Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2437: Bailucheng

"You don't have to thank me, it's just because if your kid falls now, then I will suffer too!"

Shu Tian Demon King replied stiffly.


Qin Feng could feel it, and this guy was obviously not so calm in his heart.

It really cares about him and wants to help him.

Unknowingly, this curse the devil has actually begun to become friends with him.

"Since my appearance has been detected by these guys, they will definitely inform the other powerful forces in the Profound Wind Region!"

Qin Feng frowned and thought secretly, his face full of dignity.

The overall strength of the Profound Wind Region is much stronger than that of the Miyuan Region, and the number of masters it has is countless!

With the terrifying background of these forces, even with his current cultivation base, there must be no way to contend with it!

If it falls into the hands of these guys, how miserable Qin Feng will end up is, I'm afraid it is hard to imagine!

"Now, I can only think of a way to hide in the dark for a while!"

"Then, leaving this profound wind realm at the fastest speed and returning to Qingling is the most appropriate choice!"

Qin Feng's brows frivolous, and soon made plans for the next step.

At this time, to him, but unconsciously, remembered the Sacred Gate of Wutian.

According to Yang Tianxue before, it seems that there is a teleportation formation in Wutian Sacred Gate that can return to the Azure Spirit Realm.

"I can try..."

While he was thinking, Qin Feng had already planned the next step.



Qin Feng thought, but his soul power was activated.

In the next moment, his appearance and appearance began to change rapidly.

This time, Qin Feng's disguise technique made him look very ordinary.

Even if it is placed in a crowd, it will never attract the attention of others.

Bailu City!

It was a relatively famous big city in the Profound Wind Region.

Qin Feng chose to come to this city based on some memories left by Night Soul and Li Zhixing that day.

"Although the memory of the night soul that day is incomplete, only some vague information is recorded!"

"However, the memory left by Li Zhixing is very complete."

"From the memories of both of them, there seems to be a lot of flying boats in Bailu City!"

The flying boat is a tool used for flying in the air, which can save a lot of strength from the warrior.

Looking at the endless stream of people in the city in front of him, it was a lively scene.

Qin Feng couldn't help himself, secretly marveling in his heart.

The population of this Profound Wind Region is indeed larger than that of the Mi Yuan Region, and it is also more prosperous and lively.

Especially, in the domain of Miyuan, generally only those big forces will be equipped with some flying boats.


In this Profound Wind Region, almost most of the forces have some ordinary flying boats for driving.


Bailu City, there is still a long way to go from the Heavenless Sacred Gate.

If you drive on your own, not only is it very dangerous, but also a lot of time will be wasted.

And if you choose to take a flying boat to go to the Sacred Gate of Wutian, it will be more convenient, faster and safer.

As for people with many ears, it is easy to expose their identity?

Qin Feng was not worried.

after all!

With his incomparable ability to disguise, he can even be fooled into getting through the stage with half a step.

It is impossible for ordinary warriors to discover something abnormal.

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