"Lord Mayor, we have arrived. This is Sinik's house, which can be said to be the most luxurious and largest house in our entire Satan City.……"

Niwek led Ye Tian to a huge mansion and said to Ye Tian respectfully

"It is indeed a mansion. This will be my residence in the future. I will transform it into my city lord's mansion!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

The mansion is really a mansion, full of ancient Roman architectural style. It is all built with huge stones, decorated with some patterns or various patterns, very luxurious.

The mansion covers a large area, plus the various courtyards and gardens around it, at least dozens of acres.

"Who are you?"

The guards saw a group of soldiers appearing at the door of their master and suddenly became a little nervous and shouted loudly.

"Bardock, take them all down, and then take down everyone in the house, and wait for your punishment!!"

Ye Tian ordered calmly.

""Yes, my master!"

Bardock shouted, and then with a wave of his hand, all the new recruits rushed forward, took down several guards, and then filed into the courtyard.

"Damn, who are you?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Damn you untouchables, do you know what you are doing?"

"Bastards, who gave you the guts to come to our house and arrest people?……"

"Ah... help!……"


As all the soldiers poured in, the mansion was in chaos. The members of the Sinike family were roaring and shouting, and the screams of women and children continued to be heard.

Ye Tian was unmoved, and his face was even a little cold. He glanced at Niwek lightly, which made him uneasy. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at him.

For him, Ye Tian's oppression was too strong, although Ye Tian was just a young man.

But Ye Tian's horror had been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

"Let's go, let's go in together!"

After waiting for a long time, Ye Tian estimated that everyone should have been captured, so he said to Niwek lightly

""Yes, Lord Mayor!"

Seeing Ye Tian's calm voice, Niwek couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

For some reason, he felt that the silent Ye Tian was the most terrifying.

Entering the courtyard, Ye Tian found that there were dozens of people kneeling on the ground by the soldiers, but many of them were slaves kept by the Sinike family. Looking at the slave collars on their necks, you can tell.

The three middle-aged men should be Sinike's sons, and the four noble ladies with intact bodies and beautiful faces should be his daughters-in-law. One of them should be Sinike's unknown wife.

The four girls and three boys should be Sinike's grandchildren. There are many female slaves, at least thirty, all young women, some of whom are still good-looking. The male slaves are all coolie slaves, with shackles on their feet.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you break into my house? What do you want to do? My father is Sinik!"

One of the middle-aged men saw Ye Tian and couldn't help struggling, shouting at Ye Tian.

"Niwek, damn it, this is your conspiracy, right? Where is my father? What did you do to my father?"

The middle-aged man saw Niwek and shouted loudly

"Dead, your father is dead! Because your father was the mastermind of the betrayal of Rome, he was executed by Lord Satan from Rome! In addition, you are the descendants of sinners. According to the law, all of you will either be executed or demoted to slavery!"

Nevik took a deep breath and said calmly, his voice was very indifferent, and his eyes were full of pity when he looked at these people in front of him.

They should have had a bright future, but their master was too arrogant and conceited. He even tried to force Satan, a ruthless man, and even tried to control him.

"Bastard, you are talking nonsense. Sulla of Rome was my father's best friend. Even the nobles from Rome did not dare to kill him. You must have framed him! It must be like this!"

The middle-aged man was stunned and roared madly.

"Bardock, his voice is too loud!"

Ye Tian said lightly



Bardock understood what Ye Tian meant, so he drew his sword, and the world became quiet. A head rolled down, and blood spurted out like a pillar.




Seeing their husbands or fathers beheaded, a beautiful woman, a boy and a girl screamed in fear.

Niwek had a blank expression on his face. When the middle-aged man screamed wildly, he knew that he was doomed.


Ye Tian gently raised a finger and put it in front of his lips, stopping the screams abruptly. Everyone looked at Ye Tian, the cold young man, in horror.

"I haven't said anything yet, as slaves, what qualifications do you have to shout?"

Ye Tian said calmly:"Newek is right, your master has been executed by me for treason and betrayal to Rome! You are also implicated. Now I give you two choices. First, I kill you! Second, I will brand you with my slave mark, and you will live as slaves from now on! There will be no third choice!"

After Ye Tian's voice fell, everyone was uneasy.

"Tell me, beauty, what is your choice?"

Ye Tian came to the screaming lady, squatted slightly, grabbed a handful of her hair, and asked lightly

"Don't answer? Then I will assume that you have chosen death!"

Seeing that the beautiful woman didn't speak, Ye Tian said coldly

"No, Master, I am willing to be your slave, I don't want to die……"

Seeing Ye Tian standing up, the beautiful woman recovered from her trance and pleaded with Ye Tian:

"Very good, very wise! You get up first!"

Ye Tian said lightly, and then asked her daughter and son lightly:"What about you?"

"Slaves, we want to be slaves……"

"Met the owner……"

A pair of young boys and girls returned to the

"Ding, congratulations on the attribute, successfully turning the noble into a slave, Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 300 exchange coupons, Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Fang Tian Hua Ji made of cold iron!"

At this time, the system's upgrade sounded in Ye Tian's ears, making him very excited.

He turned the noble into a slave himself, and actually got the arrival of the exchange coupon, and also a Fang Tian Hua Ji!

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