Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2110: Smart Qin Feng

At the same time, that ancient tripod phantom began to expand wildly!

At last!

It turned into a giant cauldron comparable to a mountain.


Tearing the sky!

He pressed hard against Qin Feng.

The phantom of the giant cauldron, all the flowers, trees, rocks, birds and beasts wherever it passed, were blasted into debris by invisible power.

The coercion that belongs to the great power of the aspiration realm, at this moment, shocked the entire world!

"It's not that easy to catch me!"

There was a sneer on Qin Feng's face.

Immediately, in the incredible eyes of everyone, Qin Feng turned into an afterimage, like lightning, sprinting towards the distance.

"What? He ran away?"

Seeing Qin Feng, he was murderous just now, but suddenly he chose to escape.

This caused all the spectators present to be puzzled, and their jaws opened wide in shock.

But soon, everyone understood.

Although Qin Feng's combat effectiveness was very strong, he could even compete head-on with Huangfu Renyi for a while.

However, this does not mean that Qin Feng can continue to compete with Huangfu either.

Because the realm between them is still too big after all!

The longer it drags on, the less advantage it will have against Qin Feng.

Therefore, Qin Feng's direct retreat at this time is undoubtedly the smartest choice.

"Damn it, Qin Feng, you have a kind of don't run!"

Seeing Qin Feng, he retreated without saying a word, even if it was Huangfu, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

He did not expect that Qin Feng, who behaved aggressively, would actually choose to retreat at the most critical moment.

To know.

After going through the contest just now, in Huangfu Renyi's mind, this Qin Feng is already the enchanting figure that he must pay attention to.

Even though, Qin Feng's true cultivation base is only the Ninth Level of the God-throughput Realm!

Surprised to astonishment, Huangfuren, as a genius on the master list, quickly reacted.

A sharp look flashed in his eyes!

His whole person is like a tiger, carrying endless power, stepping on the void in front of him, and chasing and killing Qin Feng fiercely.


With the increase of Gu Ding's power, Huangfu Renyi is even stronger!

Wherever it passed, the void showed a series of terrifying cracks, and the speed was as fast as thunder.

"Stop it for me!"

Just after Qin Feng galloped for more than 100,000 meters, suddenly, a cold voice appeared in his ears.


This voice appeared too suddenly.

Even Qin Feng did not have time to react.

In an instant, under this harsh shout, his whole body instantly stiffened.

Not only that!

A strange force, with a thunderous speed, blocked the void around Qin Feng and shrouded it towards Qin Feng.


Feeling the weird power in the void, Qin Feng's face changed slightly, and he immediately ran his body techniques in an attempt to resist.


However, Qin Feng hadn't even started to make a move, and the Curse of the Demon King was the first to give a cold snort.

Immediately, he waved the sickle in his hand, and his eyes flickered, releasing a powerful soul wave.


At this time, Lao Jiu also spewed out a ball of fire, like lava in the center of the earth, which could burn everything in the world.

That is to say, at this moment, Qin Feng returned to normal from that strange stiff state.


Looking around, Qin Feng sensed the existence of the person who shot.

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