Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2051: proposal

This elder's whole person seemed to have added a lot of white hair compared to before.

However, now the strength of this guy has improved a lot, much stronger than before.

The power of qi and blood in his body is also stronger.

Obviously, this old guy is also working hard in his daily practice, so that he has made rapid progress.

"Hahaha, Elder Man, seeing you so energetic, your strength has improved well!"

Qin Feng also said happily.

"I'm pooh, don't you guys say that!"

"I haven't been back for so long. It's up to me to take care of the affairs alone. It really smashed me and also got a few more gray hairs!"

The elder Man said very distressedly.

However, to say so.

However, from his very happy smile, you can know that he is actually very happy in his heart, and there is no slightest dissatisfaction or complaint.

This time, Qin Feng returned again, instantly driving the whole half-demon race into a frenzy.

It was exactly the same as Qin Feng had expected before.

After learning about the situation of Elder Man and the others, the scattered half-demon tribes around them joined in without hesitation and chose to surrender.

It is precisely for this reason that the number of the entire half-demon race today has reached an astonishing level.

Its background and potential are far from what it used to be!

"During this time, most of the other ethnic groups on the plain chose to join us!"

"So now, we have almost tens of thousands of people, and the number is still increasing..."

Elder Man said with emotion.

"It looks like the situation is developing better than I thought!"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, very satisfied.

The overall strength of the half-demon race would develop so well, even Qin Feng hadn't expected it.

The rapid development of such a large number of people is a great advantage for Qin Feng, but there are also some disadvantages.

The larger the number, it means that the forces have greater development opportunities.

But at the same time, it is very difficult to get these people all attributable to him, not very easy to control.

Qin Feng admits that the people of the half-demon race are mostly sincere.

However, he also believes that in any race, there will be good people and bad people.

Among the half-demon races today, there must be a lot of guys who are not as pure as they thought.

"I am coming back this time, intending to create a powerful enough sect force!"

Looking at Elder Man, Qin Feng said his thoughts.

"Create a sect?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, a strange color flashed across the old face of Elder Man, his eyes flashing with bright luster.

"Yes, create a powerful sect! Let the half-demon clan be completely unified, so powerful that no human martial artist's sect can oppress me!"

Regarding this matter, Qin Feng didn't have any cover up, not to mention that he didn't need that.

Qin Feng admitted that there was selfishness in the creation of the sect.

However, this is not the case. The plan he had planned a long time ago was nothing more than going with the flow.

Therefore, regardless of whether Elder Man is willing to establish a sect, Qin Feng will never force him deliberately.

"This idea of ​​yours is actually very good to our people!"

"It's just that, in this way, after the half-demon race, I am afraid that there will be some disputes with many forces!"

Elder Man thought very comprehensively and expressed his worries.

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