More than a hundred cavalrymen were all killed in the battle, but the Spartan warriors were unharmed. Soon, all the horses were found by the Spartan warriors.

Except for more than ten injured horses, the other 140 horses were intact. The injured horses will be well soon.

This is a huge harvest.

Ye Tian finally understood why the Roman elders and nobles were so keen to invest in and support the war of expansion.

Once a war is won, the benefits are really too great.

A large number of slaves, a large amount of land, a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, and a large amount of food are all wealth.

It is precisely because of this kind of wealth plunder that Rome, which has been waging wars, is not only not tired, but also not dragged down by the war. Instead, it is more and more courageous, and has become the super overlord of the Mediterranean.

After packing up the spoils, under Ye Tian's order, Sparta took more than 500 miners and accelerated their progress under the night.

It seems that the miners did not need to urge them at all, and they worked hard to speed up their own part.

Strabo was badly wounded, so Ye Tian did not encounter any more ambushes along the way.

The next day, almost at noon, Ye Tian finally returned to Rome to everyone's shock.

"Lord Satan is back……"

"Lord Satan is back……"


Not long after they walked forward, Ye Tian discovered that many civilians lined up on their own initiative, holding flowers in their hands to warmly welcome him.

Among the people, Ye Tian saw some familiar faces, and then smiled slightly, knowing that this scene should be arranged by Aurelia.

"Lord Satan is truly powerful. He was able to suppress an uprising of more than a thousand slaves by leading only one hundred of his own slaves, and in such a short time!"

"Yeah, it’s really amazing!"


Someone in the crowd took the lead and cheered.





As the first voice sounded, the people followed suit and shouted, and the voices gradually became a little fanatical.

Ye Tian was in front, with a smug smile on his face. He also knew that it was time for him to give back.

Rome seemed to have a tradition that when the Roman army returned from a great victory, they would bring back a lot of money and slaves to reward the cheering civilians.

Therefore, generally speaking, the entire Rome was very enthusiastic about foreign wars, and the civilians also supported the war.


Ye Tian grabbed handfuls of silver coins from the system's space and threw them towards the place where the cheers were loudest.




When Ye Tian threw silver coins, the cheers became even crazier and more enthusiastic.

These were silver coins. Even if the nobles returned victoriously, they would only throw copper coins at most. But Ye Tian generously gave out silver coins.


"Ding Ding Dong……"


Ye Tian violently scattered silver coins, as if he was not scattering money, but a pile of sand.

He now finally understood a truth thoroughly. Although there were disputes among the nobles in Rome, they were absolutely united in many major events. When it came to the common interests of the nobles, they were absolutely united.

Therefore, Ye Tian knew that if he wanted to pry open the Senate and the entire aristocracy, he would need the support of the people in the future. Therefore, he was now bribing the people to gain a very high reputation among them.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Tian didn't know how many silver coins he had thrown out, but it was a lot anyway.

However, he didn't feel bad, because he would be able to start making money crazily soon anyway.

""The dearest civilians of Rome!"

After scattering the silver coins, Ye Tian sat on the warhorse, pulled Sang Zi and roared loudly:"I, Satan Ye Tian, thank you for your support and I am very happy for your support! But today I am very angry!"

As Ye Tian's roar resounded, the boiling cheers stopped and everyone listened quietly to Ye Tian's next words.

"Yesterday morning, I received an order from Lord Andrew O'Reilly to go out of town to suppress the escaped slaves who had revolted!

In order to recover Rome's losses, to maintain Rome's glory, and to prevent the uprising from escalating, I only had time to lead a hundred slave warriors to the battlefield!

As expected, yesterday afternoon, we suppressed the rebellious slaves and subdued them!

It can be said that I risked my life and saved Rome from a crisis in the shortest possible time.

After all, everyone knows the current situation of Rome!

You tell me, am I right?!


Ye Tian's voice was loud, with an angry roar.

"Yes, it is!"



The people who benefited from it cheered wildly.

"But, do you know? Just last night, we were attacked at night! We almost couldn't come back!"

Ye Tian roared, very angry.

"But you will never guess who attacked us!

It was the Roman soldiers!!

A cavalry of more than 150 people!

Oh my god, damn Rome, I don’t know who I offended, they actually treated the Roman hero like this!!

I think someone has begun to defile the Holy Rome!!

So, I want to seek justice for myself, for the Holy Rome.

I hope the Roman Senate will investigate this matter thoroughly, I hope the Senate will make the decision for me and find out the real culprit behind the scenes, dear Roman people, do you support me?!!


Ye Tian's voice was cold in sorrow, angry in coldness, and powerless in anger.



"Support Lord Satan!"


"Damn it, who on earth attacked the kind and benevolent Lord Satan!"

"Damn it! Someone actually attacked our Roman hero! I absolutely disagree, absolutely disagree!"


Ye Tian once again ignited the anger of the people, making them scream wildly.

If someone wanted to kill him, Ye Tian would make the entire Senate restless.

Ye Tian killed so many cavalrymen and collected more than a hundred war horses. If he didn't handle it well, he would get into a lot of trouble. But now he has taken advantage of the situation and turned the passive situation into the active one. I guess some people will be worried.

As for what kind of treatment the Pompey family will face, Ye Tian didn't know, but he knew they would definitely not be executed or exiled.

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