Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2468: Break again

Thoughts move!

Qin Feng gradually recovered his thoughts.

Continue to practice!

At this moment.

Qin Feng has "Prime True Dragon Secret Art" as his mainstay, "Strengthening the Sphere" as a supplement, and has a violent war spirit, which attacks the ultimate move for the soul.

It can be said that he has almost no so-called weaknesses in any aspect.


"I practiced "Strengthen the Sphere", and the time to fight with the violent souls was not very long. It is inevitable that the control of power will be a little unharmonious!"

"Next, I should take control of these forces, and strive to achieve the degree of running freely and perfectly round!"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng stopped hesitating and began to practice and comprehend whole-heartedly...

This time!

Although he experienced a lot of dangers in that secret realm, he had not many treasures.

Not to mention, Qin Feng himself possesses many treasures that ordinary people can't imagine.

It can be said to be expensive!

Because he possessed a lot of treasures, Qin Feng didn't need to worry at all, and he didn't have enough training resources.

All kinds of heaven-defying treasures, as long as they are helpful for cultivation.

Qin Feng would use it without any hesitation.


In the Bai family mansion.

Because of Bai Shaotian's order.

Therefore, everyone in the Bai family did not disturb Qin Feng's cultivation.

"Roar! Roar!"

A real dragon roared sound constantly echoing in the room.


At one end, the illusory true dragon condensed out, swimming in the void!

From time to time, a wave of arrogant aura fluctuated from his body.

The real dragon phantom, lifelike!

Like a head, a real dragon descends here!

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

With the real dragon phantom, after it appeared.

follow closely!

There are towering trees again, as well as various wind blades, lightning power... began to condense.

After realizing Qin Feng's exaggerated practice movement.

The warriors of the entire White Mansion were shocked in their hearts, and they were even more curious about Qin Feng's identity.

in this way--

A week passed quickly!

This day!

Inside Qin Feng's room.

An unparalleled supernatural power suddenly enveloped the entire White House.

The whole void.

It can be clearly seen that the clouds are dense, the wind is sweeping, the thunder is the end of the world.

"Look at this posture..."

"Then kid, could it break through the cultivation base?"


In the main hall of the Bai family, Bai Shantian, who closed his eyes intently, opened both eyes instantly.

From his eyes, two bursts, sharp as a knife!

Look up and look to the sky!

In his eyes, there seemed to be wisps of light, deep and mysterious.

With his current threefold cultivation base.

I can fully appreciate the various energies radiating from the void.

What is it--

How powerful and terrible!


From Qin Feng's body, the aura that diffused fluctuated.

It is not difficult to see that his cultivation base has indeed just gone from the third level of the Huayuan realm to the fourth level of the Huayuan realm!

"A Huayuan realm quadruple warrior can cause such a terrible big movement when breaking through!"

"This kid--what is it sacred?"


There was no time for Bai Shaotian to think too much.

A sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a figure quickly appeared in front of Bai Hantian like lightning.


"About the origin of Qin Feng!"

"Subordinates, I have already heard some messages!"

The figure, half kneeling on the ground, replied with a very respectful attitude.

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