Long black hair, four limbs, and can walk upright!

In Ye Tian's cognition, the creatures that meet these characteristics seem to be bears and apes.

The height of an eight-year-old child is more suitable for monkeys.

However, in Ye Tian's cognition, neither bears nor apes are blood-sucking creatures.

It is very powerful and can hit people flying, and it has sharp claws!

What kind of creature is this! It has four fangs, but it looks like a beast, like a cat or a canine creature.

"Does it have a tail or wings?"

Ye Tian was confused. He had never seen such a creature before and couldn't tell what it was. So he continued to ask.

"I don't know, I didn't see it, it was too dark……"

The woman thought for a moment and explained seriously:


Ye Tian cursed inwardly.

Blood-sucking monsters, Ye Tian had indeed seen them on the Internet before.

In Puerto Rico in 1995, a woman claimed to have seen a strange blood-sucking animal. This animal was about half a meter tall, with skin similar to that of a dinosaur, two large eyes the size of an egg, two protruding fangs on its mouth, and spikes of various colors from its neck to its back.

After that, people in Florida, Mexico, New Mexico, Texas, Chile, Mexico and other places claimed to have seen this monster, which people called Chupacabra.

Some witnesses said that it looked half like a bat and half like a kangaroo, and some people saw that it liked to attack small poultry and livestock, such as ducks and sheep. The most terrifying thing is the way it eats prey, which is similar to the legendary vampire: first bite a small hole in the prey, and then suck all the blood from the small hole. Although people continue to claim to have seen Chupacabra, no solid evidence of this monster has been found.

A series of Chupacabra attacks occurred in northern Chile, with 200 goats, sheep, ducks and rabbits dying mysteriously from blood loss.

So, vampires should not exist, but blood-sucking monsters should exist.

But what exactly this creature is, Ye Tian can't imagine!

However, he must find a way to find it.

"Monica priest is here……"

"Monica priest is coming……"


There was a noisy sound behind them, and the crowd moved aside. A sexy and beautiful priestess slowly walked over, followed by two armed girls.

"Meet the Lord City Lord."

When Monica saw Ye Tian, she was also stunned, and then saluted respectfully.

""Monica, you're just in time! Look, what's going on?"

Ye Tian nodded, then smiled at her. As a priest, he must be very knowledgeable, especially about strange creatures and things he has seen. Otherwise, how could they fool people like this?


Monica didn't refuse, she walked forward confidently, watched carefully, her face was very ugly, and then asked the woman about something.

"Dear mother, I already know what happened. Please don't be sad. We will bury your child. I will pray to God personally, and her soul will rest in peace.……"

After understanding the situation, Monica quickly comforted the lady.

"Thank you, respected and great God's messenger……"

Sure enough, after being comforted, the sadness on the woman's face faded a lot, and she hurriedly thanked Monica again and again.

People in this era believe in God.

"Please help me bring her back to the temple and bury her properly.……"

Monica comforted the woman again, and then ordered her two female guards

"Okay, everyone go away, I have something to discuss with the priest.……"

Ye Tian ordered the crowd to disperse.

"Did you find anything?"

After everyone dispersed, Ye Tian asked Monica curiously, hoping to get some clues from her.

"I didn't expect that the city lord would care about this kind of thing.……"

Monica smiled.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? They are all my people. My people are being attacked and killed for no reason. If I don't pull it out and kill it, how can I be worthy of the support of my people!"

Ye Tian's voice was so loud that the dispersing crowd heard it and felt very moved.

"I hope this demon is not a demon sent by the gods to punish us.……"

Monica said slowly

"Foolish, stupid! The devil's things, just use them to fool the people, don't use them to fool me, or I will take away your priesthood.……"

Ye Tian was extremely speechless. In his opinion, this blood-sucking monster was at most a mysterious and rare creature that had never been recorded, or a mutated animal.

But Monica said it was a demon like a charlatan?

That was too far-fetched!

"But what I said is true!"

Monica said to Ye Tian with a serious face:"I know that you powerful people will definitely not believe that gods and demons are just, but there are similar creatures recorded in the scriptures! It is called the crypt demon, less than three feet tall, covered with black hair, with fangs, cruel temperament, and feeds on the blood of young girls. Every time it appears, there will be a natural disaster... It is foreshadowed as a warning from the gods to mankind……"

"Crypt demon? Haha... what kind of natural disaster? How many people can a mere blood-sucking monster kill?……"

Ye Tian was somewhat disdainful. Not to mention meeting him, even if he met a Spartan warrior, the so-called Crypt Demon couldn’t withstand their sword!

"The natural disaster is not how many people the crypt demon can kill, but its appearance will cause many people to get inexplicably incurable diseases, and a large number of people will die.……"

Monica explained.

"Isn't it just a plague? You put it in such a high-sounding way!"

Ye Tian said lightly, but he also became alert in his heart. If what Monica said was true, the creature should have some terrible virus on its body, which could be transmitted and cause a terrible plague.

In this era, once a plague breaks out, it is really no different from a natural disaster!

"Burn the body quickly!"

Ye Tian ordered Monica in a deep voice.

"I will!"

Monica nodded.

"Damn it, this kind of thing happened at this time and caused trouble for me. If I catch you, I will cut you into pieces!"

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