Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2346: Huangfu Aotian

Ha ha……

He Qin Feng remembered this grudge!

"Why are you stopping me!"

Looking at these talented masters in front of him, Qin Feng said coldly.

"Presumptuous! What reason do we need to stop you?"

"I really thought I had some good strength, so I dare to be rampant here and don't put anyone in my eyes?"

A young man sneered indifferently, and there was a look of contempt in his eyes.

For this guy, from Li Zhixing's memory, Qin Feng also knew his identity.

Huangfu Aotian!

The other party came from a well-known martial art and was extremely talented.

Although, this guy is not very old, only about seventeen years old.

However, the cultivation base has reached the nine layers of the terrifying Transformation Realm!

I heard that in this guy's body, there is a trace of the power of the blood of a world powerhouse.

have to say!

Being able to cultivate to this level with such a young age, this person's genius is truly unique!

Even among so many talented masters, he can be regarded as one of the best, among the best.

According to the current situation, as long as this guy does not fall prematurely, he will definitely do a lot in the future and become a strong one!

It is even possible, just like his ancestor, to set foot in the legendary aspiration realm!


After entering the Profound Wind Region, Qin Feng finally understood what it meant to be a genius!

The number of geniuses in this place is really much more than in other places.

Even the domain of Mi Yuan has to be crushed by it!

of course.

Regardless of talent, no matter how powerful.

If you want to become a great power in the future, the premise is not to be killed by others in the process of growing up.

"Hehe, since I have the strength, why can't I be rampant? If you dare to stop, don't blame me for being polite!"

In Qin Feng's eyes, the cold light flashed away.

The momentum of his body, like a sharp sword, rushed towards Huangfu Aotian!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With Qin Feng, the voice just fell.

The aura that he exudes began to ripple the void around him, and it looked like a wave.

One after another!

Contains continuous power!

Make people have to, be careful!

That young Huangfu Aotian, although talented, outstanding strength.

But the other party, after all, has not experienced the cruelty of killing.

Compared with Qin Feng, who has been fighting in blood for a long time, this person is like a little sheep and weak.

Especially now Qin Feng, after learning the violent war soul, the offensive of the soul power is even more fierce.

Just this stern drink.

Qin Feng's voice contained a trace of soul power, and at the same time it suppressed the latter.

With Huangfu Aotian, how could that weak soul be Qin Feng's opponent?

"Boom boom!"

Facing Qin Feng, this invisible attack that could tear his soul apart, Huangfu Aotian's expression instantly became extremely pale.

The whole body, even more out of control, continued to move backward, taking many steps back!

this moment!

Everyone's face changed slightly, and they were silent!

No one thought of it.

Qin Feng would be so powerful just to suppress it with his aura.

Especially from him, the killing intent and fighting intent that showed from him was terrifying and fierce.

It seemed like a big demon who killed countless people.

Not easy to provoke!

"Li Zhixing, don't think too much about it. The reason we blocked it was not against you!"

"It's just that we have discovered a rare treasure and want to invite you to walk with us and explore together!"

A voice that was gentle as water, at this moment, floated gently in the void.

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