Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2292: Li Fei


Qin Feng snorted coldly, a dazzling purple brilliance instantly condensed in his body.

With Qin Feng's manipulation, this lightning attribute power, with an unrivaled posture, easily smashed all the evil spirits around him.


That is, at this moment of time, screams of sorrowful screams sounded in the evil spirit all around.

Thunder and lightning are the most masculine force!

For the existence of these evil spirits, it is the most restrained!

Therefore, the seemingly shocking evil spirits around him can't help Qin Feng at all.

"This kid... actually has these other methods!"

Seeing Qin Feng, he extinguished his evil spirit easily.

The Wo Tianbao standing on Qin Feng's shoulder couldn't help but secretly exclaimed in his heart.

Although these evil spirits are not particularly scary, it can be quite troublesome for ordinary people to deal with them.

After all, this evil spirit is not only amazingly corrosive, it can also affect the mind of the warrior.

However, Qin Feng wiped it out arrogantly.

This is probably something that some fighters who know their fate are very difficult to do!

"This Phantom Sea is indeed a bit unusual!"

Looking at the evil spirits around him, Qin Feng couldn't help but said with emotion.


When he thought about it, the surface of his body appeared, and purple lightning bolts protected him in it.

At the same time, Qin Feng's body speed began to become more rapid.

Thunder power, as the most restrained force.

After being displayed by him, those suffocating auras seemed to have seen natural enemies.

"Don't be too careless, these evil spirits are only the lowest level things. There will be even more powerful ones next!"

Wo Tianbao was worried that Qin Feng would be too careless, so he couldn't help but remind him.

"Don't worry, I know."

Qin Feng nodded slightly, in fact, there was no need for Wo Tianbao to remind him.

Because, with his powerful soul power, Qin Feng had already detected how powerful the evil spirit in the depths of the Phantom Sea Territory was!


At this moment, a scream sounded from the front.


Qin Feng's thoughts moved, but he speeded up his body skills again, and rushed toward that place quickly.

That is almost the same, with a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

At this time, only one warrior was seen, who was constantly running Chi and attacking.

His strength is very good. The true energy in his body is like a vast ocean, constantly bombarding the evil phantom in front of him.

And this evil phantom has a hideous look on his face.

He was screaming and wailing, forcibly accepting the opponent's attack, and constantly approaching this warrior.

"This guy is it?"

Qin Feng didn't know the martial artist in front of him.

However, Qin Feng had already seen the evil phantom that fought him.

The appearance of this evil phantom was surprisingly Li Fei who had been swallowed by the evil creatures in the Phantom Sea before.

"Tsk tusk tusk, human flesh and blood, it's best to eat..."

At this time, Li Fei had no mercy at all, he was full of evil power, and he kept muttering to himself.

He stared closely at the human martial artist in front of him, forcibly withstanding all the innocent attacks from the other party, without even being affected by the slightest.

"Tsk tut!"

Li Fei laughed constantly, as if everything was under control.

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