Ancient Rome: From Slave Owner to Supreme Emperor

Chapter 66 Scarlet Wedding Banquet!

The noble wedding is extremely luxurious!

After completing a series of etiquettes, the bride was also tired and was sent back to the room by Krasu. After all, the bride tomorrow still has etiquette to attend.

After sending the bride back to the room, Crassus came out immediately. After all, there are still many VIPs waiting for him to entertain. He is destined to be drunk tonight.

After the bride was sent back, many young female slaves were called out and started pouring wine for the guests or adding to the fun.

Of course, no one will do excessive things on the groom’s wedding, after all, tonight is the groom’s night.

At the wedding banquet, many people looked at Ye Tian enviously, because at this moment, he was gathering at the table with three beautiful ladies.

After Aurelia, Mrs. Qinner, and Caesar's aunt Yulia saw Ye Tian, ​​they also took the initiative to find him.

Gathering at the table with three beautiful ladies at the same time naturally attracted the envy of many "one six three" men, and Aurelia and their identities are extremely difficult, or they are from super The big clans, or their husbands hold great power.

However, most of the venues are made up of noble ladies, and the nobles are mostly young or old.

After all, it is now at the critical period of Rome to suppress the rebellion of the Allies, and many middle-aged nobles have set foot on the battlefield as the main leaders of the family.

Looking at the gazes cast by many nobles, Ye Tian smiled bitterly in his heart.Although he was forcibly taken aboard the thief ship of the Mario camp, he did not want to publicize this matter, but tonight is inevitable. Up.

Mario has been very tyrannical in the past two years, but when the Allies are suppressed and the War of the Allies is over, this camp will be completely lost. Caesar's father and uncle will be killed on the battlefield. It was a failure, and then he initiated a seizure of power, but was defeated by Sura and was forced to go into exile; then he and Qin Na took advantage of Sura to go to Mithrada, and launched a second seizure of power. It succeeded, but he did not rule. He passed away within a few days, and Qin Na took over as the consul.

After Qinna mastered it for a few years, he was killed by Sura who had won the war and died in the civil war.

The Caesar line in history has fallen!

However, how to say, there are still several years left during this period.

In a few years, maybe Ye Tian didn't have the strength to change this period of ancient Rome history, but he at least possessed the strength to protect himself and protect some people.

Therefore, Ye Tian doesn't care about these very much either.

"Caesar, what have you learned with your teacher?"

Yulia asked Caesar curiously.

"A lot, a lot of powerful swordsmanship. Although my brother-in-law only taught me some, they are all very practical!"

Caesar said triumphantly.

"My honorable ladies, please allow me to toast you a glass of wine, which represents my blessing to your beauty..."

Halfway through, a young man came to Ye Tian's table and said with a smile, with some drunkenness.

"Thank you for your blessings, grandson of Sura, Marconia!"

Aurelia frowned slightly, and then said faintly, Mrs. Qinna did not speak, but only raised a glass, while Yulia didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Honorable and noble Mrs. Yulia, I don’t know if I have the privilege of inviting you to dance. Believe me, you must be obsessed with me.

Marconia saw that Yulia ignored him, and was not angry, but smiled and said to Yulia.


No, this is already a humiliation!

The nobles know that there is great competition between Ma Lu and Sura. Although it has not yet been brought to the surface, the private struggle is still very fierce.

And Sula's grandson molested Mario's wife in public, this is not Hong Guoguo's humiliation.

When Yulia heard it, her face flushed with anger and her body rose and fell.


Ye Tian smiled and stood up, his palm gently placed on Marconia's shoulder, but his strength was too great.


Marconia Bengen couldn't bear the power of Ye Tian's human limit, let alone still slightly drunk, and directly banged his knees and knelt in front of Yulia.

Everyone was extremely shocked, not the strength of Ye Tian, ​​but the shock that Marconia actually knelt in front of Yulia in this way.Is this maddening Sura alive?

"Your Excellency, isn't it? You said that your body is very strong? The gods can testify, this is really not to blame me, I just want you to sit down and have a drink.

Ye Tian retracted his palm, and explained in a flustered manner that the expression must be as innocent as possible.

"You, I'm sorry, I drank a little too much, I lost my mind, I lost my company"

Marconia's heart was aggrieved, and his angry emotions were roaring, and he wanted to kill Ye Tian, ​​he didn't believe Ye Tian's nonsense, and he knelt down when he touched him lightly. But he can't always admit that he has been patted to kneel by Ye Tian, ​​then he is really too weak, right,

After speaking, Marconia stood up, deliberately left with a drunk appearance.

"Satan, thank you, you really are my hero!

Yulia looked at Ye Tian vigorously, thanking her gratefully.

"No thanks, I just taught him some basic etiquette in Rome for his grandfather.

Ye Tian smiled faintly, so charming, Yulia almost stunned.


Seeing that Ye Tian easily resolved the embarrassing situation, Pompeo couldn't help but cursed secretly, but his goal was also achieved, at least making Sula's grandson and Ye Tian complain.

Marconia's initiative to avoid, let the nobles lose a lively drama to watch, and they will continue.

However, no one knew that the killing was already going on.


The wolf girl finally came to Krasu's mansion, followed the smell of the bride, and went straight to the bride's room, but the mansion was too big, and there were many guards coming and going in the middle.


A guard heard a slight movement and hurriedly shouted.

As soon as he turned his head, a black shadow flashed past, and a piece of flesh was torn off his neck and his trachea was torn out. This was not the first one.

"Enemy Attack!!"

Enemy attack!!"

The other guard saw it and screamed quickly.

"0.8 Boom!

Now that she was discovered, Victoria didn't bother to hide her whereabouts. She chose to kill, slapped the guards and blasted him from the second floor to the place where the VIPs gathered on the first floor.


The violent sound and the spray of blood shocked everyone and drew all their screams. Krasu's face was even more pale. This came from the second floor, close to his bride's room.

"Whoever it is, kill him for me!!

Krasu almost roared.


Victoria roared and flew into the trial fiercely. All the guards who rushed towards her were shot dead. They fell to the first floor and shot blood in a terrible state.

The wolf girl released her murderousness and was killing frantically.

Scarlet wedding banquet!!

This thought came to everyone's heart.

Which lunatic did the Crasu family offend!?.

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