
Seeing the remaining miners begin to flee, Ye Tian took out a Mo Dao and threw it out like a javelin. The terrible force and speed made the air explode.


Finally, the sword fiercely pierced the man running in front from behind. The terrible force directly took the miner away. After flying two or three meters, he was nailed to the ground fiercely, dead.

Such a shocking and terrible scene frightened the others and made them tremble.

""Those who surrender will not be killed!!"

Ye Tian shouted, and the sound echoed on the battlefield. A wave of arrows from the crossbows and a wave of cavalry charge took away at least 400 lives. At this moment, there were only more than 500 miners. They were scared and threw away their weapons when they heard Ye Tian's voice.

They were originally tamed slaves. They just had a chance to escape collectively. They thought they could fight for their freedom. However, a crushing killing without any suspense made them show their true colors.




The Spartan warriors saw that the slaves had put down their weapons and stopped chasing them, roaring with excitement. After so much training, they finally got to warm up today, but found that their fighting power had become even more terrifying and horrible, and it was difficult to hide their excitement.

They were like gods of war on the battlefield. They believed that one day, under the leadership of their master, the glory of Sparta would return to the entire Mediterranean.

"Bardock, tie their hands up for me. If they are hostile, kill them without mercy!!"

Ye Tian threw out a bunch of ropes and ordered Bardock.

He had no mercy!

Because he had to adapt to this era, not killing those who surrendered was the greatest mercy!

These slaves rioted and rebelled, and he was fully qualified to wipe out all the slaves.

There has always been barbarism in the Mediterranean. In history, how many races were completely exterminated in the plunder of resources?

"Sabak, you did a great job. You have done a great job this time, and all of you Spartans have done a great job too!"

He rode his horse to Sabak's side, dismounted from his horse, patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said

"For the glory of the master!!"

Sabak said modestly. He had just witnessed the terrible fighting power of Sparta, which made him very happy and excited.

"It is also the glory of Sparta!"

Ye Tian smiled:"I have asked people to spend a lot of money to buy Spartan women from other slave owners or nobles. It won't be long before you can form your own family. The glory of Sparta will surely shine again on you, and your race will surely continue and be more prosperous than before!"

Ye Tian knew what these Spartans needed most, that is to maintain the pure Spartan bloodline.

The bloodline of Sparta cannot be defiled, and Sparta cannot have hybrids.

The current Sparta's loyalty to him is absolutely loyal, so Ye Tian can completely give them Spartan women.

"Thank you, Master……"

Sabak was extremely excited. They were indeed very worried because they knew that Roman nobles liked to keep Spartan women because Spartan women were the best, healthiest and strongest women.

Whenever they thought of Spartan women being taken advantage of by Roman nobles, they felt bad.

"I believe that you will be able to see the day when the Spartan homeland is rebuilt, but you will always be under my command!"

Ye Tian nodded and said encouragingly, making Sabak so excited that he almost cried.

"Master, these three women are Roman women!"

Sabak pointed at the three haggard girls behind him and said.

The three girls were all dressed like village girls, about twelve or thirteen years old, budding, but they were also very delicate and graceful. Their figures were not very full, but their legs were very slender and they were tall. At this moment, they were timidly looking at Ye Tian

"They were looted by slaves, but I took them unharmed. I intend to dedicate them all to the great master.……"

Sabak calmed down his excitement and said to Ye Tian with a smile:

"These are all beauties? Aren't you tempted?"

Ye Tian smiled and asked lightly, looking at Sabak with a look of deep approval.

One hundred points of loyalty is enough to make them consider the master's first when doing anything.

"They are too delicate. In the eyes of us Spartans, only women with strong bodies are the most beautiful women! We will only marry Spartan women. Moreover, even if they are all beauties, they should be dedicated to their masters!"

Sabak smiled and said to Ye Tian. He was not flattering, but telling the truth.

The entire Spartan nation conducted military advice. They regarded strength as beauty and health as beauty. Only women with strong bodies can be called beauties.

"I understand. I will give you a lot of money to buy back some Spartan women. They should not be living outside and should be reunited with you!"

Ye Tian promised Sabak, which moved him again.

"Do you know your fate?"

Sparing Sabak, Ye Tian came to the three girls and said lightly

"Sir, please let us go.……"

One of the older girls begged Ye Tian, her eyes full of tears, and she felt pity for him.

"You were captured by those damn slaves, and you are their spoils. I suppressed them, so now you are my spoils, and you will follow me from now on!"

Ye Tian said lightly, how could he let them go? It was not easy to get three beauties, and his beauty guard corps had not yet been formed.

Even if he formed a beauty corps, he would not mind collecting more beauties.

After all, the beauties of this era are all real beauties, not the same plastic surgery faces in later generations. The beauty of each woman is unique and will not be boring.

"grown ups……"

The three girls begged

"Be good and listen to me in the future, or I will demote you to slaves!"

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