Ancient Rome: From Slave Owner to Supreme Emperor

Chapter 8 Invitation and Commitment of the Lady!

"Thank you warrior for your help!"

Aurelia took a step forward and walked to Ye Tian's side, the water snake twisted gently, twisting out a mature and beautiful style.

When she came to Ye Tian's body, she had calmed down, and the shell teeth lightly opened, thanking Ye Tian.

Her aura is peculiar, majestic, generous, elegant, noble, glamorous, and strong. After all, a daughter from one of the top families, she naturally has a good aristocratic demeanor.

"It is my honor to be able to help the beautiful and noble lady by the will of the gods! But I believe in the unique charm of the lady, the goddess of luck will definitely stand by your side. Without my help, you can escape the assassination safely. of……"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, very sunny, and answered neither humble nor overbearing, and even more exuberantly praised and complimented Aurelia.

"Am I really as beautiful as you say?"

It's not the first time Aurelia has been praised by others, even the old folks in the Senate praised her for her beauty, and they all coveted her, but the praise of Ye Tian, ​​the slave owner, actually made her heart-wrenched.

It is estimated that if Ye Tian's charm value is higher, she can't help but want to have a tryst with Ye Tian.

Don't doubt, ancient Rome is not only sturdy folk customs, but also very bold and open. Of course, the premise is to meet a warrior who is enough to make them very excited and worthy of their adventure.

After all, ancient Rome imposed severe penalties on women who had derailed and lost their virginity.

"My description can't express one-tenth of your beauty..."

Ye Tian smiled and said sincerely.

"What's your name?"

Aurelia knew that she couldn't continue discussing this topic with Ye Tian, ​​after all, it wouldn't be good if these words reached her husband's ears, they would be rumored by unkind people to make her flirt with a young and strong man.

Although her husband has been far away as the governor of Asia Minor or has been away all year round.

"Satan Ye Tian!"

Ye Tian said lightly, never being humble or overbearing.

"Then Satan, would you like to be my knight guard? I bestow you an incomparable glory in the name of the O'Reilly family!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Aurelia's mouth and asked Ye Tian.

She has witnessed the power of Ye Tian with her own eyes. If Ye Tian can stay by her side, the safety of both her and Caesar will be better protected.

"Thank you Madam for your kindness, but I prefer to be a slave owner and a law-abiding citizen. I have seen too much killing. I like to enjoy the quiet of sunset and sunrise..."

Ye Tian shook his head and refused.

Become her escort knight? Didn't I want to sell myself to her.

He is a slave owner with lofty ambitions, and the knight is fine.

"That's really a shame..."

Aurelia saw Ye Tian's attitude very firm, and she couldn't help but shook her head very disappointed.

"But thank you this time. Since you saved our mother and son, our family will not be stingy. The rewards you bring back will naturally be sent to your home! Also, if you need help, you can come to the Caesar family to find me..."

Finally, Aurelia said to Ye Tian.

"Praise the generous lady, praise Caesar, the gods will shelter you..."

In return, and Orelia's promise, Ye Tian smiled very happily.

But he also knew that after the death of Caesar's father and uncle, Caesar's patrilineal family began to become lonely, and in a few years, Caesar could only rely on the power of his grandfather and uncle.

"The proposal I just made is valid at any time. I think you should become a powerful knight, cut the enemy, and build a glorious family..."

Before leaving, Aurelia left a word that confuses Ye Tian.

"I will seriously consider it, and I will find you when I figure it out!"

Looking at the departed graceful back, Ye Tian smiled.

Aurelia left, everyone around looked at Ye Tian with envy, jealousy and hatred. At the same time, she was a little bit pitiful. She felt that Ye Tian was really stupid, and her chance to be promoted to the nobleman was rejected.

Moreover, to become the guardian knight of a beautiful woman like Aurelia, maybe when you can do it!

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Tian glanced at the surroundings, did not say angrily, scared them to retreat quickly, not to mention Ye Tian's brutal fighting power, the current Ye Tian is Aurelia's celebrity, absolutely cannot offend easily.


Ye Tian made a light cut, a little disdainful, then came to Angela's side, took her little hand and walked into the slave market first.

There are not many slaves today. They are some civilians in Italy. After Rome lost on the battlefield, Bengen couldn't wait for the prisoners of war slaves, and the slave traders naturally couldn't buy them.

Although they also have channels to buy Roman soldiers from the ‘Allied Forces’, but the premise is that they have the courage.

Therefore, walking on the street, Ye Tian is somewhat disappointed, and can only hope to buy some beautiful slaves back to take care of the manor, warm the bed, cultivate their loyalty, and make themselves super invincible.

Although Ye Tian is very strong now, it is not the strongest yet, and it has not reached the limit of human beings.

To achieve this, one must cultivate the loyalty of slaves. The first choice is female slaves, and the best is beautiful slaves.

Come to a cruel slave society and become a dedicated and infatuated man?

That's too stupid, too hypocritical, or not!

Beauty, in this era, is just the private property of the strong! *

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