Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2043: Both sides hole cards


Suddenly, following the infuriating movement of the power of knowing fate, only the figure in the portrait was seen, as if walking out of the portrait.

The terrible momentum began to violently impact from that portrait, and the mighty power fluctuations filled the entire sky.

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, even those who are as powerful as Duantianxuan, Futian, etc., who are so defying the fate, their expressions changed drastically.

The body was even more oppressed, and kept moving backwards.


A series of mysterious runes flowed out from the portrait, gradually released.

In the end, a protective mask was condensed, covering all members of the Yuan imperial clan.

"This is the treasure left by the Emperor Yuan, and it contains a wave of the soul of the Emperor Yuan!"

Looking at this portrait in the sky, Luo Shui's face was gloomy and he explained it.

"It's such an awe-inspiring thing, it's worthy of being an aspiring state!"

"Even saying that this guy is probably one of the best in the Ascension Realm!"

"In this way, this matter is probably a bit tricky!"

Duan Tianxuan's expression was a little more serious at this moment.

At this moment, among the members of the Yuan imperial family.

An old man with a withered face bit his fingers and kneeled on the ground with his feet, chanting spells all the time.

I only saw wisps of red blood flowing from their fingertips, turning into red energy bloodlines, swallowed and absorbed by the portrait in the void.

This is the price of urging, the ultimate move!

The blood of the powerful members of the Yuan imperial family must be used to explode the extremely terrifying power.

"It's ridiculous, could it be someone who can deal with so many of us with this thing?"

In Luo Shui's eyes, a cold light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, two streams of light began to flash out of his hand.

That is astonishingly, two pieces of wreckage of aspiring state power.

Under normal circumstances.

The power of these two pieces of wreckage of aspiring realm power is definitely stronger than the power contained in a mere portrait.

After all, that is a part of the aspiring state power, the body.

However, the two wrecks possessed by Luoshui have been eroded by countless years.

Coupled with being used many times, the remaining power in it is almost only 10% or 20%.

What's more, the people of the Yuan imperial family can still maintain the powerful power of the portrait by contributing blood.

Therefore, after the real contest, it is not so easy for Luoshui.

"Luoshui, can we stop and talk first!"

In the end, in this situation, some people in the Yuan imperial family chose to retreat and prepare to strike.

And the person who speaks is from that Yuan Tianji.


On that day, how the two sides negotiated, except for the big figures on both sides, no one else knew.

Everyone only knew that Luoshui did not choose to destroy the Yuan imperial clan that day, but led the masters to evacuate one after another.

However, anyone can guess.

This time, the Yuan imperial family must have spent a huge price to let Luoshui truce.

If not, under a comprehensive contest, even if the Yuan imperial clan has a hole card in hand, it will certainly not be able to stop so many big men from encircling and suppressing them.

Qin Feng didn't know how the two parties discussed that day, nor was he interested in knowing.

At this time, he had already returned to Yunling Island.

What surprised him was that the situation on the island at the moment seemed a bit special.

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