Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2331: not afraid

of course--

This kind of pain is not only in the body, but also in the soul.

Moreover, the pain Qin Feng suffered from his soul was hundreds of times stronger than his physical instinct!

Because this is a confrontation on the soul level!

If it is replaced by someone else, I'm afraid I can't bear it at all, such a terrifying pain!

"Break it for me!"

The magical thought in the body is violently activated!

Endure the pain of tearing the soul!

Qin Feng's mind and thoughts burst out into the sky again and greeted the opponent.


An illusory soul long sword, quietly slashed, towards the scarlet war soul phantom, fiercely smashed and killed.


The illusory battle soul figure was suppressed by Qin Feng's soul mind and the phantom soul sword, and was immediately repelled.


But it raised its head and roared, and its fighting will turned even more terrifying!

Vietnam War!

The stronger the will to fight!

This is the violent spirit of war, the real meaning!


Qin Feng was not afraid of this, but once again released a majestic sword intent through his soul mind.

A domineering voice began to sound from his mouth.

"I, Qin Feng, have passed the test of life and death, and I am a human being for two lives!"

"The state of mind is already invincible!"

"The state of mind is already perfectly round!"

"Even if it is a true fairy god, I, Qin Feng, will never give in!"

"You are just one group, condensing illusory thoughts, and how can you stop me Qin Feng!"

"Kill me!"


As Qin Feng roared loudly, his mind and thoughts became stronger and tougher than ever before at this moment.

At the same time, the sword intent power that Qin Feng condensed was even more terrifying and domineering.

The power of my Qin Feng is unstoppable!

Cut it down with one sword!

That illusory scarlet war soul figure, like a mountain, was shattered and exploded in a sudden!

In an instant, Qin Feng had already won!

at the same time!

The cursed demon king outside finally loosened his face. Before Qin Feng's body swelled up, it seemed that he was suffering great pain.

That made him extremely worried, for fear that Qin Feng would fall.


Now Qin Feng's whole person has stabilized, although his body is still emitting, waves of violent aura fluctuate.

But already, there is no threat to him!

In the sea of ​​soul consciousness, Qin Feng began to slowly absorb the violent fighting spirit energy scattered around.

This violent battle spirit is extremely difficult to cultivate, and it is very dangerous.

The condensed violent war soul phantom will become stronger and stronger and more terrifying as the battle progresses.

If the cultivator's soul and mind are not tough enough, sooner or later he will be suppressed by the opponent!

At that time!

Your own mind will be manipulated by this violent war spirit, reduced to a demon who only knows how to fight and kill!

Just not enough--

How terrifying is Qin Feng's soul strength?

Moreover, Qin Feng has experienced life and death once, how tough is his mood?

Even life and death will not be afraid!

How could it be possible for a violent war soul phantom to make Qin Feng retreat!

At this moment!

Following that violent battle spirit, the condensed phantom of thought was suppressed by Qin Feng.

The speed at which he cultivates the violent war soul is tantamount to being very fast, and effortlessly, refining the surrounding energy.


Every minute is passing by!

At this time, Qin Feng's Soul Consciousness Sea had become extremely quiet.

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