have to bow to them just because of the people's riot? Bowing this time means that we will continue to bow next time. Who wants to be expelled next time and become the public enemy of Rome! ?"

Tarodo's meaning is very clear, that is, to stand on the interests of all nobles.

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