Ancient Rome: From Slave Owner to Supreme Emperor

Chapter thirty Yulia had come, Pompey's deadly trap!

"Ole invited Leah so beautiful, you should be able to refuse?"

Ye Tian heard the answer, could not help Yulia smiled gently.

"I think Yulia should have misunderstood, I do not know what Mrs. Yulia consult you?"

Ye Tian shook his head, then calmly asked.

"Nothing happened to see you, so down to just say hello ......"

Yulia smiled, but her answer, Ye Tian can not believe, after all, has not ripe to that extent between them.

"I do not know you have to join the army of Satan going to do?"

Hesitated, Julia asked softly.

"join the army?"

Ye Tian surprised a moment, I do not know why Yulia ask such a question.

"Yes, Ole Leah so optimistic about you, you must necessarily extraordinary, why not set foot on the battlefield, beheaded the enemy, meritorious it?"

Yulia Tian said to the Ye.

"If you want, I can give my husband a letter, so that you can directly act as a vanguard generals!"

Yulia continue spoke and said, suddenly Ye Tian understand.

Yulia is to want to help her husband, after all, her husband, now elderly, now living in the northern battlefield, but the subject is not clever commander Lupu Si, combined with my advanced age, energy, recession, slow, now or inch power is not built, so she was anxious ah.

So she was becoming a sudden illness, and heard Ye Tian fencing superb, amazing strength, if such a person can set foot on the battlefield, as a pioneer Reggie, it should be able to improve morale, may be able to reverse the full-kun, does not necessarily change the military situation.

"Mrs. Yulia, I could probably understand your feelings, but a war, not just one person can change, she says!"

Know Yulia mind after, Ye Tian said quietly.

To tell the truth, he would also like to set foot on the battlefield, beheaded the enemy, with feats set foot on politics for their future careers in future.

But now he no soldiers will not set foot on the battlefield, and can only be controlled by others.

So, he was planning a Spartan warrior slaves, he intends to set up a small, Spartan slaves Legion, to create his own reputation on the battlefield.

Of course, if really set foot on the battlefield, perhaps Marius is the best choice, because he is unsuccessful, can not meritorious, perhaps he can more easily meet their own requirements.

Most importantly, he now has a basically, Marius can be considered his allies over Ole Leah chariot.

"Of course, Mrs. Yulia's proposal, I would be good to consider, but now is not the best time!"

Finally Ye Tian shook his head softly against Yulia said, he was not perfunctory.

War, never missing to win with fewer, David and Goliath Liezi.

Ancient Rome, ancient Greece and the whole of man combat capability is very strong, but says the real war, I'm afraid really not as ancient China.

After all, ancient Rome's most admired man melee, in the eyes of ancient China, is the worst attack the most.

Ancient China war, is always the first plan and then move the battlefield factor analysis are in place, and finally with a metered war,

Ye Tian Although far from a military expert, but the "Art of War", "War" and other books of the military, he has seen, he was confident that, when he set foot on the battlefield, the battlefield will be able to stir the situation.

Ye Tian got the commitment of, and Ye Tian Yulia and chatted, and finally departed.

"Battlefield, I soon came!"

Ye Tian softly muttered, but the main thing is the current multi-scrape together some of the Spartans it.

Do not say there are three hundred, at least to more than fifty of it.



Pompey home into a look of gloomy, housekeeper quickly to meet her, she asked cautiously.

"Go, our family will be among the most powerful twenty Spartan slaves called up to me!"

Pompey Chen Sheng said, although he could not move the family coffers, but those basta rebellious warrior, he still has the right to dominate.

"Satan, you do not want to Sparta and slavery? I gave you!"

Pompey sneered, eyes with the slightest intention to kill and conspiracy.

He had indeed been thoroughly frightened by Ye Tian, ​​but the way his heart raised endless anger and resentment, and he was raised a trick.

Before long, twenty hands and feet are shackled slaves were brought over, it is clear that they have not been tamed.

They are very strong, his face long dirty beard, was also behind a scar that is being whipped left, deep in everybody's eyes are shining fiercely.

They are a group of rebellious slaves.

"We know that you hate the Romans, but also know that you wanted to kill us, but know that you wish to be free, to return to their homeland!"

Looking at the cold warrior slaves, Ju Yi Pompey not only failed, but very happy, full of desire to kill Spartan slaves is not that what he wants to do now.

"Now I'll give you a chance, give you a slave beheaded, and the opportunity to escape, as you can not escape from the city of Rome to see your own up!"

Cold smile, Pompey faint, so that all the slaves Spartan warrior pupil force slightly reduced.

"Listen, tomorrow I will bring you to a slave's hands, I will give the chance to unlock their handcuffs leg irons, and my request is simple, waiting to kill that slave owners ......"

Pompey saw the eyes of the soldiers intended to move slaves, he is not said softly, knowing that his plan has been completed more than half of the.

Suddenly riot twenty Spartan slaves, Satan will die!

Pompey cold heart laughed.

Get rid of Satan, not only to revenge his hatred, but also do not have paid a huge amount of gambling money. *

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