The carriage drove slowly, and finally came to the Julius family.

Ye Tian and Kesha, Julie Ji got out of the carriage.

Under the leadership of Keisha, Ye Tian entered the huge house unimpededly.

"Teacher, you are finally here!"

When Caesar saw Ye Tian, ​​he was very happy and saluted him respectfully.

"Caesar, how many times have I told you! I want to call my brother-in-law!!"

Caesar's address to Ye Tian made Keisha displeased, and it was straight to Caesar's "wrong" name.

Ye Tian is her fiance, first is Caesar's brother-in-law, second is the teacher!

Keisha insisted on this point of view.

"No, I'll just call the teacher!"

Caesar argued. He insisted on the point that Ye Tian belonged to Keisha's brother-in-law's words, and his teacher's words belonged to him.

Ye Tian looked at the two elder brothers who were arguing hard, a little speechless.

But it was soon relieved, after all, they were only twelve or fourteen years old, and they were still children!

"Satan, you are finally here!"

When Aurelia walked out of the room, she happened to see Ye Tian, ​​her eyes lit up slightly, and she said happily, and then Ah scolded the two brothers and sisters who were arguing with Zheng 350.

"Yes, noble Mrs. Aurelia!"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile. Today's Aurelia is also very formal, even a little conservative.

"Then come in, they can't wait

Aurelia smiled.

"They're all here? Oh my god, am I the last one to arrive?"

Ye Tian was very surprised.

"Yes, they arrived a long time ago, and they were beyond my expectation. But it's normal. After all, facing a huge cake, they can't be unwilling! Therefore, this alliance can already be confirmed, we It's just going to talk about it."

Aurelia was very happy and a little proud.

Ye Tian nodded, this time because of the relationship of interest, Ye Tian and these four big families will be closely tied together.

He also knew that once the iron ore was nearly dug, their alliance would not be strong.

There are no eternal allies, only eternal interests!

This is the case between countries, and even more so between families, and even in many cases, people have such a relationship.

There is no absolute loyalty!

If there is, it is because the temptation is not enough and huge.

Ye Tian has always remembered these in his heart.

Of course, with the existence of the system, he is not very worried about loyalty. After all, as long as the loyalty to him reaches 80 or more, he will definitely not fall.

Moreover, these families and alliances, have a few years on it, after a few years, it is estimated these families turn to curry favor with him.

"You idiot, do not fool around,

Halfway when Ole Leah Meng's body for a while, then flushed against Ye Tian light drink.

"I think this is not you?"

Ye Tian smiled and said.

Oh my God, "I hope you can become a great nobleman, you do not have to grow, I hope you do not often say such things."

Ole Leah staring back Ye Tian look.

"Well, I do not say, I will have the opportunity to prove to you."

Ye Tian smiled.

"Damn ..

Keisha stared Ye Tian one, then order a bit emotional, with Ye Tian entered the compartment and the Chamber of Secrets in the living room.

He said that the Chamber of Secrets, but the living room is an enclosed under it.

Under the shining lights, Ye Tian found that there has been sitting four people, three women and a man.

Two of Ye Tian is to recognize, Yulia and Ms. Qin Na, another man and a woman Ye Tian do not know, but guessed their identities, should Ole Leah's parents.

Ye Tian just did not think they have so years (ciai) light, a man of about sixty years of age, hair and beard are finishing very neat, looks very gentleman, very elegant, extravagance pressing.

Woman looks, but more than forty years of age, tall and well-maintained, not only failed to knee swelling, but Ana is very, very delicate face, and Ole Leah somewhat similar.

Ole is Leah's mother, but first Ms. Ren should not Andrew.

Of course, in order to maintain this era of technology, her face has been more than a hint of crow's feet.

Moreover, because those who do not play underwear, age, she has already begun.

However, the introduction of arc still.


Ye Tian laughed within herself, once he launched the underwear comes, will be absolutely berserk with these ladies.

Feast of the ladies will basically trying to maintain their own beauty and body, otherwise they easily out of favor.

No way, too many female slaves.

Moreover, and no one is willing to dangle two water bottles shaking everywhere, although you can bound up, but uncomfortable and lost beauty.

Ye Tian know to make money from the future way too much.

"Seen O'Reilly adults and honor the beautiful lady!

Ye Tian slightly against Ole Leah salute the parents, they represent the O'Reilly family, the fact that they also dominate the O'Leary family.

Beautiful "and Ms. Gao Guide Yulia, Ms. Qin Na, nice to see you again!"

Ye Tian then turn to his wife and the wife of Cinna the street to say hello, and he and they are already very familiar with, after all, that night in the carriage, a little more or less what happened.

"Tall, handsome, handsome, a very easy fascinating young man ..."

Ole Leah's mother seriously look at the Ye Tian, ​​very satisfied, his face filled with a smile.

"Satan sir, very good! Ole Leah vision is also good, I'm glad to have you as a grandson-in-law!"

Ole Leah's father is also very satisfied with Ye Tian, ​​could not help but nod in.

Other things, one is a huge benefit programs and Ye Tian, ​​he is very satisfied with Ye Tian, ​​just some impeccable.

Ye Tian he is very optimistic about the future, absolutely have to be more terrible than the road.

"Thank you, in the world, for me, your recognition is like the gods bless ..

Ye Tian smiled, very modest.

"Satan, you first sit down!

Ole Leah let Ye Tian sit down, then opening said:. "And before you say those are my son, fiance proposed by Keisha If you have any doubts you can ask him, if there are any suggestions , we can explore together, then we can sign the agreement on behalf of their family up. "

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