Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 1801: Red Blood Spirit Fruit

"Swish swish..."

Suddenly, mysterious waves began to appear around his body.

This... but Qin Feng chose to help him.


At this moment, Liu Sheng Yujian only felt that there was a strange power fluctuation around his whole body. It was because of the emergence of this power that the treasures around him gave up the encirclement and suppression of him.

Looking at Qin Feng, Liu Sheng Yujian finally understood that in this place, I am afraid that only Qin Feng can search for treasures in such a peaceful manner.

"Thanks a lot!"

He is an arrogant person and will not easily convince others, but at this time, he still couldn't help but thank him.

For a genius with an arrogant personality, he is willing to say thanks, it is definitely not only in words, but sincere thanks from the heart.

It is conceivable that the nature of this guy is by no means an ungrateful person.

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and immediately, let many genius masters come to the medicine garden.

He didn't call anyone to come in casually, and all the warriors who came in were all sects who had good relations with the alchemy alliance.

"Damn it!"

Looking at Qin Feng and his group, they easily collected treasures in the medicine garden.

Those warriors who did not go in, at this moment, a layer of cold light shrouded their faces.

"This **** is looking for death!"

Especially the Thousand Snake Demon Girl in the Flame Palace, her eyes were full of resentment.

She was very fond of a peerless treasure before, but at this time, she could only watch other people take it away.

In her opinion, the reason why she lost her treasure was all because of Qin Feng!

Qin Feng could naturally notice the appearance of other warriors.

However, Qin Feng also understood that after the call for people to come in just now, the remaining warriors definitely did not dare to mess around.

After all, with short hands and soft mouths, the martial artists around Qin Feng would naturally not let those people attack Qin Feng.


Qin Feng took the lead and rushed in.

In that place, he had discovered a good treasure long ago.

That is a red blood spirit fruit, for a martial artist like him, it has a very good tempering effect.

"Damn it, that thing, for us people, has extraordinary benefits!"

"Crimson Blood Spirit Fruit, if I have this, my strength will definitely increase a lot, what a nasty bastard!"

Seeing Qin Feng's actions, for a while, many warriors' eyes flashed with jealousy, and they wanted to take your place instead of Qin Feng.


Facing those warriors' expressions changed.

Qin Feng snorted contemptuously, and with a gentle move with his right hand, he took the scarlet blood spirit fruit and threw it into his mouth.

In this red blood spirit fruit, there is a very strong power of qi and blood, which can be called a peerless treasure.

Especially for the martial artist, it can greatly increase the strength of his body.

Let me ask, how could Qin Feng give this kind of treasure to others?

With this red blood spirit fruit entering his stomach, the majestic power of qi and blood began to fill Qin Feng's entire body.

At this moment, Qin Feng only felt that the whole person was refreshed, and his strength was a hundred times stronger. He actually recovered a lot from the exhausted state before.

However, Qin Feng knew very well that this recovery was only temporary.

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