Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 1297: core

Accompanied by his roar, everyone has seen it at this moment. Under his feet, a purple divine light suddenly appeared and enveloped his whole body.

This purple divine light swept from the ground, making it hard to guard against.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi"

With the appearance of the purple divine light, before everyone really reacted, suddenly, a series of sharp thorns that were several meters long suddenly appeared.

These spikes are sharp, and wherever they go, even a boulder is pierced by life, and there seems to be a decadent power on the spikes, even after the boulder is pierced, it will instantly The melting became mud!

"Damn... Get out of here!"

Seeing that those long thorns were about to pierce the Jin Di's body, with a roar, a vast power of Jin Di suddenly appeared.

Although this power was fleeting, a powerful power erupted. Vaguely, a sharp red light pierced and moved, which seemed to be a sharp long claw.

Between the opening and closing of these long claws, there is a great power, wherever they go, even these sharp long thorns are shattered...


Qin Feng's face moved slightly.

Although it didn't take long for this sharp claw to appear, he vaguely felt a kind of evil air.

This kind of evil spirit Qin Feng is very sensitive, it is a kind of devilish energy.

Devilish energy is also present in this Fighting Ape Emperor, but his devilish energy is dominated by evil spirits. After all, he has a peerless killer, and he has no way to cover up the terrible evil spirit at this moment. .

However, this terrifying claw displayed by Emperor Jin is clearly a complete demonic energy!

"This guy... Could it be that..."

Qin Feng's heart moved, and there was a guess that even he felt incredible!



At this time, there was already chaos around, and Qin Feng could only suppress his thoughts.

"The road behind has been blocked!"

The overwhelming purple branches form a big net for all the roads behind. This big net and the purple old tree are connected to each other, spreading over a hundred miles, and there are more and more spikes that are constantly looming, and it is impossible to fly in the air. Going out is even more unable to break through.

"Damn... My flame was forcibly extinguished when it entered the opponent's side..."

"My sword aura is also..."

Liu Ruohuo, Que Tianjian and others all screamed.

In the tone, he has begun to become anxious.


Qin Feng's eyes opened and closed.

The soul power suddenly opened and closed.

A vague breath was suddenly felt by him.

"what is that?"

Qin Feng suddenly shouted.

Under the perception of his soul power, he clearly saw that in the center of this purple ancient tree, there was a crystal showing a deep purple light.

In this crystal, there are countless divine patterns surrounding it, not only that, but also showing a tyrannical aura circulating.

"In its center, there is a core!"

At this moment, Qin Feng didn't need to keep it, and immediately said what he had seen.

"Each of the ancient trees we encountered contains a powerful spiritual aura, the mysterious green fruit, and the golden spiritual aura full of sharp aura!"

"If Junior Brother Qin sees nothing wrong, the purple crystal in the ancient tree should be its essence, that is, the spiritual accumulation it was born into!"

Meng Liuli suddenly shouted.

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