"You should tell me first, how old are you this year?"

Ye Tian put Selina down and asked calmly

"Master, this year I am... thirty-five……"

Selina looked at Ye Tian timidly and said very embarrassedly.

Her timid appearance was very pitiful, but I don't know if she was pretending, or if this appearance has become her self-protection instinct.

However, when she said her age, everyone was stunned.

Thirty-five years old?

This loli is actually thirty-five years old!

Tianshan Tonglao?

She is more terrifying than Tianshan Tonglao. Tianshan Tonglao at least has an old voice, but Selina still looks like a complete loli and has a loli voice. It turns out that she is really a mutant dwarf. Although she can't grow taller, at least she won't look old. It seems that she has always been frozen at the age of eight.

If she hadn't said it herself, no one would doubt her age.

If it weren't for the system's judgment, Ye Tian wouldn't believe that she was a dwarf.

Because of her figure and appearance, she can't see the characteristics of a dwarf at all.

Dwarfs, although short and ugly, look very abnormal at first glance, but it doesn't mean that they have no development.

However, this Selina really seems to have not developed at all, as if her development was set at the age of eight.

At least she does not have the physiological characteristics of a woman.

"Oh my god, how is this possible? It's incredible……"

Monica was completely stunned when she heard Selina's age.

This girl who looked eight years old was actually twice her age.……

"What do you use that blood for? Is it your food?"

Ye Tian asked in a deep voice

"Yes Master……"

Selena looked at Ye Tian pleadingly, hoping that Ye Tian would not punish her. She kept calling him"Master".


Ye Tian asked in a deep voice. He was really curious.

"Master...can I not tell you?"

Selina seemed not to want to tell her secret.

"I'm sorry!"

Ye Tian sneered.

"No, Master, I said……"

Selina begged, and hurriedly said:"I was born into a noble family, but when I was eight years old, I fell seriously ill with a high fever. Later, I fell into a coma and didn't know if I was dead. I was awakened by a thunder, but found myself buried under the soil."

"When I climbed up after using all my strength, I found that I was buried by my parents, but I couldn't find the way home.

I kept wandering, but I found that my strength had increased, and I could beat away those men who wanted to bully me...

I kept wandering, but I found that I couldn't grow taller no matter what I did...

I went to the temple to pray, and I went there many times.

Maybe the gods were moved by my sincerity.

I found a dark Bible that was incomplete in the temple overnight.

It said that as long as you bathe and eat the blood of a virgin, you can slowly grow taller...


Selina explained slowly, shocking Ye Tian.

She had a high fever, was in a coma, and her heart had even stopped beating. She was buried as dead, and then she was awakened by a thunder on a rainy night.

Could it be that her grave was struck by lightning, and the strong current activated her heart again, waking her up from a state of suspended animation, or from real death? Did the mutation start at this time?

Ye Tian had to speculate about Selina's mutation.

This speculation is not without reason. Although it is a bit mysterious, it also has some scientific basis.

A strong current, but not a destructive current, can theoretically revive a stopped heart.

Isn't there a kind of cardiac resuscitation called electric shock cardiac resuscitation?

Moreover, the human body also has bioelectricity. The human body's neural activities and muscle movements are accompanied by very weak currents and potential changes.

Maybe the appropriate flow of electricity flowing through her body just happened to restart her bioelectricity.

Of course, Ye Tian is not a medical student, all of this is just his own guess.

"Later, it turned out that you didn't grow taller after eating the girl's blood and taking a bath! Why did you continue?"

Ye Tian asked calmly

"I didn't bathe in blood.……"

Selina quickly shook her head and denied it:"I also know that consuming the blood of young girls will not make me grow taller, but I have become accustomed to it and cannot give it up... Master, please kill me? I will never dare to do that again.……"

As she spoke, Selina looked at Ye Tian pitifully. She looked so pitiful. Who could have thought that this was a blood-eating witch?

"Be loyal to me!"

Ye Tian said lightly.

The assassin corps should be almost ready to be formed.

Needless to say, the wolf girl is the strongest fighter, Caroline is also the best candidate, and the old loli in front of him is even more terrifying.

Not only is she cruel and ruthless, but she is also good at disguise and her scheming is also terrible.

The wolf girl can be a top killer, and Caroline and Selena can work together to take on the task of forming the corps.

A wolf girl, a bloodthirsty girl, and a vampire witch!

They will become the three trump cards and three leaders of the corps at the moment. As long as they can be trained well, teach them how to form, how to manage, and how to train. In a maximum of one or two years, the assassin corps will be able to perform tasks.

Of course, the iron must be hard to forge. If they want to become leaders and trump cards, they must master the assassin skills and rules.

These, Ye Tian needs to spend some time to teach them

"I, Selina, swear to all the gods that from now on, I will swear allegiance to the great master Satan until death. If I break my oath, I will bleed to death!"

Selina knelt down on both knees and solemnly swore allegiance to Ye Tian. Her loyalty instantly reached more than 80.

"Get up! I will take care of your affairs!"

Ye Tian said lightly

"Thank you, Master……"

Selina thanked Ye Tian gratefully

"I give you a code name. From today on, your code name is vampire!"

Ye Tian smiled and said calmly. How can an assassin not have his own code name?

One day, the names of wolf girl, vampire, and murderous girl will become a chilling existence on this continent.

""Thank you, Master!"

Selina replied happily, as if she was a little girl who got candy, innocent.

That's why she looked even more terrifying!

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