Ancient Rome: From Slave Owner to Supreme Emperor

Chapter 94: Pseudo Aristocrat, Sura's Dog? (Add more chapters)

"Marina, are you serious?

Ye Tian is completely different, there are people willing to be his slaves?

"Master, what Marina said is true, I am willing to swear in the name of the gods!"

Marina said very firmly.


Ye Tian nodded. There are many female slaves in the market, but not many can be called beautiful women, especially now that the war in Rome is still very losing. It is not easy for Ye Tian to complete the task quickly.

So now I can collect one, which is considered one.

My lord "They are here!"

Max's face was a little dignified. Not far from the door, a group of people hurriedly walked over. The leader was an old guy with a big belly. Next to him was a middle-aged man with wicked eyebrows and rat eyes.

Several guards followed behind them.

Good guys, they all took the rope, and the one who came is not kind.

If in normal times, they would not dare to be so arrogant, but during this time, because Rome has repeatedly lost on the battlefield, the Senate suspects that there are people in Rome who are colliding with the allies, so they want to arrest anyone who has a relationship with the allies, mainly among them. It is a civilian in Italy.

Although the wind has passed, it has not completely disappeared.

Therefore, some little nobles are also particularly bold, avenging their personal revenge and framing 320 things that are not too many.

We "Warriors, tie me all the sinners who collude with the enemy!"

The obese nobles really didn't give Max any opportunity to explain them. They just waved their palms and shouted loudly in front of the door they just arrived.

Finally caught Max, the big fat sheep, how could he miss it.


Five or six guards rushed home with the rope, like a wolf.

It is estimated that if there is no Ye Tian, ​​the Max family and the Marina family will suffer, and there is nowhere to redress their grievances.


When the fat nobleman was imagining how to divide Max’s property with his master, the loud explosion interrupted his illusion.

All the five or six guards who rushed into the door smashed through the door or the window, and fell heavily.

"Damn, the criminals who are collaborating with the enemy dared to resist arrest and kill them for me!"

The fat nobleman was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and ordered directly.

"Whose dog, dare to come here to bark!"

Ye Tian came out with a low and disdainful voice (ciai), and then walked out slowly with Max.

"Damn it, who is the bastard who dared to insult the nobleman. If you add to the crime, I will definitely send you to the fire!"

Being scolded, the fat old nobleman became even more angry.

"A little pseudo-aristocrat. You haven't been converted for so many years. Who gave you the courage to call yourself a nobleman?"

Ye Tian sneered, he could see through the identity of this old guy at a glance, but it was just an affiliated family of a large family. To put it bluntly, it was a slave. Shows the glory, but in the noble archives of the Senate, there is no name belonging to them.

Therefore, they are just a pseudo-aristocrat, not a real aristocrat.

Just like the current Max is loyal to Ye Tian, ​​after Ye Tian's strength is strong enough, he can bestow Satan's glory on the Max family, and Max becomes a nobleman through Ye Tian's power.

The pseudo-nobles are not nobles in the eyes of the nobles, but in the eyes of the people, they are real nobles.

After knowing his identity, Ye Tian became even more disdainful, knowing that it would not have been so troublesome to create false letters.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Seeing that Ye Tian's bearing was extraordinary, and he also revealed his identity in one word, the old fat man reduced his arrogance and asked in a deep voice.

"This is Satan Ye Tian, ​​the son-in-law of the Julius family, a nobleman!

Without Ye Tian's answer, Max naturally knew that he should behave like this.

"I have seen Lord Satan, although you are a nobleman in the Roman Republic, as the son-in-law of a large family, please allow me to question, I don't know why you get along with a collaborator, and it seems that you have the meaning of sheltering them! If this is the case, I will arrest you for my master Sura, all for the glory of the great Rome

Old Fatty heard Ye Tian's identity, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and then counterattacked.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, that's why Sura is attracted to you! But you were too anxious, and later you will know how terrible it is to slander a nobleman at will!"

Ye Tian was taken aback, and then laughed, this guy is not as fat and stupid as he is on the surface, and is very shrewd. He also knows to preemptively oppress him.

A vassal of the Sura family, no wonder this guy became hostile after knowing his identity.

"Actually, you don't need to use Rome to crush me! You said that Max and the others are collaborators, please show me your evidence!"

Ye Tian smiled and said jokingly, it seems that what I did before is not useless.

Dear Sir, I got a report from the common people. This family has private correspondence with the generals of the allies. It is obvious that they are all criminals, and it is a shame to our Rome!

The old fat said righteously.

"Evidence! Otherwise, I can also find someone to report that you are a member of the alliance in Rome. I hope you can produce favorable evidence to be responsible for what you say!"

Ye Tian said lightly.


The old fat snorted, and then coldly looked at the middle-aged civilian following him.

"My lord, I saw it with my own eyes. I saw a letter written by Marina to one of the generals of the allies, telling her love, love, love and worship. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

The man trembled fiercely, and then bit his scalp and said what he saw.

He thought that reporting could easily make a lot of money, but he never thought that behind Max was a nobleman.

"What's the letter like?"

Ye Tian asked.

"Parchment, the size of two slaps, and a missing corner. Let me go in and find it. I can recognize it at a glance!"

The middle-aged man summoned his courage and said.

"Then you go in, if it is true, I will never indulge Max and them! However, you are also responsible for your words, deeds and proof!"

Ye Tian's face sank, he said coldly, and then stepped away.

"Master Satan, maybe you don't know, but if there is any offense, please forgive me!"

The old fat man said proudly, Ye Tian just smiled coldly.

"found it!"

Soon, the voice of joy came.

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