Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2132: Promote

at this time.

In the entire space, that terrifying true dragon power almost completely burst out.

Menglong's combat effectiveness and self-cultivation are naturally stronger than Qin Feng's countless times!

With the power of the five hundred true dragons he condensed, even after countless years of consumption, it is not as powerful as in its heyday.


In any case, Menglong is a real power-against.

How can the power of its control be comparable to that of ordinary people?

At this moment, as Menglong transferred all the power of the true dragon in his body to Qin Feng's back.

The strength of the true dragon in Qin Feng's body, the condensing speed, has almost risen to a limit state!

Such an exaggerated improvement is simply incredible!

Even said that it was hundreds of times faster than his previous breakthrough!

Whoosh whoosh!

Qin Feng refined the power of true dragons into his own true dragon power!


Thirty-six Ways!


In the end, a dragon roar suddenly broke out in Qin Feng's body!

The power of the true dragon in its body seemed to have reached its peak and could no longer continue to improve.

At this moment, the power of the true dragon in Qin Feng's body had reached an astonishing forty powers!

In this case, there is no deviation from Menglong's previous guess!

I have to say that Qin Feng's talent is too enchanting, and such a huge amount of energy provided for him to cultivate, actually only increased the power of the ten true dragons.

Of course, quantitative change is different from qualitative change!

This does not mean that Qin Feng's combat effectiveness will be much worse.

When Qin Feng was investigating the power of the true dragon in his body, the majestic and vastness made his face a look of joy.

Although, this time to promote, has experienced tremendous torture.

Even now, all the meridians in the whole body are still aching.

However, as long as you can improve your strength, it is worth it!

Qin Feng was a man of two generations, and he had to endure a little pain, so what was it?

Too late to hesitate!

Qin Feng directly took this opportunity, chose, and immediately hit the bottleneck of the current cultivation base!

The increase in the strength of the true dragon means that Qin Feng's cultivation base can be improved accordingly!

You know, Qin Feng has always been stuck in the God-Throughout Realm, unable to break through his cultivation base, because of the limitations of "Prince Ancient True Dragon Technique".

If it was replaced by someone else, if he had as many methods as Qin Feng, I was afraid that he would have reached the realm of Huayuan long ago!

Therefore, after Qin Feng raised the "Prince Ancient True Dragon Technique", his cultivation base was bottlenecked, and naturally he would not break it!


As Qin Feng's eyes flashed a sharp light, his whole mind returned to calm.

As if anything can no longer affect his mood!

At this time, he had already begun to plan to set foot in the long-lost-Huayuan Realm!

"Boom bang bang..."


Outside the cave, a powerful force is constantly bombarding the formation.

"what's the situation?"

Qin Feng's brows were inexplicably frivolous.

Immediately, he released his soul power and rushed outside.


At this moment.

I only saw the mysterious monster turtle outside, which was actually displaying a powerful force and frantically attacking, which was restricted by the protective formation outside the cave.

"It turns out that it is!"

Seeing the mysterious monster sea turtle attacking frantically, Qin Feng understood a little bit in his heart.

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