Ancient Rome: From Slave Owner to Supreme Emperor

Chapter Seventeen To accumulate wealth is a must!

So easy to satisfy?

Ye Tian was all surprised, his loyalty reached one hundred in an instant, but she was just given the position of steward.

For Diana, this is not just the identity of a housekeeper, but Ye Tian's recognition of her, and also delegating power to her, giving her a certain amount of freedom.

Moreover, she just came that day, Ye Tian trusted her in this way, granted her the right to mean freedom, and filled her desperate future with endless hope.

"Get up, it's getting dark, you go to prepare dinner, you decide what you want to eat, but you must have meat, and the other slaves, besides filling them, will give them food and meat tonight... "

Ye Tian said lightly, instructing her.

"Yes, master!"

Andina replied respectfully, her heart trembling fiercely, even the other slaves were fed up and added meat?

I'm afraid that her master is the most merciful slave in the world.

It didn't take long for Angela, who had recovered her strength, to also get up. She apologized to Ye Tian, ​​and then went to prepare dinner tonight with Diana.

The five-point free attribute is in hand again, and Ye Tian can't wait to allocate and add it.

Host: Ye Tian

Status: Entry Slave Owner

Strength: 92

Physique: 92

Speed: 92

Charm: 77

Number of slaves: 38

Quality female slaves: 4

Slave Warrior: 10

The attribute changed again, causing Ye Tian's body to rise again with a trace of warmth, and the strength became stronger again.

He also added two points to the attributes of charm. After all, he was invited by Caesar tomorrow to go to Krasu to watch the battle of gladiators. There must be many big shots.

With Krasu's character, it is estimated that many nobles and big men will be invited together, maybe there is still a bet.

Ye Tian doesn't want to cause other people's disgust because of his lack of charm.

The charm value of 77, not to mention high, is at least beyond the qualified range.


Ye Tian muttered softly, this is a genius, or a business genius, not only has a brain, but also has a thick skin.

He can think of everything he can, and will not miss any chance to make a fortune.

In history, Crassus noticed that there were rows of houses in Rome, which were easy to catch fire, and organized a fire brigade that was very rare at the time. Once a house catches fire, he will buy it at a very low price when the house owners are frightened and uneasy. Go down the burning house and its neighboring houses, and then start fighting the fire. In this way, Krasu obtained thousands of houses and residences, and then rented them out at high prices.

Even, in order to get a villa of a temple virgin, he entangled her and showed great diligence to her, so that he was suspected of having an affair with the virgin. In addition, Krasu also owned countless silver mines, as well as a large number of slaves with a clear division of labor.

He could also put down his aristocratic figure and personally guide the education of slaves.

Tomorrow, we may be able to see the leaders of the “Big Three” in the future.

He had a feeling that Crassus would become his main competitor to accumulate wealth in Rome.

Moreover, this guy is now twenty-five years old, and his mind has already matured. It is estimated that he has a small reputation in the Roman aristocratic circle, and of course he may be ‘infamous’.

The night was dim, and Diana and the others quickly finished making the dinner. At Ye Tian's request, four women came together to feed him.

Yingying Yanyan, lively and fragrant, life is so comfortable, so luxurious.

The food in ancient Rome is very developed, Ye Tian's dinner is also very rich, there are many kinds of spices, and wine.

However, the food culture of this era, no matter how developed you are, it will not be as good as the future thousands of years later.

Moreover, the tableware in ancient Rome was made of lead. When Ye Tian arrived, he quickly replaced him. Although his physique was strong, he didn't want to be lead poisoned.

"Maybe opening a restaurant is a good way to earn money!"

After eating full, Ye Tian hugged left and right, thinking to himself.

The food in Rome, he has long been tired of eating, nothing more than braised, boiled, grilled, without too many characteristics.

Maybe after he opens a unique restaurant in Rome, he can definitely attract a large number of nobles and become popular in the audience.

But now is not the best time, because there are only ways to accumulate money, but there is no strong deterrent force, and eventually it will become the dowry of others.

Therefore, Ye Tian was a little bit aggrieved. He clearly mastered a lot of methods to accumulate money, but couldn't take it out.

It is necessary to accumulate wealth. Without enough wealth, how to train powerful slave warriors, how can you step on the Senate, how can you surpass the nobility circle without enough wealth.

Food, clothes, sexy underwear, auntie towels, perfumes, glass products, ceramics, wine extraction, etc., Ye Tian can think of too many ways to earn money.

It's a pity that he still doesn't have enough strength to implement these.

But it will be done soon!

Everything is developing for the better, but he has to hug Aurelia's beautiful woman's long legs tighter. *

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