Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2454: Tianxiao City

After personally witnessing Qin Feng's terrifying cultivation base.

How could the person in charge of the third-class flying boat fail to understand that Qin Feng is a great figure with great strength?

Therefore, his attitude towards Qin Feng has changed drastically from the beginning.

Now, in front of Qin Feng, he is respectful, like a loyal servant.

Regardless of Qin Feng's needs, he will solve them as soon as possible, and arrange Qin Feng in a specially built seat.

Qin Feng's treatment is better than that of Tianran!


It was calm and calm, and I drove for a few days.

In the past few days, except for Qingyue who occasionally came over to chat with Qin Feng.

The other people didn't have the guts to come and talk to Qin Feng.


It is the invisible coercion of the strong!

Let those weak, not even have the courage to get close.

Time just passed by.


At noon one day, Feizhou arrived at a place, outside the very towering tower.

On the outside of the tower, "Tianxiao City" is impressively carved with three powerful characters!

Tianxiao City!

It is a relatively famous big city in the Profound Wind Region.

According to rumours!

In this city, many great figures have appeared, and countless legends have been created in the Profound Wind Region.

From the top of the flying boat, he looked into the distance.

You can find that this Tianxiao City is really extraordinary!

On the surrounding walls of that tower, there are traces that have been eroded by years.

Fist shadow, palm intent, sword energy, knife mark... etc.

Everyone proves how many big people's battles have gone through this city.


Even under the bombardment of this level, Tianxiao City still stands proudly here, and has never been eroded by the years.

People are full of thoughts and can't help but start to imagine how prosperous this city was once.

"Swish swish..."

At this moment.

I saw that the runes streamed all over the entire tower, covering all of them.

And the number of these rune streamers, at least several thousand, nearly tens of thousands, connected to each other.

At a glance, it looks magnificent and spectacular!

"This defensive formation is quite high in rank!"

"There are tens of thousands of rune formations connected inside, and a terrifying big killer is hidden. Once activated, I am afraid that even a half-step to the world can be blocked for a while!"

"It seems that in this Tianxiao City, I am afraid that there have been many powerful people!"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the curse of the devil.

It was possible for him to be such a marvelous array that was once a master of the formation of the Aspiration Realm.

One can imagine how powerful this formation is!

Half a step to the Aquestion Realm, that is only half a step away, you can set foot on the powerful existence of the Aquestion Realm.

Qin Feng has personally experienced the strength of its combat effectiveness, and can sweep almost any fate.


At this moment, the sound of breaking through the sky came from Tianxiao City.

follow closely!

I saw a group of people, galloping, appearing in front of the flying boat.

The person at the head is a middle-aged woman with a very good appearance. Judging from her dress, she should be in her 30s or 40s.

At her age, when a woman has a mature temperament, her gestures exude a moving charm.

Many warriors can't help but are attracted to her.


After seeing the identity of the woman clearly, these people hurriedly looked away, afraid to look at each other.

It's obvious!

The status of this middle-aged woman is very honorable, so people like them have no guts to provoke.

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