Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2134: Thunder Tribulation

Of course, Qin Feng was completely unaware of everything that happened outside.

At this moment.

Qin Feng was frantically running the "Prime True Dragon Technique", devouring all the energy around him, and preparing for the impact of the Yuan Dynasty.

The huge ice dragon hovered in the void, and the overbearing shadow of the Great Emperor was standing with a sword.

Around, the shadow of a huge tree was also transformed.

Wind attribute power, lightning attribute power...all around Qin Feng's body.

A variety of powers that are enough to make any warrior crazy and jealous showed out from Qin Feng's body in turn.

These forces are perfectly integrated with each other, without the slightest sense of stagnation!

Under the guidance of the power of the forty real dragons, these powers began to slowly follow and move around Qin Feng's body.

And every time it turns, Qin Feng's flesh and bones will be tempered and improved again!

In this state, the impurities in Qin Feng's body were driven away completely, and it could be said that it became more and more perfect and stronger.

in this way!

Everything is ready!

Only owe Dongfeng!


Suddenly, Qin Feng opened his eyes.

At this moment, the energy in Qin Feng's body was already in a saturated state, and could no longer hold more!

Transformation of the original realm, the critical moment of breakthrough.

Finally, it's here!

At this moment, Qin Feng's whole mind was like a tranquil lake, soft and comfortable.

A trace of understanding began to appear.

In a trance, Qin Feng's own soul was completely integrated with the entire world.

He can clearly perceive that he is in a perfect state, and he can break through with only a little understanding.


Qin Feng's voice is like a **** of thunder in the Nine Heavens!

In his body, suddenly burst out, a powerful and unparalleled power.


Above the void outside the sea, all the lightning power burst out in an instant.

The sound of rolling thunder, at this moment, enveloped any corner of the entire Mi Yuan domain.

Thousands of people shocked!


These overbearing lightning forces fiercely cut through the sky and directly hit the depths of the boundless sea.

This scene happened so suddenly that it made people too late to react!

Therefore, the warriors of the Miyuan domain only slightly sensed the astonishing fluctuation of the power of thunder and lightning.

But soon, it disappeared, and there was no way to trace it!

Even the Huangfu Renyi and Liu Santong felt that a bright light flashed and a thunderstorm passed by.

Everything in the void returned to calm.

They also tried to investigate the specific situation, but it was in vain.

Thunder robbery!

This is the thunder tribulation that Qin Feng must go through to step into the Huayuan Realm!


This terrifying power of thunder and calamity immediately passed through the sea and came to Qin Feng.

Its power was not weakened at all, and it directly broke into Qin Feng's body fiercely.

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, Qin Feng's entire body began to tremble crazily.

The meridians and flesh and blood in his body were destroyed directly and instantly, almost collapsed.

A pain that was even more domineering than before, absorbing the power of the true dragon, instantly rushed into Qin Feng's heart.

However, Qin Feng did not get confused by this.

With the fastest reaction speed, Qin Feng directly used the terrifying power of thunder and lightning to flood the meridians around his body.

"Quietly, Lei Jie, how can you hurt me!"

In fact, Qin Feng is not afraid of the thunder tribulation that other warriors are afraid of, he can use the power of this thunder tribulation to help him break through more easily!

As a result, this terrifying force of thundering thunder easily became Qin Feng energy.

Such a shocking scene is really shocking, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

After some preparations.

In the end, Qin Feng chose the impact at a certain moment!

"Break it for me!"

A stern shout of divine might burst out from his mouth.

In the next moment, the majestic and endless power, like thunder exploded, quickly spread out towards the surroundings.


At this moment, finally reached!

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