Ancient Rome: From Slave Owner to Supreme Emperor

Chapter 35 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Third-fifth chapter again rein Spartans

"Well, Pompey young master what you promised benefits, even let you dare to kill me?"

After calm down, Ye Tian Spartan slaves against all lying on the ground asked.

"We failed to kill to kill it, not much to say!"

One soldier wiped his mouth with blood, he said gas is hard, but it is sadly the eyes, although they hands activities inconvenient, but twenty people turned out in a short period of time it was someone else empty-handed ringing off the hook.

In the end they are too weak, or just this young nobleman too strong.

"I thought all of the Spartans are a man, but did not think the Spartans went so far as there have been a coward like you, so easy to recognize a Dandyism mainly the young master, in the end you have not sown?"

Ye Tian sneered.

"Please do not insult us, we did not Bong who dominated, not to mention he was just a child feather it!"

Another slave soldiers said to the blushing Ye Tian.

"It would be surprising, to die before you, are not conceal it, for him a secret?"

Ye Tian cold smile.

"No, you want more, we are just people dying, do not want to say it ......"

Spartan slaves soldier shook his head and explained.

"Say it!"

Ye Tian said lightly.

"He did not promise anything to us, just give us the opportunity to kill the slave owners only, if it could kill you, we have the opportunity to blaze Rome, we also want to be free ......"

One of the Spartan warrior slaves Chen Sheng explained.

"They certainly did not tell you, I am a nobleman, right? If you think killed a person not noble or aristocratic background is not strong enough, Pompey need to borrow your hand right? Also, I really thought you killed after that, you can abscond it? kill me, Pompey will be the first time will give you a shot, in addition to his plot to prevent leaks, you can also have gained a sum for war! you have to be really stupid enough can, ah, a kid actor is sold, but also to help him count the money, you really do not know his mind is not a cook feces ...... "

After hearing their explanation, Ye Tian laugh, these Spartans are also the muscles really mind it? Actually believed that the Roman Pompey to help them escape.

Sure enough, after listening to several consecutive Ye Tian question, they have bowed noble head, ashamed.

"Kill us ......"

One of them closed his eyes, ashamed in front of Ye Tian he said.

"I will kill you to will not ......"

Ye Tian faint, so that all slaves Spartan soldiers surprised a moment, his eyes not quite incredible, this young aristocrat did not even intend to kill them.

But they just want to kill him ah.

"You do not want us to death ah?"

One of them sorrowful asked.

"Spartans are very strong and will not do? How your body is full of pessimistic?"

Ye Tian laugh, these Spartans really are a muscle ah.

"It is said that Spartans believe in God of War, it is to follow the strong. You do not loyal to Rome greedy slave owners and those nothingness, arrogant aristocrat I can understand. But I'm a person, you will be ringing off the hook all you have to give me an account of it? "

Ye Tian said lightly.

"what do you want?"

Spartan warrior slaves Chen Sheng asked, indeed, Ye Tian a man ringing off the hook them twenty people, they do not have anything to say, Ye Tian is really strong, a lot stronger than they are, such a person is worthy of their admire, at least they won no surrender on the force.

"Being loyal to me, I not only exhort you to die, but also forgive you for your previous offenses! After all, you were just foolishly taken advantage of by a little bastard."

Ye Tian said lightly, making all the Spartan slave fighters stunned, but the hatred in his heart slowly disappeared.

The incredible Romans!

This is what they think in their hearts.

"Being loyal to me, I will not let you mine mine, nor farm land, nor will I send you performances in the arena, but let you be my fighters! Although I am still slaves, I am Upright fighters. They are not fighting for Rome, they are fighting for me, they are also fighting for you!!"

Ye Tian's voice is deep and sonorous and powerful.

"Fight for us?"

The Spartan slave fighters were completely confused, but they knew they were a little moved.

"Just to fight for you..."

Ye Tian nodded, and then repeated the policy he had just said to the group of slave fighters yesterday, which made them very excited.


Their hearts moved, and their voices trembled a little. As long as they worked hard, they could restore their names, family names, marry wives and children, establish their own families, and even their offspring could escape the status of slaves.

This is something they couldn't even think of before.

"True or not, you have to try it yourself, and your compatriots live very well with me..."

Ye Tian said lightly.


Ye Tian said solemnly: "Is it to choose the infinite possible future, or to end my life!"

"I have seen the master!"

"I have seen the master!"


Without hesitation, the twenty Spartan slave warriors knelt up in a struggle and saluted Ye Tian respectfully.

First, the powerful force subdued them, and then seduced them with the blueprint for the infinitely possible future. First they beat them with sticks and then feed them with sweet dates. It's strange that they don't move.

Ants are still alive, let alone humans, as long as they are given dignity and hope, everyone wants to live well.

"Open the chain yourself, then come with me, and meet your fellow citizens!"

Ye Tian saw that their loyalty directly soared to more than sixty, and was very satisfied and relieved, so he said calmly.

"Thank you Master..."

"Thank you Master..."


The Spartan slave warrior froze for a moment, then was extremely moved, and then extremely grateful.

This master trusted them so much, so kind!

Perhaps this is a master worthy of following and loyalty!

With this idea, their loyalty once again rises.

The corner of Ye Tian's mouth curled up, very proud.


Think about it and feel proud. *

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