Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2462: Like ants!

Qin Feng never expected it.

He kindly helped him. Instead of being grateful, these people questioned him instead?

"Since you want to see it!"

"Then I will let you see clearly!"

Qin Feng clenched his fists, his anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.


Qin Feng stepped out, and the entire ground shook like an earthquake.



The roar of a real dragon rushed straight into the sky!

Facing the palm of the sky, Qin Feng's body didn't dodge anymore, but instead swung a real dragon fist frontally.

The real dragon phantom rose up in the air, roaring into the sky, his body was full of countless fist powers.

True Dragon Fist Jin, between the shuttles, it seems that even the entire void will be shattered and collapsed by it.


Qin Feng's True Dragon Fist Shadow suddenly exploded with infinite power the moment it touched the giant hand.

The advancing speed of the Great Sky Giant Hand instantly became extremely slow, as if trapped in a quagmire.

at the same time!

The real dragon phantom roared loudly, and the dragon claws tore through the void, drawing out a power to destroy the world!


It's just a face-to-face.

That giant hand that soared to the sky was turned into nothingness after being blown away by the shadow of the real dragon!

Among them, the terrible aftermath spread out.

Even so, that Tiandong's expression changed drastically in an instant.


He fully mobilized the True Essence in his body, quickly condensing a True Essence protective shield with the momentum of thunder to resist.


His two hands quickly squeezed the tactics, outlined in the void, a dazzling stream of runes.

"The power of recovery!"

Following Zhang Tiandong's anger, he saw the bright streamer and began to release it from his hands.

It's just a blink of an eye!

The giant hand that was blasted away by Qin Feng's fist strength, as if revived, appeared again in the void.


This giant hand holding the sky is more real and powerful than the palm print just now.

Vaguely, it was actually enough to compete with Qin Feng's True Dragon Fist!

"Just like an ant!"

When Qin Feng saw this, the corners of his lips couldn't help raising a faint, cold smile.


next moment!

Qin Feng's figure flashed!

His whole person was like a thunder, passing away in a flash.

With a brutal body, carrying the infinite strength of the true dragon, he rushed straight to the opponent.


Qin Feng's body is like a giant beast, indestructible!

With the increase in the power of the true dragon, it is unmatched and unstoppable!

Zhang Tiandong instantly changed his face again.

He could completely feel the power of Qin Feng's body, how terrifying it was!

Merely physical strength, without using True Essence, already made him feel a trace of life threat.

Under this violent and domineering power!

At this terrifying speed!

With his broken sky-turning palm, there was no way he could catch Qin Feng's trace.



Under Zhang Tiandong's unbelievable expression, a terrifying force smashed his true essence shield to pieces!

follow closely!

The majestic and endless punch hit his chest, making him almost faint without rolling his eyes.

It's just a blink of an eye!

Zhang Tiandong's whole person was so miserably knocked out, he fell a few hundred meters away, vomiting blood in his mouth.

His face turned pale instantly.

It seems to have suffered a serious injury!

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