Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2483: Crazy killing

Although, the overall physical lethality is not as good as the sword-blade whirlwind that Qin Feng used his true essence to display.

But for these, the deterrence of the masters of the Bai family is not bad!

after all!

Soul power is invisible and innocent, almost hard to guard against!

Especially for these warriors with weak soul power, it is a deadly killer move!

It's just a face-to-face!

The masters of the Bai family all had their souls collapsed and were torn apart by the whirlwind of swords.

Those warriors with poor strength could not hold on for even a second, and their souls and bodies were torn apart at the same time!

"What a terrible killer move!"

Looking at the masters of the Bai family, as well as the ordinary clan members, all of them were miserable and fell under Qin Feng's swordsmanship.

Even those warriors who were onlookers couldn't help being horrified, with cold sweat behind them...

"Qin Feng!"

"You slaughter my Manchu!"

"I will cut you a thousand times!"

At this moment, Bai Hantian had also recovered, seeing the tragic state of the slaughter of the Bai family.

In his mouth, there was a roar of hiss and his lungs, his voice was like a volcanic eruption!

Surprisingly murderous, straight to the sky!

Before, he was affected by Qin Feng's soul power, and he fell into a brief loss of consciousness.

Finally recovered!

He discovered that all the members of the Bai family were being massacred frantically by Qin Feng!

In that scene, even if he had a fierce personality, he couldn't bear to look straight!

those people!

But they are all from the Bai family, hope for the future!

At this moment, Bai Shaotian's spirit almost collapsed!


"Take me one more trick!"


Qin Feng raised his head and laughed wildly, with evil spirits. He stood in the air, squeezing his right hand frantically.

In a crash!

At this moment, an extremely dazzling spear of sky thunder was condensed by him, exuding the power of thunder and lightning that is heart-pounding.


With a flick of his right hand, Qin Feng threw the spear of the sky thunder fiercely at the white family mansion that was left behind.



"so horrible!"

"I can't stop it at all!"

Perceived the infinite thunder power contained in Qin Feng's move.

this moment!

All the members of the Bai family looked pale, panicked, frightened and ran around frantically.


With a rumbling sound, it exploded in this quiet night sky.

The power of thunder, like a sky thunder destroying the world, swept out fiercely.

The entire Bai Family Mansion, even within tens of thousands of meters.

All things, all creatures, were all violently impacted by this thunder.

Countless people!

His complexion changed suddenly, and he could only choose to retreat crazily, and he didn't dare to confront directly.

And Qin Feng took advantage of this dazzling brilliance.

But the figure flashed, escaping into the distant sky at lightning speed!

this moment!

He has escaped safely!

"Qin Feng!"

"I Bai Shaotian and you are not at odds with you, and you will never die!"

That is the next second!

A roar full of hatred resounded throughout the void.

follow closely!

A majestic palm that lifted the sky from the clouds and saw the fog, and with the supreme power, broke through the sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Forcibly suppressed Qin Feng's move.


The figure of Bai Hantian emerged, standing in the air.

At this moment!

Bai Shaotian's expression was extremely ferocious and angry, and his clothes were broken in several places.

A rush of killing intent, unabashedly, spread out from him madly.

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