Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 1850: Xuanling

Qin Feng could not help but breathe hard when he heard the words, his expression also became extremely solemn.

In fact, it is precisely because of this that no matter how powerful the Primordial Bloodline is, it actually incorporates the power of the Demon God.

However, the warrior of the Xuanling clan was more powerful than the opponent.

It is conceivable that the power controlled by the other party is more than a hundred times higher than the martial artists of our Tianwu Continent?

"Before, I thought that Ming Ruyou was in control of the metallic bloodline power, but now it seems that this is probably more than that!"

Qin Feng couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face, shook his head and said.

"It's okay, you don't need to care too much! In my opinion, your talent and ability will definitely not be much worse than them! Come on!"

There was a trace of firm affirmation in Di Tian's tone.

"Senior Ditian, don't praise me..."

When Qin Feng heard this, he also shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"According to this situation, with the strength of those guys, if you want to completely unify the entire Tianwu Continent, it doesn't seem to be a difficult thing, right?"

Qin Feng suddenly thought of this question and couldn't help but ask.

"Hahaha, you are a good question."

Di Tian raised his head and laughed.

Later, he said to Transsion: "You were right. At the beginning, the warriors on our mainland, after some battles, had no extra power to deal with this group of people!"

"If those warriors with stronger bloodlines also act on us, then we won't have any room for counterattack at all!"

"It's just that the warriors of these powerful races did not massacre the mainland warriors."

"I think this is probably because they disdain to deal with our poor indigenous warriors!"

After speaking these last words, even with Di Tian's state of mind, his tone couldn't help but revealed a bitter taste.

"Disdain to deal with us?"

Qin Feng frowned, no one would have thought that people didn't put you in their eyes at all.

"Yes, that's it!"

"In the beginning, these guys didn't set foot on the Tianwu Continent for a long time, and then left one after another. However, there were some people who stayed in the mainland, and they also lived and married with our native warriors..."

"Gradually, the descendants of these people have developed into some very powerful families or forces because of their strong bloodlines!"

Hearing these news, Qin Feng was an eye-opener.

These words that Di Tian said really caused a storm in his heart.

Even with his state of mind, at this time, he felt a little confused and his reaction slowed down a lot.

"It has been going on for too long, and I don't know how it is. Fortunately, I know a lot about the Profound Spirit Race among them!"

Looking at Qin Feng, Di Tian sighed slightly, his expression on his face slightly strange.

"Xuanling Race?"

Qin Feng frowned again.

He didn't expect that besides those demon gods, there were still so many powerful races entering the Tianwu Continent.

"This Profound Spirit clan is very powerful, and its bloodline is the most orthodox and pure!"

"According to my understanding, in order to ensure that their blood is excellent, they will not choose foreigners for marriage!"

"Therefore, you may encounter some unavoidable troubles after leaving the Taichu Space."

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