The conspiracy against Ye Tian may have been unfolding, but Ye Tian didn't know it. In the past two days, under his arrangement, Rose met with the five major families behind him and reached an agreement.

Rose took out all the assets of the Sura family that could be taken out, and mortgaged them to the five major families, obtaining terrible wealth.

Then, all this wealth was loaned to Ye Tian!

After Ye Tian and Rose signed the agreement, they issued a high-profile notice and statement, almost letting everyone in Rome know.

For a time, the whole of Rome was completely boiling again, sweeping up a storm.

"What on earth does Satan want to do? What does he need so much money for?"

"Why does Satan charge such a high interest rate for loans? What on earth does he need so much money for? Where does he get so much money to pay such a high interest rate!"

"Damn it, the annual interest repayment is 20%, which means that the loaned money will double in ten years, the family's wealth will double, and triple in fifteen years! Damn it, this is really money making money!"

"Is the Sura family going to be resurrected?"

"Who can guarantee that his family's wealth will double in ten years?……"

"I want to know, does Satan still need to borrow money? I also want to lend him money, the more the better, so that I can make money even if I lie down.……"


The big families in Rome were all crazy. Their family assets had been accumulated over several generations. No one dared to say that they could double their assets within ten years, and it was also risk-free.

For a time, many people were jealous!

To them, Ye Tian was a cash cow.

"Keep an eye on Satan to see what plans he is preparing? To be so crazy, he must have controlled a money-making project or channel."

"Make arrangements, I want to meet Satan!"

"Damn it, I now regret agreeing to Strabo and Tarodo and agreeing to send Satan to the battlefield. It would be such a pity if this man died!"

"Satan must die! He has caused too much trouble. Who knows what kind of trouble his existence can cause!"

"Satan must die. Almost everything during this period revolves around him."

"I don’t want the next Marius to grow up!"

"No, his existence is more terrifying than Marius!"


Among the nobles, some wanted to make friends with Ye Tian because they saw the benefits he brought, but some people saw how terrifying Ye Tian was and felt that Ye Tian was very likely to affect their interests, so they were even more eager to get rid of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't know all this, nor did he want to know. After he put a large amount of gold coins into the system space, the first thing he had to do was to buy a large piece of land in Rome and start designing the blueprints of the Colosseum.

He wanted to build the first real Colosseum in Rome, the Colosseum, and it would be a large one.

When the Colosseum came out, he would become the most dazzling existence.


"Master, the restaurant has been fully decorated!!"

The good news finally came!

Angela reported to Ye Tian with a proud smile.

"What about the surrounding shops?"

Ye Tian asked with a smile, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"It is basically ready for completion!"

Angela was very happy

"Good, that's good! According to what I said, you can arrange people to promote it! Remember, we must promote our restaurant as a mythical existence. Our dishes are delicacies that the gods crave, and our wine is intoxicating wine. Even the gods will get drunk after drinking it.……"

Ye Tian smiled and explained to Angela.

The restaurant is divided into five floors in total. Each floor is divided according to the hierarchy. On the first floor, everyone can enter and consume, including civilians; on the second floor, at least wealthy businessmen or slave owners can enter; on the third floor, at least aristocrats can enter and consume, and the fourth floor is only open to senators or their wives and immediate relatives.

The fifth floor is special and the highest level. Only those who are invited by Ye Tian can enter.

This can be regarded as a kind of arrogance and arrogance of Ye Tian.

Setting up the existence of the fifth floor is undoubtedly to improve his status and style.

Without his hospitality, the senators of the Senate cannot enter.

Invisibly, his status has been greatly improved.

The existence of the fifth floor will definitely make many people extremely unhappy, but so what.

When they are conquered by the food, they can only grit their teeth, but hope that Ye Tian will invite them to the fifth floor for dinner.

"Daisy, Dina, have the slave chefs start shopping today. All ingredients must be fresh every day! After so much training, the chefs can already take charge of their own business!"

Ye Tian arranged tasks for the twins Daisy and Dina.

"Marina, how are the etiquette training of the female slaves who were purchased to be responsible for reception going?"

Ye Tian asked Marina.

"Master, they can be on duty at any time!"

Marina said enthusiastically

"Very good, let them start today and get familiar with all the procedures and places in the restaurant!"

Ye Tian nodded.

"Susan, I have a task for you. Go to our farm and ask Bardock to arrange 20 Spartan warriors to come back and take charge of the security of the restaurant!"

Ye Tian said to little Susan with a smile.

"Yes, my master!"

Little Susan was very happy because she received a task.

"Ma Ke, you will be in charge of the entire restaurant from now on. Mary Sue will be directly under your charge. Of course, let her do the things that are exposed to the public. You only need to take charge of the overall situation and emergencies. If you cannot handle something, remember to report it to me or Diana in a timely manner!"

Ye Tian finally gave instructions to Ma Ke.

""Yes, my master!"

Ma Ke said respectfully.

"Each of you will complete your own tasks. Five days later, our restaurant will be officially opened. I want it to be a big hit!"

Ye Tian said softly.

Two months have finally passed, and his first wave of money-making plans is finally about to be completed.

The only restaurant in Rome will become a black hole that absorbs money. Others may be able to follow suit and open a restaurant, but the unique dishes are not something they can imitate.

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